Financial Reporting
Financial Reporting
Financial Reporting
Under Companies Act, 2013
Act, 2013
“Financial Year”, in relation to any company or body corporate, means the period
ending on the 31st day of March every year, and where it has been incorporated on or
after the 1st day of January of a year, the period ending on the 31st day of March of the
following year, in respect whereof financial statement of the company or body
corporate is made up:
Provided that on an application made by a company or body corporate, which is a
holding company or a subsidiary of a company incorporated outside India and is
required to follow a different financial year for consolidation of its accounts outside
India, the Tribunal may, if it is satisfied, allow any period as its financial year, whether
or not that period is a year:
Provided further that a company or body corporate, existing on the commencement of
this Act, shall, within a period of two years from such commencement, align its
financial year as per the provisions of this clause
As this provision is effective from April 1, 2014, companies shall align their financial years
as per this provision within April 1, 2016.
The exemption has not been provided for an associate or joint venture.
“Free Reserves” means such reserves which, as per the latest audited balance sheet of a
company, are available for distribution as dividend:
Provided that—
(i) any amount representing unrealised gains, notional gains or revaluation of assets, whether
shown as a reserve or otherwise, or
(ii) any change in carrying amount of an asset or of a liability recognised in equity, including
surplus in profit and loss account on measurement of the asset or the liability at fair value, shall
not be treated as free reserves.
Key Points
Definition excludes securities premium
Instances of provisions where the definition of free reserves is referred:
• Sec.63 for Issue of Bonus Shares.
• Sec.68 for purchase of its own shares or specified securities by companies.
• Sec.123 for declaration of dividend..
• Sec.180(1)(c) restriction on powers of the Board.
• Sec.186 Loans and investment by a company.
“Net Worth” means the aggregate value of the paid-up share capital and all
reserves created out of the profits and securities premium account, after
deducting the aggregate value of the accumulated losses, deferred expenditure
and miscellaneous expenditure not written off, as per the audited balance sheet,
but does not include reserves created out of revaluation of assets, write-back of
depreciation and amalgamation.
Instances of provisions where the definition of net worth is referred:
Sec.76(1) relating to Acceptance of deposits by Companies, for determination
of eligible company.
Sec.135 determining criteria for Corporate Social Responsibility
Sec.148 where the Central Government shall specify audit of items of cost in
respect of certain Companies.
Limits for the purposes of approval by Special resolution – Related Party
• Company shall prepare and keep at its registered office books of account and
other relevant books and papers and financial statement for every financial
year which give a true and fair view of the state of the affairs of the
• Such books shall be kept on accrual basis and according to the double entry
system of accounting
• All or any of the books of account aforesaid and other relevant papers may
be kept at such other place in India as the Board of Directors may decide and
where such a decision is taken, the company shall, within 7 days thereof, file
with the Registrar a notice in writing giving the full address of that other
• Company may keep such books of account or other relevant papers in
electronic mode in such manner as may be prescribed.
BOOKS OF ACCOUNTS..Rule 3 of Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014
The books of account and other relevant books and papers maintained in
electronic mode shall remain accessible in India so as to be usable for
subsequent reference.
The books of account and other relevant books and papers shall be retained
completely in the format in which they were originally generated, sent or
received, or in a format which shall present accurately the information
generated, sent or received and the information contained in the electronic
records shall remain complete and unaltered.
The information received from branch offices shall not be altered and shall be
kept in a manner where it shall depict what was originally received from the
The information in the electronic record of the document shall be capable of
being displayed in a legible form.
BOOKS OF ACCOUNTS..Rule 3 of Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014
• There shall be a proper system for storage, retrieval, display or printout of the
electronic records as the Audit Committee, if any, or the Board may deem
appropriate and such records shall not be disposed of or rendered unusable, unless
permitted by law.
• The back-up of the books of account and other books and papers of the company
maintained in electronic mode, including at a place outside India, if any, shall be
kept in servers physically located in India on a periodic basis.
• The company shall intimate to the Registrar on an annual basis at the time of filing
of financial statement-
• the name of the service provider
• the internet protocol address of service provider
• the location of the service provider (wherever applicable)
• where the books of account and other books and papers are maintained on cloud, such
address as provided by the service provider.
