Module 4 Socio-Economic CER
Module 4 Socio-Economic CER
Module 4 Socio-Economic CER
Module 4
Table of contents
• Corporate Social Responsibility
– ISO 26000
– Individual social responsibility
– Socially responsible companies. Understanding the origin from
European and American models.
– National and international certifications of social responsibility.
• Social and environmental awareness.
– Responsible consumption models.
• Economics and social responsibility.
– Commercial strategies
– Social entrepreneurship. Social companies and organizations of social
– Investment return of social entrepreneurship responsibility.
• Social involvement and civil participation.
– Individual and corporate volunteering.
– Social marketing.
Corporate Social Responsibility
CSR defined
• CSR ensures company conduct is ethical. This means their
social, economic, environmental impact, and consideration of
human rights. It involves:
Working in partnership with local communities
1. $2 million in aid
1. Int Council of Infant Food Industries
2. Provided medical equipment and supplies
2. Code of ethics (1981) compliance
3. $2.2 million grant to Arizona State University
3. UNICEF Baby friendly hospital initiative (1991)
4. $5 million to the Indian Red Cross 5.Charitable
4. Established the healthy kids program trust for a Bhopal hospital
Activity 2: Case examples
• Identify the differences between a socially and environmentally responsible
company and one that does not uphold the corporate social responsibility. These are
real-word examples that made headlines:
• Reading material:
Activity 2:Case 2
Nike owning up to its controversial labor practices:
Social and ethical malpractice
Often companies try to hide or avoid controversy by pointing to their corporate
social programs. The idea is that people won’t look at the problems lurking under
the surface if you enact social programs that do lots of good.
In the 1990’s Nike was confronted about the working conditions of their factories
in Asia. Their shoes were being created by employees being drastically underpaid,
and the pressure was mounting for them to address the issue.
• Reading material:
Activity 2:Case 3
Ethical malpractice, Fake News. Claim: Pope endorses Trump as
presidential candidate
Reports said the Pope had endorsed the presidential candidate, he hadn't. Around the
world, millions turn to the Pope for guidance in their daily lives. So when an article
stating the religious leader had endorsed Donald Trump as president, it was shared
more than 960,000 times, analysis from Buzzfeed shows.But the article, published by
the now-defunct WTOE5 News, was fake.In reality, the Pope rarely speaks on politics.
Following the story, the Catholic leader told reporters: "I never say a word about
electoral campaigns", adding that voters should "study the proposals well, pray and
choose in conscience."A week later, during an interview with Belgian media, the Pope
said fake news is a "sickness".
Current CSR policies
Certifications for CSR-International
Sedex and SMETA: Proving responsible supply chain
• Presentation Time: 15-20 minutes, 2 min per student and they all take turns,
including solutions to What If Scenarios. Ideal group size 4.
Activity 3:Presentation + report
• Topic 2: Prepare what you should do, justifying
your choice in case of the following (What If
1. News reports spread news that PEMEX has
destroyed another forest. What actions should
you recommend PEMEX to take to restore their
2. There is an oil-leak which has spread to the
nearby lake used by farmers and animals for
drinking and irrigation purposes. What should
you recommend PEMEX do to minimize further
harm to the surrounding community?
3. Cost of production becomes too high with taking
care of the environment and locals during and
before the project. You must suggest only 3
actions that fall in being ethically, socially and
environmentally responsible before starting to
drill the well (will take 1 year to drill, take out
crude oil, and leave the area).
• Presentation Time: 15-20 minutes, 2 min per
student .Ideal group size 4.
Social Entrepreneurship
• Applies results-driven principles of business
toward solving social challenges.
Social Companies
Activity 4: Assignment
• Find out the CSR program of a company of your interest. Your report must
– What the company’s CSR core values are.
– What activities show that they are being responsible socially and
– Any scandals/problems they faced in the past with unethical, non-social or
non-environmental practices.
– Are they doing enough/What they should also be doing to promote a good
corporate responsibility strategy towards the people and environment.
Social involvement and civil participation
Individual and corporate volunteering