Roman Culture: Group Members:-Roopali Chauhan Rahul Chanday Harpreet Singh Gagandeep Singh
Roman Culture: Group Members:-Roopali Chauhan Rahul Chanday Harpreet Singh Gagandeep Singh
Roman Culture: Group Members:-Roopali Chauhan Rahul Chanday Harpreet Singh Gagandeep Singh
Ancient roman culture existed throughout the almost 1200 years history
of the civilization of ancient Rome.
Life in ancient Rome revolved around the city of Rome, its famed seven
hills, and its monumental structures such as the Flavian Amphitheatre
(now called the Coliseum), the Forum of Trojan, and the Pantheon
The city also had several theaters, gymnasiums, and many taverns, baths,
and brothels.
Throughout the territory under ancient Rome's control, residential
architecture ranged from very modest houses to country villas, and in the
capital city of Rome, there were imperial residences on the elegant
Palatine Hill, from which the word "palace" is derived. The vast majority of
the population lived in the city center, packed into lae (apartment blocks)
The city of Rome was the largest megalopolis of that time, with a
population that may well have exceeded one million people
estimates indicate that around 30 percent of population under the
jurisdiction of the ancient Rome lived in innumerable urban centers
The most urbanized part of the empire was Italy, which had an estimated
rate of urbanization of 32%, the same rate of urbanization of England in
1800. Most Roman towns and cities had a forum and temples and same
type of buildings, on a smaller scale, as found in Rome.
Italian farms supplied vegetables and fruits, but fish and meat were
luxuries. Aqueducts were built to bring water to urban centers and wine
and oil were imported from Hispania, Gaul and Africa.
There was a very large amount of commerce between the provinces of the
Roman Empire since its transportation technology was very efficient. The
average costs of transport and the technology were comparable with 18th
century Europe.
Some records indicate that "as many as 42 people lived in one small farm
hut in Egypt , while six families owned a single olive tree . Such a rural
environment continued to induce migration of population to urban
centers until the early 2nd century, when the urban population stopped
growing and started to decline.
Influence of Greek culture
Starting in the middle of the second century BC, in every aspect of the
private culture of the upper classes, Greek culture was increasingly in
ascendancy, in spite of tirades against the "softening" effects of Hellenized
culture from the conservative moralists
By the time of Augustus, cultured Greek household slaves taught the
Roman young (sometimes even the girls); chefs, decorators, secretaries,
doctors, and hairdressers—all came from the Greek East
Greek sculptures adorned Hellenistic landscape gardening on the Palatine
or in the villas, or were imitated in Roman sculpture yards by Greek slaves.
The Roman cuisine preserved in the cookery books ascribed to Apicius is
essentially Greek. Roman writers disdained Latin for a cultured Greek style
Politically, the history of ancient Rome is marked by three periods
From 753-509 BC the city developed from a village to a city ruled by kings.
From 509-27 BC the Romans expelled the kings and established the
Roman Republic
From 27BC-AD 476 Rome flourished as the Roman Empire, stretching its
domination from England to North Africa and from the Atlantic Ocean to
The foundation of Rome dates back to 753 BC, when Romulus (a son of
the god Mars and a descendent of the Trojan prince Aeneas) killed his
twin Remus and became the first king of the city.
Even if this is only a fascinating legend Rome is very proud of its mythic
origins. In fact, the symbol of the city is still the she-wolf, the mythic
animal that found and suckled the two abandoned twins.
Second king
The second king of Rome, Numa Pompilius (715-673 BC), was a Sabine
regarded as especially just and devoted to religion.
One of the religious traditions that he instituted is the selection of vergins
to be priestesses of the goddess Vesta.
Under the third king, Tullus Hostilius (672-641 BC) the Romans began to
expand with the conquest of nearby cities like Alba Longa.
After he contracted the plague the Romans deposed him, thinking it was a
punishment for the neglect of the gods
Ancus marcius , who reigned from 640- 617
BC, founded the port of Ostia at the mouth of
the Tiber
The last thre kings of Rome were three Etruscan wealthy men. Lucius
Tarquinus Priscus (616-579 BC) was said to have drained the marshes
between the hills and paved an area destined to became the market place
(the future roman forum)
Servius Tullius (578-535BC) organized the Roman army into groups of 100
men called centuries and was said to have built a new wall around the city
The seventh king, Lucius Tarquinus Suberbus was expelled in 510 BC after
his son cruelly raped Lucretia, a virtuous roman matron and wife of his
kinsman Collatius.
With the deposition of the last Etruscan king ends not only the monarchy
as form of government, but also the great and deep influence that the
Etruscans have had since than on all the aspects of the early Roman life.
In 27 BC the Roman senate gave Caesar's nephew and heir, Octavius, the
title 'Augustus' (reverend) that became the customary form of address for
all later emperors
Augustus matched his new position with a wide-ranging programme of
reforms in the army, and reorganizing the taxation and administration of
the provinces.
Under the Emperor Augustus, the Roman Empire has doubled its size and
reinforced its boundaries
The old city within its 4th-century walls had been divided into fourteen
new regions, eight within the old walls and six outside them
Each region had its own magistrate, who was in charge of the new building
regulations, the distribution of the public ration, and the organisation of
seven fire brigades.