• The books of account of every company relating to a period of not less than 8
FY’s immediately preceding a FY, or where the company had been in
existence for a period less than 8 years, in respect of all the preceding years
together with the vouchers relevant to any entry in such books of account
shall be kept in good order.
• If the MD, the WTD in charge of finance, the CFO or any other person of a
company charged by the Board with the duty of complying with the
provisions of this section, contravenes such provisions, such MD, WTD in
charge of finance, CFO or such other person of the company shall be
punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or
with fine which shall not be less than ` 50,000 but which may extend to ` 5
lakh or with both.
• The financial statements shall give a true and fair view of the state of affairs
of the company or companies, comply with the accounting standards notified
under section 133 and shall be in the form or forms as may be provided for
different class or classes of companies in Schedule III.
• The items contained in such financial statements shall be in accordance with
the accounting standards.
• These provisions shall not apply to any insurance or banking company or any
company engaged in the generation or supply of electricity, or to any other
class of company for which a form of financial statement has been specified
in or under the Act governing such class of company:
At every AGM of a company, the Board of Directors of the company shall lay
before such meeting financial statements for the financial year.
Where a company has one or more subsidiaries, it shall, in addition to
standalone financial statements prepare a consolidated financial statement
(CFS) of the company and of all the subsidiaries in the same form and
manner as that of its own which shall also be laid before the AGM of the
company along with the laying of its financial statement.
Subsidiary shall include associate company and joint venture.
Company shall also attach along with its financial statement, a separate
statement containing the salient features of the financial statement of its
subsidiary or subsidiaries in Form AOC I (Rule 5 of Companies (Accounts)
Rules, 2014)
As per the proviso to Sec. 129(3), the Central Government may provide for
the consolidation of accounts of companies in such manner as may be
As per Rule 6 of Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 Manner of
consolidation of accounts.-
The CFS of the company shall be made in accordance with the provisions
of Schedule III of the Act and the applicable accounting standards.
In case of a company covered under Sec. 129(3) which is not required to
prepare CFS under the Accounting Standards, it shall be sufficient if the
company complies with provisions on CFS provided in Schedule III of
the Act. As per Companies (Meetings of Board and its Powers)
Second Amendment Rules, 2014 consideration of financial statements,
including CFS, if any, shall not be dealt with in a meeting held through
video conferencing.
• The provisions of this Act applicable to the preparation, adoption and audit of
the financial statements of a holding company shall, mutatis mutandis, apply
to the CFS.
• Where the financial statements of a company do not comply with the
accounting standards, the company shall disclose in its financial statements,
the deviation from the accounting standards, the reasons for such deviation
and the financial effects, if any, arising out of such deviation.
• The Central Government may, on its own or on an application by a class or
classes of companies, by notification, exempt any class or classes of
companies from complying with any of the requirements of this section or the
rules made thereunder, if it is considered necessary to grant such exemption
in the public interest and any such exemption may be granted either
unconditionally or subject to such conditions as may be specified in the
Associate means a company other than a subsidiary company and joint venture
company, in which the other company has a significant influence.
Significant influence means control of at least 20% of total share capital or of business
decisions under an agreement.
In case of a company covered u/s 129(3), which is not required to prepare CFS under
the Accounting Standards, it shall be sufficient if the company complies with
provisions on CFS provided in Schedule III of the Act.
Form AOC-I
Part A – Subsidiaries
Information in respect of each subsidiary to be presented with amounts in `
Amount of Investment in Associates/ Joint Venture
Extend of Holding %
3. Description of how there is significant influence
4. Reason why the associate/joint venture is not consolidated
5. Net worth attributable to Shareholding as per latest audited Balance Sheet
wherever they are appointed, or in the case of a One Person Company, only by
one director, for submission to the auditor for his report thereon.
The auditors’ report shall be attached to every financial statement.
A listed company shall also place its financial statements including CFS, if any, and all
other documents required to be attached thereto, on its website.
As per the Rule 11, of Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, Manner of circulation of
financial statements in certain cases.-
In case of all listed companies and such public companies which have a net worth of
more than ` 1 crore and turnover of more than ` 10 crore rupees, the financial
statements may be sent
by electronic mode to such members whose shareholding is in dematerialised
format and whose email Ids are registered with Depository for communication
where Shareholding is held otherwise than by dematerialised format, to such
members who have positively consented in writing for receiving by electronic
mode; and
by dispatch of physical copies through any recognised mode of delivery as
specified under section 20 of the Act, in all other cases.
