Alva Nicole Quijada: "Introduction To Literature" GE 117-Philippine Literature
Alva Nicole Quijada: "Introduction To Literature" GE 117-Philippine Literature
Alva Nicole Quijada: "Introduction To Literature" GE 117-Philippine Literature
GE 117-Philippine Literature
Alva Nicole Quijada
I. Introduction to II. Literary
Literature Genres
A.Definition and
Importance A. Fiction
B.Literary Standards B. Poetry
C.Literary Models C. Essay
D.Classification of D. Drama
E.Literary Approaches
-Definition and Importance-
-comes from the latin word “LITERA”
which means an acquaintance with letters.
-it is a body of productions, either oral,
written, or visual, containing imaginative
language that realistically portrays
thoughts, emotions, and experiences of the
human condition.
-a language in use that provides insights
and intellectual stimulation to the reader.
-a creation of human experience that
tells about people and their world.
-an art that reflects the works of
imagination, aesthetics, and creative writing
through the expression of fiction, poetry,
essay or drama.
-Literature appeals to
everyone, regardless of
culture, race, sex, and time
which are all considered
-Literature has an aesthetic
appeal and thus possesses a
sense of beauty.
-Literature stimulates critical thinking
that enriches mental processes of
abstract and reasoning, making man
realize the fundamental truths of life
and its nature.
-Literature unravels and conjures
man’s emotional power to define
symbolisms, nuances, implied
meanings, images and messages,
giving and evoking visions above and
beyond the plane of ordinary life and
-Literature elevates the spirit and
the soul and thus has the power to
motivate and inspire, drawn from the
suggested morals or lessons of the
different literary genres.
-Literature endures across time
and draws out the time factor:
timeliness, occurring at a particular
time, and timelessness, remaining
invariable throughout time.
-Literature presents peculiar way/s
on how man sees life as evidenced
by the formation of his ideas,
forms, structures, and expressions
which are marked by their
memorable substance.
Literary Models
1. Cultural Model
-Literature aims to understand
and appreciate cultures and
ideologies different from one’s
own in time and space.
2. Language Model
-Literature aims to promote
language development like
vocabulary and structure.
3. Personal Growth
-Literature aims to help one
achieve lasting pleasure and
deep satisfaction in reading.
Classification of
-Structure, Form, Genre-
1. Structure
a.) Fiction—a literary work of imaginative
narration either oral or written, fashioned to
entertain and to make the readers think and,
more so, to feel.