The International Economic Environment: Chapter - 3
The International Economic Environment: Chapter - 3
The International Economic Environment: Chapter - 3
Chapter - 3
Scope of the chapter
This chapter will discuss:
The structural changes that have taken place in
the major economies of the world
The move towards growing international
The changes that have occurred in the
macroeconomic environment
The development of trading blocks.
The role and evolution of international capital
Growth, the coordination of macroeconomic
policy and changing power structures of the
major economies
Macroeconomic accounts
Definition of GDP:
Gross domestic product (GDP) is the market value of all
officially recognized final goods and services produced
within a country in a given period.
Layman Total value of products & Total value of Goods and Services
Usage: Services produced within produced by all nationals of a
the territorial boundary of a country (whether within or outside
country the country)
Goods Factor
for goods Factor
and income
and service
services service
Firms GOVT.
Expenditure &
Investment Exports
Injections Exports
Structural changes in major economies
Recent trends:
There has been growth in trade.
Trade has become increasingly focused on
particular trading blocs.
There should be specialization through trade.
Some countries may lose from trade as their
particular historic advantage are eroded.
International Trade