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Chapter 6

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Tugas VI Kajian Materi

Corporate Level Strategy

Thomas L Wheelen & J David Hunger

Dewi Kartikaningsih 1907462


Chapter 6
Strategy Formulation Corporate Strategy
Three Key Issues
a. Firm’s directional strategy : The firm’s overall
orientation toward growth, stability, or
b. Firm’s portfolio strategy : The industries or
markets in which the firm competes through its
products and business units.
c. Firm’s parenting strategy : The manner in which
management coordinates activities and transfers
resources and cultivates capabilities among
product lines and business units.
Corporate Directional Strategies

Stability Retrenchment
• Concentration
• Vertical Growth
• Horizontal Growth • Pause/Proceed with Caution • Turn Around
• Diversification • No Change • Captive Company
• Concentric • Profit • Sell-Out/Divesment
• Conglomerate • Bankruptcy/Liquidation
Corporate Strategy
Directional Strategy
 Orientation toward growth
 Expand, cut back, status quo
 Concentrate within current industry, diversify,

into other industries?

 Growth and expansion through internal

development or acquisitions, mergers, or

strategic alliances?
Directional Strategy
 Three Grand Strategies
1. Growth Strategies
2. Stability Strategies
3. Retrenchment Strategies
Growth Strategies
 Most widely pursued strategies
 External mechanisms

a. Merger

Transaction involving two or more firms in which

stock is exchanged but only one firm survives.
b. Acquisition
Purchase of a firm that is absorbed as an operating
subsidiary of the acquiring firm
c. Strategic Alliance
Partnership or two or more firm to achieve
strategically significant objectives that are mutually
Two Basic Growth Strategies
1. Concentration
Current Product Line in one industry

2. Diversification
Into other product lines in other industries
Basic Concentration Strategies
1. Vertical Growth
2. Horizontal Growth
Vertical Growth
a. Vertical Growth
1. Full Integration
2. Taper Integration
3. Quasi Integration
b. Backward Integration
c. Foward Integration
Transaction Cost Economics
Proposes that vertical integration is more
efficient that contracting for goods and
services in the marketplace when the
transaction costs of buying goods on the
open market become too great
Degree of Vertical Integration
 Full Integration
 Taper Integration
 Quasi Integration
 Long Term Contracts
Horizontal Growth
 Horizontal growth can be achieved by expanding
the firm’s products into other geographic
locations and or by increasing the range of
products and services offered to current markets
 Horizontal integration
the degree to which a firm operates in multiple
geographic locations at the same point in a
industry’s value chain.
It ranges from full to partial ownership to long
term contracts
Basic Diversification Strategies

 Concentric (Related) Diversification

Suitable when a firm has a strong competitive
position but industry attractiveness is low

 Conglomerate (Unrelated) Diversification

Suitable when a management realizes that the
current industry is unattractive
Corporate Strategy
International Entry Option
1. Exporting

2. Licensing

3. Franchising

4. Join Ventures

5. Acquisitions

6. Green Field Development

7. Production Sharing

8. Turnkey Operations

9. BOT Concept

10. Management Contracts

Stability Strategies
 Pause/ proceed with caution
 No change
 Profit Strategies
Retrenchment Strategies
 Turnaround
 Captive Company Strategy
 Selling Out
 Bankruptcy
 Liquidation
Portfolio Analysis
 How much of our time and money shoud we
spend on our best products to ensure that
they continue to be successful?

 How much of our time and money should we

spend developing new costly products most
of which will nver be successful?
BCG (Boston Consulting Group) Matrix

 Product life cycle and funding decisions

a. Question marks
b. Stars
c. Cash cows
d. Dogs
BCG Matrix
GE Business Screen
 Long term industry attractiveness

 Business strength/Competitive Position

General Electric’s Business Screen
International Porfolio Analysis

2 Factors
a. Country’s attractiveness
Market size, rate of growth, regulation

b. Competitive Strength
Market share, product fit, contribution
margin, market support.
Portfolio Matrix for Plotting Product by Country
Portfolio Analysis
1. Top management evaluates each of firm’s
businesses individually.
2. Use of externally-oriented data to
supplement management judgement
3. Raises issue of cash flow availability
4. Facilitates communication
 Difficul to define product/market segments
 Standar strategies can miss opportunities
 Illusion of scientific rigor
 Value-laden term
Corporate Parenting
 Views the corporation in terms of reources
and capabilities that can be used to build
business unit value as well as generate
synergies across business units
 Strategics Factors

Those elements of a company that determine

its strategic success or failure,
 Perfomance improvment
 Analyze fit
Parenting Fit Matrix

 Summarizes the various judgments regarding

corporate/business unit fi for the corporation
as a whole
 2 Dimesions

a. Positive contributions parent can make

b. Negative effects parent can have
Parenting Fit Matrix

PT.Dian Graha Elektrika yang mampu tetap eksis bahkan meningkatkan kinerjanya
ditengah semakin ketatnya persaingan, khususnya dalam bidang usaha jasa engineering &
contracting yang digelutinya. Kisah sukses PT.Dian Graha Elektrika ini, tentu dikarenakan
adanya strategi bisnis yang tepat dan diterapkan secara konsisten oleh manajemen
perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi bisnis yang
disusun dan diterapkan oleh PT.Dian Graha Elektrika. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan,
PT.Dian Graha Elektrika memiliki 3 tingkatan strategi, yaitu : strategi tingkat korporasi,
strategi tingkat unit bisnis dan strategi tingkat operasional. Pada strategi tingkat korporasi,
PT.Dian Graha Elektrika melakukan pembangunan corporate image, perpanjangan lisensi
yang ada dan mendapatkan lisensi lisensi baru, serta mengoptimalkan efisiensi dan
efektifitas sumberdaya perusahaan. Pada strategi tingkat unit bisnis, PT.Dian Graha
Elektrika melakukan : peningkatan kualitas produksi dan operasi, peningkatan intensitas
dan ekstensifitas kegiatan pemasaran, menerapkan budaya kerja dan disiplin karyawan,
investasi yang produktif, serta pencarian alternatif sumber pembiayaan yang efisien untuk
mendukung pelaksanaan proyek. Pada strategi tingkat operasional, PT.Dian Graha Elektrika
melakukan antara lain : peningkatan ketepatan delivery time dan kualitas service,
peningkatan keandalan sistem dan peralatan, membangun customer loyalty pelanggan,
pengembangan product dan service, melakukan segmentasi pasar dan positioning produk,
bekerjasama dengan mitra strategis untuk bundling product/services, penerapan otomasi
kehadiran karyawan, penerapan rewards and penalties, pemilihan lender untuk pembiayaan,
dan lain lain.

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