A Study On Employee Engagement in It Sector: S. Praveena 1813422081028
A Study On Employee Engagement in It Sector: S. Praveena 1813422081028
A Study On Employee Engagement in It Sector: S. Praveena 1813422081028
S. Praveena
employee engagement.
The sample size 150 and simple random sampling was adopted.
The study was conducted using primary and secondary data.
Questionnaire was used to collect primary data and secondary data
V. Prabhakar & Reddy G (2016) found that there is a positive attitude of employees
in that organization. The author concluded that there is a significant association
between employee engagement and demographic variable. The factors which are
considered as the essential factors of employee engagement are organizational
support, effective goal-setting, customized training.
Sivasubramanian and Rupa(2017)focused on the descriptive method in
investigation an employee engagement. The author selected sample from an
organization used simple random sampling technique. It analyzed both in primary
and secondary data. The study concluded that the support given by the employer
would work towards building of trust between employees and the organization.
From the above table shows that calculated value (0.054) is more than
(0.05), H0 is accepted. Therefore, there is no significant difference
between age and dedicated task of employees.
Pearson correlation 0.198(*)
N 150
They are 28 variables were reduced into 8 predominant factors with cumulative
variance 66.914%. These 8 factors individually possess the variances of
13.956%, 10.560%, 8.585%, 7.418%, 7.356%, 7.016%, 6.195% and 5.828%. The
Individual variable loadings were given in the rotated component matrix.
Celebrating and rewarding the employee’s hard work makes
them feel valued and appreciated.
The organization should reward employees for outstanding
performance and recognize their personal achievements.
In an organization giving and receiving feedback from the
employees who shine at their jobs, like their jobs, honest,
rational, professional feedback is necessary for people to excel
at their jobs.
In employee engagement towards the unscheduled work reveals their
connect with the organization which helps them to stand out among the
various other rivals in their industry.
Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that majority of the employees
are willing to work in the IT sector with motivation as a factor which
helped the organization to make them completely engaged in the work.
Complete engagement would at times lead to deterioration of health both
mentally and physically which has to be taken care by the organization as
a reward from their side beyond monetary supplements where the value
addition lies.
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