Lecture On Registration of Religious
Lecture On Registration of Religious
Lecture On Registration of Religious
Religious Corporations
Jurisdiction of Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC)
Registration of Articles of Incorporation (AI) &
By-laws (BL)
Amendments of AI - BL
Filling of vacancies
Licensing of religious foreign corporations
Reportorial Requirements
Jurisdiction of SEC
Sec. 5 OF SRC: Powers and Functions of (SRC) Sec. 5.1(a.) Have jurisdiction and
the Commission. – 5.1. The supervision over all corporations,
Commission shall act with transparency partnerships or associations who are
and shall have the powers and the grantees of primary franchises
functions provided by this Code, and/or a license or permit issued by
Presidential Decree No. 902-A, the the government;
Corporation Code, the Investment
Houses Law, the Financing Company (PD 902-A) Sec. 3. The Commission shall
Act and other existing laws. Pursuant have absolute jurisdiction, supervision
thereto the Commission shall have, and control over all corporations,
among others, the following powers partnerships or associations, who are
and functions: the grantees of primary franchises
and/or a license or permit issued by
the government to operate in the
Philippines, and in the exercise of its
authority, it shall have the power to
enlist the aid and support of and to
deputize any and all enforcement
agencies of the government, civil or
military as well as any private
institution, corporation, firm,
association or person.
(SRC) Sec. 5.1(m.) - Suspend, or 1. Fraud in procuring its certificate
revoke, after proper notice and of registration;
hearing the franchise or 2. Serious misrepresentation as to
certificate or registration of what the corporation can do or is
corporations, partnerships or doing to the great prejudice of or
associations, upon any of the damage to the general public;
grounds provided by law; and
3. Refusal to comply or defiance of
any lawful order of the
(PD 902-A) Sec. 6 (l) - To suspend, Commission restraining
or revoke, after proper notice and commission of acts which would
hearing, the franchise or amount to a grave violation of its
certificate of registration of franchise;
corporations, partnerships or 4. Continuous inoperation for a
associations, upon any of the period of at least five (5) years;
grounds provided by law,
including the following: 5. Failure to file by-laws within the
required period;
6. Failure to file required reports in
appropriate forms as determined
by the Commission within the
prescribed period;
Definition of Corporations Sole (CS)
and Religious Societies (RS)