Presentasi Boiler - Dimas Arya Thayeb - 1606871165
Presentasi Boiler - Dimas Arya Thayeb - 1606871165
Presentasi Boiler - Dimas Arya Thayeb - 1606871165
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
Mata Kuliah
Peralatan Mekanika Industri (PMI)
penggerak generator dan mesin turbin
tenaga uap
? Uap hasil pemanasan dapat digunakan
sebagai bahan baku suatu proses industri
(tekanan, suhu, kualitas uap, dan laju air
yang sesuai)
Sebagai alat komersial yang dapat
digunakan oleh masyarakat
Contoh : Mesin Sauna dan Kereta api
tenaga Uap
Biasa digunakan sebagai bahan Digunakan dalam proses Digunakan dalam keseharian Digunakan sebagai mesin
baku utama suatu mesin manufaktur atau industry suatu manusia atau sebagai bahan dimana panas yang dihasilkan
penggerak (Generator, Turbin) perusahaan komersial akan dikumpulkan dan
penghasil listrik digunakan kembali
Spesifikasi : Spesifikasi :
• Water circulates in tubes and heated externally by hot • Hot gases (products of combustion) pass through
gases. Fuel is burned inside the furnace. i.e (hot gases- tubes, running through a sealed container of water i,e
outside the tubes and water- inside the tubes). (hot gases- inside the tubes and water- outside the
• Operating pressure = up to 100 bar tubes).
• Efficiency = up to 90%, Operating cost is high. • Operating pressure - limited to 16 bar.
• Steam generation rate is high. • Steam generation rate is lower.
• Bursting risk is high. • Efficiency = up to 75%, Operating cost is low
• Water treatment is necessary. • Bursting risk is less.
In a low-pressure boiler the pressure does not exceed 15 High-pressure boilers will heat steam above 15 psi and
psi, and hot water heating boilers are not designed to water at pressures that exceed 160 psig. Temperatures in
exceed over 260 psig. The temperature in a low-pressure high-pressure boilers will exceed 250 degrees F. Because
boiler will not rise above 250 degrees F. Because these of the elevated pressure at which these boilers operate,
types of boilers operate at lower pressures, they don't they need to be monitored to ensure safety at all times.
need to be monitored regularly and only have to be High-pressure boiler operators must inspect switches,
checked when the appliance begins to break down. valves, safety devices and leaks on a regular basis.
Contoh : Pemanas ruangan, mesin sauna, Residental Contoh : Industrial Boiler, Locomotives Steam Engine,
Boiler Power Boiler
• BPVC (Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code) pertama kali dibuat
akibat respons atas protes public akibat ledakan yang terjadi
di negara bagian Massachusetts. Ledakan alat Fire-Tube
Boiler yang meledak di pabrik sepatu Grover pada 20 Maret
1905 yang menyebabkan 208 korban.
• Akibat kejadian ini negara bagian Massachussetts
memberlakukan kode hukum pertama yang didasari oleh
Boiler and Pressure Vessel
ketentuan ASME yang mengatur construction of steam