Group8 Lca
Group8 Lca
Group8 Lca
Ishaan Agarwal (F001)
Akshita Angra (F003)
Manan Arora (F004)
Utkarsha Gupta (F020)
Vaibhav Jindal (F026)
Sandeep Pradhan (F045)
What is life cycle assessment ???
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a tool to assess the natural impacts of a
product or process all throughout its entire life cycle .
What is the purpose of LCA ???
LCA Module A1 4
Different Types of LCA
Conceptual LCA – it is the simplest form of LCA and is utilized at an exceptionally
fundamental level to make an assessment of environmental viewpoints, in view of
a restricted and normally qualitative inventory.
Simplified LCA - Simplified LCA applies the LCA strategy for a screening
assessment (i.e. covering the entire life cycle). In any case, it does as such
externally by utilizing conventional data and standard modules for vitality
Simplification of LCA comprises of three phases.
Assessing reliability
Detailed LCA - Detailed LCAs include the full process of undertaking LCAs and
require broad and top to bottom, data accumulation, particularly focussed upon
the objective of the LCA, which if just accessible conventionally, must be
gathered particularly on the product or administration under audit.
Life Cycle Assessment Standards
ISO 14040: Environmental Management – LCA – Principles and Framework.
ISO 14041: Environmental Management – LCA – Inventory Analysis.
ISO 14042: Environmental Management – LCA – Impact Assessment.
ISO 14043: Environmental Management – LCA – Interpretation
Data collection and data treatment
Improvement assessment
Current Status & Trends
Now there is a drive towards ecosystem
administrations, water and social effects
and additionally the move from
attributional to consequential LCA.
Social perspectives have extended
nearly as quickly as have indirect or
consequential, and the beginnings of a
formalization of Social LCA can be seen
simply beginning to develop.
weight being put on assessing the effect
of decisions on holistic sustainability.
tools are significantly more younger,
however, a few methodologies have
begun to develop, alongside
expanding accentuation on
incorporated sustainability assessments.
Benefits and Challenges
Benefits for Industries
Benefits for Governments
Benefits for Consumers
LCA just tends to address environmental effects, however there is expanding
interest for more extensive sustainability assessments covering the social and
monetary dimensions of sustainability.
yet strategies for social assessment are still at an early stage
The time when the environmental, monetary, and social dimensions of
sustainability can be surveyed reliably and with adequate detail lies toward at
the end of a hurdled way.
Strategy While Also Meeting Socio-
economic Needs