The Different Perspectives On The Community
The Different Perspectives On The Community
The Different Perspectives On The Community
Perspectives on
BGTDL the Community
Guide Question: How is community
defined from various perspectives?
The Social Science Perspective
The Community-Based Perspective
The Ecological Perspective
The Sectoral Perspective
The Sectoral Perspective
The Civil Society Perspective
The Elephant and the Blind
1. Whose description of the elephant was
2. What does this story tell you?
3. What parallels does the story have with
real life?
4. What factors affect our different views or
perspectives of reality?
5. What significance can this story have on
the study of the community?
1. The Social Science Perspective
From the point of view of social science, a
community is a congregation of people unified
by at least one common characteristic. The
people can be unified by geography, shared
interests, values, experiences or traditions.
Socialization starts at the early stage of life
where one develops knowledge, skills, and
orientation. Also it happens during adulthood
especially when the person is placed in a new
environment, and there is a need to adapt to a
new pattern of behavior.
In 1887, a German sociologist, Ferdinand
Tonnies noted two types of human
Gemeinschaft, called “community” . It is a
community with a tighter and more cohesive
social entity brought about by “unity of will”
Gesellschaft is a group where individuals
participate as members driven solely by self-
interest. It has been argued that the real
community manifests a combination of
these two patters of behavior.
2. The Community-Based Perspective