Project Planning and Management: What Is A Project?
Project Planning and Management: What Is A Project?
Project Planning and Management: What Is A Project?
Lecture 2
What is a Project?
Learning Objectives
What is a Project?
Aproject is a temporary endevour undertaken to create a unique product, service or result within a
specified time and budget (A Guide to PMBOK)
A project is a sequence of connected activities that are conducted over a defined and limited period of
time and are targeted towards generating a unique but well defined outcome
Projects are temporary in nature, have definite start end end dates, result in the creation of a unique
product or service and are completed when their goals and objectives have been met and signed off
by the stakeholders (PMP Study Guide)
A project is a temporary assignment relative to he life of the organisation – lasting only until the project‘s
stated objectives are achieved.It involves a one-time goal, produces a unique product or outcome and
has a defined start and finish dates. (Tim Pyron- Using Ms Project 2003)
A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. The
temporary nature of projects indicates that a project has a definite beginning and end (Mamdouh
Tello -PMP)
Project Characteristics
• Has a specific objective that must be achieved
• Is a one time event, not routine or repetitive.
• Is unique: no two projects are exactly the same.
• Has a limited time span (Temporary), with a begining and an end, a deadline for
• Develops in steps and continuing by increments (Progressive Elaboration)
• Projects are change agents – the purpose of any project is to solve problems and
move from the current undesirable situation to a desirable state.
• A Project is completed when its goals are achieved or when the project is no
longer viable.
• Projects have defined outcomes
• Must be capable of being planned and controlled- costs, time and quality
• Conflict- among project team members
Projects vs Program
• Projects especially large ones are some times referred to as
• A program is a group of interrelated projects managed in a
coordinated way.
• Programs may also be viewed as a series of projects that occur on
regular basis and that span a number of years, but eventually come
to an end
• Programs often include an element of on-going activity or
permanence although they theoretically have an end.
• Kim Heldman (PMP) says that Programs are groups of related
projects that are managed using the same techniques in a
coordinated fashion.
Projects vs Operations
Operations Projects
Project Cycle
Project Cycle
Project Inception and
feasibility Phase
Implementation Phase
Project Inception and Feasibility Phase
Idenfification of objectives,
outputs, outcomes
Implementation decision
Identification of stakeholders
Project Planning and Design Phase
Recruitment, procurement,
contract management.
Project evaluation
Project Team disbandment
Project Types of Project Endings:
Termination • Addition
Phase (Close) • Starvation
• Integration
• Extinction