SKP Maths
SKP Maths
SKP Maths
Index number is a tool used to measure the changes in prices of commodities, industrial
and mineral production, sales, imports, exports etc. It was first developed by an Italian
economist Mr Carli, in 1764, for comparison of prices of commodities. Index numbers
serves the purpose of economic indicators. The field in which index numbers are used
are economics, trade, stock market, government organisations, etc. the popularly used
index numbers are
(i) Bombay stock exchange (BSE) SENSEX index number.
(ii) National stock exchange (NSE) index numbers.
(iii) All India wholesale price index number.
(iv) Consumer price index numbers.
Index number is a number designated to measure the average change in
the values of a group of related variables over two different situation.
The group of variable may be prices of specified commodities, quantities
of industrial production, volume of imports, exports etc. two different
situation may be two different times or places.
1. Purpose of index numbers: The purpose for which the index number is constructed should
be clearly and unambiguously mentioned. Similarly, the scope of index number should also
be defined clearly.
2. Selection of commodities: Selection of commodities is an important factor in the
construction of index index numbers. There are no rigid rules regarding selection of
commodities. Number of commodities should not be too large or too small.
3. Collection of data: Data may be price quotation or quantity consumed or quantity
produced or quantity imported etc. depending upon the purpose of index numbers. The data
collected should be accurate and proper representative.
4. Selection of type of average: It is stated above that the index number is a average change
in the prices or quantities. In order to combine the data.
5. Selection of weight: weighted average is more appropriate than simple average. Weight is
a device of giving due or proper importance to the commodity.
(i)Quantity weights (q): amount of commodities consumed.
(ii) Value weights (v) : it is a product of price and quantity used or produced.
1.Price index number: Price index numbers are computed to measure the
relative changes in prices of group of commodities or a single commodity.
Government of India regularly computes two series (i)wholesale price index
number (ii) consumer price index number.
2. Quantity index number: Quantity index numbers are constructed to measure
the changes in volume of industrial production, agricultural
production, import, export etc.
3.Construction of index numbers: Base year is denoted by 0 and current year
by 1, price and quantities are denoted by p and q respectively. Hence, value v=
p.q. weights are represented by w. price index number, quantity index number
and value index number are denoted by P,Q and V respectively.
A cost of living index numbers or consumers price index number is a number which measures the average change
in the retail prices paid by a particular class of people at a particular class of people at a particular place a basket.
(a) Main steps in the construction of cost of living index numbers:
1. scope: scope of cost of living index number should be clearly defined. In other words, group of people and
geographical area for which index number is to be constructed should be defined in the beginning.
2. Family budget enquiry: a family budget enquiry is aimed to collect the information regarding commodities and
services, those are used in group under consideration which is referred as basket.
3. Collection of data: in this regard, retail prices are to be collected. Collection of retail prices is somewhat
tedious task. Retail prices vary from place to place and shop to shop, even in same shop, customer to
4. Selection of weights: there are two methods –
(I) weights proportional to the quantities weights viz.
(ii) weights proportional to the expenditure incurred.
(b) Methods of construction of cost of living index
1. Aggregate expenditure method: This formula uses the quantities of
various commodities consumed in base period as weights. With
these weights, total expenditures on commodities for base period
and current periods are calculated. Hence,
cost of living index number = P0 – price of commodity in base period.
p1– price of commodity in current period.
p0 – Quantity consumed in base period.