5 Ship Reporting
5 Ship Reporting
5 Ship Reporting
Probability assessment
Consequence assessment
Risk Assessment - Quantit
ALARP considerations
Consider reducing P or C or both
Management input – safety culture
Engineering input – design issues
Operational input – human issues
Cost Benefit Analysis
System Safety Analysis
Risk Assessment
• What can go wrong,
• what is the likelihood,
• what are the consequences
Risk Management
• Input from Risk Assessment,
• economical, legal, environmental considerations,
• Risk based decision analysis
Risk Communications
Ship Routing & Reporting
Ship Routing – SLOAS V
Ships' routeing systems contribute to safety of life at sea,
safety and efficiency of navigation and/or protection of
the marine environment. Ships' routeing systems are
recommended for use by, and may be made mandatory
for, all ships, certain categories of ships or ships carrying
certain cargoes, when adopted and implemented in
accordance with the guidelines and criteria developed by
the Organization.
17 VTS / Risk – March 2009
Ship Routing – SLOAS V
The initiation of action for establishing a ships' routeing
system is the responsibility of the Government or
Governments concerned. In developing such systems for
adoption by the Organization, the guidelines and criteria
developed by the Organization shall be taken into account.