Sec. 137
Copy of Financial Statement to be Filed with Registrar
A copy of the financial statements, including CFS, if any, along with all the
documents which are required to be or attached to such financial statements
under this Act, duly adopted at the AGM of the company, shall be filed with the
Registrar within 30 days of the date of AGM in Form AOC-4 - Rule 12(1).
Where the financial statements are not adopted at the AGM or adjourned
AGM, such unadopted financial statements along with the required documents
shall be filed with the Registrar within 30 days of the date of AGM and the
Registrar shall take them in his records as provisional till the financial
statements are filed with him after their adoption in the adjourned AGM for that
The financial statements adopted in the adjourned AGM shall be filed with the
Registrar within 30 days of the date of such adjourned AGM.
Sec. 137
The Framework is the conceptual framework upon which the Ind AS are based and
determine how financial statements are prepared and the information they contain.
In case of conflict between Framework and Ind AS, Ind AS shall prevail over the
Framework, as Ind AS contains specific principles with respect to items of financial
statement whereas framework contains general principles with respect to items of
financial statement.
Financial position,
Cash flows
Qualitative characteristics are the attributes that make the information provided in
financial statement useful to users.
Understandability Relevance Reliability Comparability
Element of Financial Position
Under Accrual basis, the effects of transactions are recognised on mercantile basis
i.e. when they occur (and not as cash or a cash equivalent is received or paid) and they
are recorded in the accounting records and reported in the financial statement of the
periods to which they relate.
Under Consistency, same accounting policies are followed from one period to
another so that comparability of the financial statement can be achieved.
Applicability of
Ind AS
Applicability of Ind-AS to Companies
NW - Rs. 250 NW -
NW - Rs. NW – Less NW - Rs.
Crore or more Less than
500 Crore than Rs. 500 Crore
but less than Rs. 250
or more 500 Crore or more
Rs. 500 Crore Crore
Net worth is the agreegate value of the paid up share capital and all
reserves created out of the profits and securities premium account, after
deducting the aggregate value of the accumulated losses, deferred
expenditure and miscellanous expenditure not written off, as per the
audited balance sheet, but does not include reserves created out of
revaluation of assets, write-back of depreciation and amalgamation.
• Principle-based Standards
• Applicable on separate as well as consolidated financial
• Give more importance to concept of ‘substance over form’,
i.e., economic reality of a transaction.
• Rely more on fair valuation approach, and measurements
based on time value of money.
• Require more disclosures of all the relevant information and
assumptions used.
• Require higher degree of judgment and estimates.
Understanding Ind AS from AS
Tax: Income from sale of car to be recognised when car sold
VAT: To be levied on invoice price exclusive of value of extended
Service Tax: To be levied on value of extended warranty
Substance over form (Contd.)
MAT on account of change in Book Profit
Greater use of Fair Value (FV) as Measurement Basis
Indian Standard IFRS
No. No. No.
AS 5 Net Profit or Loss for IAS 8 Ind AS Accounting
the Period, Prior 8 Policies, Changes
Period Items and in Accounting
Changes in Estimates and
Accounting Policies Errors
AS 6 Depreciation - - -
AS 7 Construction IAS 11 Ind AS Revenue
Contracts 115
Comparative Summary of Indian Accounting Standards,
IFRS & Present AS
Indian Standard IFRS
No. No. No.
AS 9 Revenue IAS 18 Ind AS Revenue
Recognition 115
AS 10 Accounting for IAS 16 Ind AS Property, Plant and
Fixed Assets 16 Equipment
AS 11 The Effects of IAS 21 Ind AS The Effects of
Changes in Foreign 21 Changes in Foreign
Exchange Rates Exchange Rates
Comparative Summary of Indian Accounting Standards,
IFRS & Present AS
Indian Standard IFRS
No. No. No.
AS 12 Accounting for IAS 20 Ind AS Accounting for
Government 20 Government Grants
Grants and Disclosure of
AS 13 Accounting for IAS 40 Ind AS Investment Property
Investments 40
IAS 27 Ind AS Separate Financial
27 Statements
Comparative Summary of Indian Accounting Standards,
IFRS & Present AS
Indian Standard IFRS
No. No. No.
