Social Security....
Social Security....
Social Security....
Social security is
primarly a social
insurance programme
providing social
protection against
socially recognised
conditions including
ent,unemployment etc…
Social security need in India has
been felt by wage earning and low
salaried class
Due to lack of official sympathy.
Lack of interest in welfare of worker
Comparitive weakness of trade union
for the demand of social wage.
To provide Basic security such as
food,clothing,education etc..
The starting…..Employee’s state
insurance act -1948
To provide compulsory & contributory health insurance facility
to workers
• Setting up of a fund “employee’s state and insurance fund”
• Contribution from employer-4.75%
• From employee-1.75%
• State government share from expenditure &provision of
medical care-12.5%
• Central and state govt provide grants for working scheme.
How it has benefited the worker?
• Sickness benefit
• Medical benefit
• Maternity benefit
• Disablement benefit
• Dependent’s benefit
Some recent statistics….(as per 2001