Augustus regulated all the public works as much as the cultural life. In art
and in architecture, no less then in the writing of history, poetry, and
drama, it emerged an Augustan 'court' style.
The term "forum" originates from the Greek word "agora", an open space
for the market. In Rome the Forum became the centre of every activity:
religious, politic, economic, celebratory, and poetic
Tiberius to Claudius
Nero is famous mostly for his cruelty, especially evident in occasion of the
great fire of AD 64, the martyrdom of Peter (67 AD), and the persecution
of the early Christians
The Great Fire, lasted nine days and razing to the ground three regions of
the city, though a disaster gave the unprecedented chance to rebuild
whole quarters on completely different lines.
Nero, well known for his lavish tendency and excesses, was quick to seize
the opportunity.
To prevent the dangers of the fires, streets were to be made wider, with
large open squares, buildings were to be of limited height and use as little
wood as possible and to be protected by outer walls of Alban and Gamine
stone (hard peppering stuff), and imperial funds paid for porticoes along
the facades of the new apartment blocks.
Vespasianus (69 - 79 AD)
The most important architectural legacy of the short reign of Titus is the
Arch of Titus, erected in 81-2 AD at the point where the road leading up
from theColosseum valley met the Via Sacra
The inscription on the east face is original and reads 'The Senate and
People of Rome, to Divus Titus, son of Divus Vespasian, Vespasian
Augustus', to celebrate the victorious campaigns of the Emperor in
Jerusalem and his early death.
That is why his deified figure appears, riding heavenwards on the back of
the eagle, in the centre coffer of the coffering on the underside of the
The scene on the south side shows the procession as it approached the
Triumphal Gate at the beginning of the route.
The scene on the north side is dominated by Titus riding in his chariot
drawn by four horses, with the goddess Roma holding on to the bridle of
the leading horse. Much of the arch, originally constructed entirely of
Pentelic marble, has been restored in travertine.
Domitianus (81 – 96 AD)
distinguished one class of people from the
other class
The tunic worn by plebeians (common
people) like shepherds and slaves was made
from coarse and dark material
the tunic worn by patricians was of linen or
white wool. A magistrate would wear
thetunica augusticlavi; senators wore tunics
with purple stripes (clavi), called tunica
laticlavi. Military tunics were shorter than the
ones worn by civilians.
Men typically wore a toga, and women a stola
The woman's stola was a dress worn over a
tunic, and was usually brightly colored.
A fibula (or brooch) would be used as
ornamentation or to hold the stola in place.
A palla, or shawl, was often worn with
the stola.
Schooling in a more formal sense was begun around 200 BC. Education
began at the age of around six, and in the next six to seven years, boys and
girls were expected to learn the basics of reading,writing and counting
By the age of twelve, they would be learning Latin, Greek, grammar and
literature, followed by training for public speaking
Oratory was an art to be practiced and learnt and good orators
commanded respect; to become an effective orator was one of the
objectives of education and learning
Poor children could not afford education. In some cases, services of gifted
slaves were utilized for imparting education.
The ancient city of Rome had a place called the Campus, a sort of drill
ground for Roman soldiers
In the campus, the youth assembled to play and exercise, which included
jumping, wrestling, boxing and racing. Riding, throwing, and swimming
were also preferred physical activities. In the countryside, pastimes also
included fishing and hunting. Females did not participate in these
. Ball playing was a popular sport and ancient Romans had several
ball games, which included Handball (Expulsim Ludere), field hockey,
catch, and some form of Soccer.
Roman religious beliefs date back to the founding of Rome, around 800
BC, but the Roman religion commonly associated with the Roman Republic
and the Roman Empire did not start forming until around 500 BC when
Romans came in contact with Greek culture and adopted many of the
Greek’s religious beliefs including the representation of Greek gods in the
form of humans
Private and personal worship was an important aspect of religious
practices of ancient Rome. In a sense, each household in ancient Rome
was a temple to the gods. Each household had an altar (lararium), at
which the family members would offer prayers, perform rites, and interact
with the household gods.
Many of the gods that Romans worshiped came from the
Proto-Indo-European pantheon, others were based on Greek gods. The
three central deities were Jupiter (who was the god of rain, thunder, and
lightning, of Proto-Indo-European origin), Mars (the god of warfare),
called Ares by the Greeks, and Quirinus (who watched over the senate
house), one of the truly Roman gods who was associated with the Sabines
and with the founder of Rome, Romulus.
Is Ancient Rome the same as modern Rome?
Modern Rome is located on the same site as the ancient City of Rome,
however it is much larger. Many of the ancient Roman building and
structures are preserved in their original form to this day (e.g. the
Colosseum) others have been modified over the years (e.g. The Vatican)
but retain a knowledge and tradition related to the original structures.
Guidebooks are readily available with acetate overlays to show how Rome
looked in the past and the present and how progressive modifications
were made to structures.
Culturally the City is still cosmopolitan with commercial, industrial and
cultural representatives from all over the world. Its contribution can be
seen in many fashion, food and artistic trends in world culture