AS 14 Accounting for IFRS 3 Ind AS Business
amalgamations 103 combinations
AS 15 Employee Benefits IAS 19 Ind AS Employee
19 Benefits
AS 16 Borrowing costs IAS 23 Ind AS Borrowing costs
AS 17 Segment Reporting IFRS 8 Ind AS Operating
108 Segments
Comparative Summary of Indian Accounting Standards,
IFRS & Present AS
Indian Standard IFRS
No. No. No.
AS 18 Related Party IFRS Ind AS Disclosure of
Disclosures 12 24 Interests in other
AS 19 Leases IAS 17 Ind AS Leases
AS 20 Earnings Per Share IAS 33 Ind AS Earnings Per Share
Comparative Summary of Indian Accounting Standards,
IFRS & Present AS
Indian Standard IFRS
No. No. No.
AS 21 Consolidated IFRS Ind AS Consolidated
Financial 10 110 Financial Statements
IAS Ind AS Separate Financial
27 27 Statements
Indian Standard IFRS
No. No. No.
AS 23 Accounting for IAS Ind AS Investments in
Investments in 28 28 Associates and Joint
Associates in Ventures
Consolidated Financial
AS 24 Discontinuing IFRS Ind AS Non Current Assets
operations 5 105 Held for Sale and
AS 25 Interim financial IAS Ind AS Interim Financial
reporting 34 34 Reporting
Comparative Summary of Indian Accounting Standards,
IFRS & Present AS
Indian Standard IFRS
No. No. No.
AS 26 Intangible assets IAS 38 Ind AS Intangible
38 Assets
Comparative Summary of Indian Accounting Standards, IFRS &
Present AS
Indian Standard IFRS
No. No. No.
AS 27 Financial Reporting of IAS 28 Ind AS Investments in
Interests in Joint 28 Associates and
Ventures Joint Ventures
Ind AS Disclosure of
IFRS 112 Interest in other
12 entities
Comparative Summary of Indian Accounting Standards,
IFRS & Present AS
Indian Standard IFRS
No. No. No.
AS 28 Impairment of assets IAS 36 Ind AS Impairment of
36 assets
AS 29 Provisions, Contingent IAS 37 Ind AS Provisions,
Liabilities and 37 Contingent
Contingent Assets Liabilities and
Contingent Assets
Indian Standard IFRS
No. No. No.
AS 32 Financial IFRS 7 Ind AS Financial Instruments:
Instruments- 107 Disclosures
- - IFRS 2 Ind AS Share based payment
- - IAS 29 Ind AS Financial Reporting in
29 hyperinflationary
- - IFRS 6 Ind AS Exploration for and
106 Evaluation of Mineral
Comparative Summary of Indian Accounting Standards,
IFRS & Present AS
Indian Standard IFRS
No. No. No.
- - IAS 26 Ind AS Accounting and Reporting
26 of Retirement Benefit
- - IAS 41 Ind AS Agriculture
- - IFR S4 Ind AS Insurance Contracts
- - IFRS 1 Ind AS First Time Adoption
101 of Indian Accounting
Comparative Summary of Indian Accounting Standards,
IFRS & Present AS
Indian Standard IFRS
No. No. No.
- - IFRS Ind AS Regulatory Deferral
12 114 Accounts
- - IFRS Ind AS Fair Value
13 113 Measurement
Ind AS 1: Presentation of Financial Statement
Earlier there is Schedule VI, now Schedule III is there for Presentation of
Financial Statement as per Accounting Standard.
1. Should have comparatives with all the amounts reported in current period
financial statements
2. When Change in Accounting policy retrospectively, Retrospective
restatement / Reclassifies items
Present 3 balance sheets and two statements
Current period end
Previous period end
Beginning of earliest comparative period end
3. When the entity changes the presentation or classification of items in its
financial statements, the entity shall reclassify comparative amounts
unless reclassification is impracticable and disclose Nature, amount and
reasons of Reclassification in Notes.
4. When impossible to reclassify, disclose the reason for not reclassifying the
amounts and Nature of the adjustments that would have been made if the
amounts had been reclassified.
Balance Sheet
Balance sheet include Statement of change in equity which is presented as
a part of the Balance Sheet.
Notes comprises of summary of accounting policies and other
explanatory information about items of financial statement.
Ind AS use ‘Other Comprehensive Income’ (OCI) concept