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Data Visualization on

Melbourne Housing Dataset


 We have selected dataset from

https://www.kaggle.com/anthonypino/melbourne-housing-market, for our
analysis. The dataset comprises of following variables Address,, Suburb,
Method of Selling, Type of Real estate, Rooms, Price, Date of Sale, Real
Estate Agent, and & distance since C.B.D. property size, and council
area etc.
 We have applied data cleaning techniques and cleaned the data so that
analysis can be performed.
 Summarizing each of the variable in data set and providing basic
descriptive statistics through tables graph plots is done
Data Processing and Analysis

 Dataset consist of 34857 observations with 21 variables.

 Summarization of every variable in the data set is done
 We have identified the numerical variables, categorical variables.
 We have checked for duplicate variables and removed it
 Some feature engineering techniques are also applied.
 Missing values and outliers removal are also done on dataset
 After that EDA was performed
Frequency of NA(missing Values):
Insights from descriptive statistics

 Median costs for houses were above $1M, townhomes were $850k -  $950k and
units were approximately $500k.
 Home costs with various selling strategies are moderately the equivalent in all
 Median costs in the Metropolitan Region were higher than that of Victoria Region -
with Southern Metro are zone with the most noteworthy median home value
 With a normal cost of $1M, noteworthy homes (more seasoned than 50 years of
age) were esteemed a lot higher than fresher homes in the zone, however have
more variety in cost.
 Most of homes in the selected dataset having 4 or 5 rooms.
 The most costly homes ($2M or progressively) will in general be inside 20km of the
The five Visualization done on Melbourne data
using Tableau
Below visualization display yearly change in Melbourne
Housing Market Price and for each Region name has diverse
pricing of House, Rooms 4-5 were frequently higher prices.
Below visualization display the Market price of
Melbourne Housing is dependent on Distance, no of
cars Bathrooms & Landsize
Below visualization displays the Melbourne Housing
Market Price scatter plot which demonstrates the car,
building Area, land size and Property count.
Below visualization display the Map View of
Melbourne Housing Market Price through Rooms
and Region
Conclusion on the analysis

 After performing the data visualization and EDA we have establish many
insights from the dataset. Each one unit getting increased in:
 DISTANCE is related to a reduction in Price with $33,150.84,
 R00MS is related to an rise in Price with  $135,521.54,
 CAR space is related to an rise in Price with  $58,123.83,
 BUILDINGAREA is shows an rise in Price with  $26,55.10,
 BATHR00M is related to an rise in Price with  $246,629.22, 0 to 10 thousand
possessions counts were more.
 PR0PERTYCOUNT is related to a  reduction  in Price with  $0.05,
 LANDSIZE is related to an rise in Price by $34.65,
 AGE is related to an rise in Price with  $4,719.
 Prices of Melbourne houses were costly in 2017 but it reduced in 2018

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