New Economic Policy of India: R.P.Singh
New Economic Policy of India: R.P.Singh
New Economic Policy of India: R.P.Singh
P.V.Narasimha Rao
Dr.Manmohan Singh
Prime Minister
1991 economic crisis:
● By 1985, India had started having balance of payments problems. This is
due to more expenditure by the government whereas the income
generated was less. In addition there was huge disparities(असमानताओं)
between income and expenditure.
● By the end of 1990, it was in a serious economic crisis. The government
was close to default(अभाव), its central bank had refused new credit
● In 1991, India met with an economic crisis - relating to external debt. The
government was not able to make repayments on its borrowings from
● The foreign exchange reserves, which we maintain to import petroleum
and other important items, dropped to levels that were not sufficient to last
even a fortnight(पखवाड़ा).
● The crisis was further compounded by rising prices of essential goods.
Advent(आगमन) of IMF and World Bank:
● India approached the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development(IBRD), commonly
known as World Bank and the International Monetary
Fund(IMF) for help.
● India received 7 billion dollars as loan from these
agencies to solve the crisis(संकट).
● It had to pledge 20 tonnes of gold to Union Bank of
Switzerland and 47 tonnes to Bank of England as
part of the deal with the International Monetary Fund
● In addition, as part of the bailout(खैरात), IMF expected
India to liberalise and open up the economy and
remove trade restrictions between India and other
Cartoon criticising that IMF pressurized India to adopt New Economic
“There is no time to lose. Neither the Government nor the economy can live beyond
its means year after year. The room for manoeuvre, to live on borrowed money or
time, does not exist any more…. We need to expand the scope and the area for the
operation of market forces.”
Dr.Manmohan Singh.
Budget Speech, July 24, 1991.
Stabilisation measures:
● These are short term measures aimed at solving the immediate cause
- the 1991 economic crisis.
● These included correcting the weakness which resulted in the balance
of payments crisis and steps to bring the inflation under control.
Structural measures:
● These are long term measures aimed at improving the efficiency of the
economy and increasing its international competitiveness by removing
the rigidities in various segments of the indian economy.
● These reforms fall under three leads:
1. Liberalisation
2. Privatisation
3. Globalisation
Liberalisation was done in various sectors in the following ways:
1. Deregulation of industrial sectors :
Industrial licensing was abolished (समाप्त करना)for all but product categories - alcohol,
cigarettes, hazardous chemicals, drugs, explosives etc.,
Many industries which are reserved for public sector in have now been “dereserved”.
Only railways, defence equipment, atomic power generation have been reserved with
the public sector.
Market has been allowed to determine the prices.
2. Financial sector reforms :
Reduce the role of RBI from regulator to facilitator of financial sector.
These reforms led to the establishment of private banks.
FDI in banks was raised to 50%.
But certain managerial aspects have been retained with the RBI, to safeguard the
interests of the account holders.
3. Tax reforms :
● Corporate tax, which was very high earlier has been gradually
● The tax procedures have been simplified and the rates also have been
1973-74 - Eleven tax slabs, with rates from 10 to 85 per cent. 1990-91 -
In five Budgets between 1991-96, FM Manmohan Singh reduces IT
slabs to three (20, 30 and 40 per cent).
उन्होंने कहा, “मैं उन कठिनाइयों को कम नहीं करता, जो उस लंबी और कठिन यात्रा पर आगे बढ़ती हैं, जिस पर हम
आगे बढ़े हैं। लेकिन जैसा कि विक्टर ह्यूगो ने एक बार कहा था, "पथ् ृ वी पर कोई भी शक्ति एक विचार को रोक नहीं
सकती है जिसका समय आ गया है "। मैं इस संवर्धित सदन को सुझाव दे ता हूं कि विश्व में एक प्रमुख आर्थिक शक्ति
के रूप में भारत का उदय एक ऐसा विचार है । परू ी दनिु या को इसे जोर से और स्पष्ट सन ु ने दें । भारत अब व्यापक
ृ है । हम प्रबल रहें गे। हम होंगे कामयाब।"—
Dr.Manmohan Singh.
Budget Speech,
July 24, 1991
(After proposing the reforms)
Assessment of Economic reforms:
●This graphs show that the New economic policy helped in the
development of service sector but was unable to develop both
agricultural and industrial sectors.
The cartoon criticising that the New economic Policy was unable to reduce the inequalities and
in curbing poverty and unemployment.
Fabian Society :-
The Fabian Society is a British socialist organisation whose purpose is to advance
the principles of democratic socialism via gradualist and reformist effort in
democracies, rather than by revolutionary overthrow.
फै बियनवाद, समाजवादी आंदोलन और सिद्धांत जो फै बियन सोसाइटी की गतिविधियों से उभरा, जिसे 1884 में लंदन में स्थापित किया गया
था। 1880 के दशक में ब्रिटिश समाजवादी सिद्धांत में फै बियनवाद प्रमुख हो गया। फै बिन का नाम क्विं टस फै बियस मैक्सिमस वेरुकोसस से
निकला है, जो रोमन सेना के द्वितीय पुनिक युद्ध के दौरान हैनिबल के खिलाफ देरी की रणनीति के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। प्रारंभिक फै बियंस ने
मार्क्सवाद के क्रांतिकारी सिद्धांतों को खारिज कर दिया, समाजवादी समाज के क्रमिक संक्रमण के बजाय सिफारिश की। सबसे प्रभावशाली
प्रारंभिक फै बियन सिद्धांतकारों में जॉर्ज बर्नार्ड शॉ और ग्राहम वालेस के साथ-साथ सिडनी और बीट्रिस वेब शामिल थे, जो आंदोलन में प्रमुख
विचारक बने रहेंगे। 20 वीं शताब्दी में अन्य प्रमुख फै बियन विचारकों में शिक्षाविद हेरोल्ड लास्की और जी.डी.एच. कोल (दोनों कभी-कभी
मुख्यधारा के फै बियंस की तुलना में कहीं अधिक कट्टरपंथी थे) और साथ ही लेबर पार्टी के राजनेताओं और कार्यकर्ताओं जैसे आर.एच.एस.
क्रॉसमैन, रॉय जेनकिं स, इयान मिकार्डो, डेनिस हीले और मार्गरेट कोल। फे बियन सोसाइटी उदारवादी ब्रिटिश समाजवादियों के लिए एक थिंक
टैंक के रूप में 21 वीं सदी में बच गई।