Invention and Evolution of The Modern TEM: Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
Invention and Evolution of The Modern TEM: Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
Invention and Evolution of The Modern TEM: Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
• 1927 Hans Busch: Electron beams can be focused in an inhomogeneous magnetic field
• 1931 Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska built the first TEM
• ~1940 Basic theoretical work on electron optics and electron lenses (W. Glaser, O. Scherzer)
• 1986 Nobel prize for E.Ruska (together with G. Binning and H. Rohrer, who developed the Scanning Tunneling
What we covered on electron microscopy
1. Difference between Electron Microscope and Optical Microscope
2. Basic Working principle of SEM and analysis of SEM images
3. Outcomes of SEM images analysis
During this discussion we have covered
1. Why electrons
2. How we define resolution and magnification
3. EM lenses
Because of these differences, the microscope construction will also be different
Light source
aperture Specimen (thin)
Electron beam
Electron source
condenser lens.
•This produces an image which is focussed by the objective lens to a point
• The image is then projected onto a screen and magnified by varying the
distance from the crossover to the screen.
•In a TEM the electron beam is focussed on the sample using the condenser
lens system.
•This produces an image which is focussed by the objective lens to a point
•This image is then magnified by a series of projector lenses to vary the size
of the image on a fluorescent screen.
•Changing the current of an electromagnetic lens alters its focal length
altering magnification.
Anatomy of a TEM
•TEMs’ have basically the same design independent of manufacturer or age:-
a) b) Gun c)
Condenser Apertures
lens system
W hairpin FEG
LaB6 crystal
Electron Guns
•Two main types of gun – Thermionic and Field Emission.
•Thermionic sources produce electrons when heated.
•Field emission sources produce electrons when exposed to an intense electric
•FEG’s give much more brightness than thermionic systems.
•FEG’s give a more monochromatic electron source and finer probe (i.e. better
Once this real image is formed, it can be projected onto the viewing screen by the
intermediate and projection lens system.
Mechanism of mass
thickness contrast
Projection - Magnification
•A series of projector lenses are then used to magnify the image formed by the
•The image, comprising of a beam of focused electrons falls onto a fluorescent screen
therefore producing a visible image.
•This image can be recorded onto photographic film using the camera located underneath
the viewing screen.
•Modern machines can capture images digitally using CCD cameras.
•The signal from the beam can be output to external analysis equipment.
Fluorescent viewing
The diffracted beam makes an angle of 2 relative to the direct beam and falls on
the screen at a distance R from the transmitted spot.
Similarly for Bragg’s Law, sin() ≈ θ and hence λ = 2 dhkl or λ/dhkl = 2.
R/L = 2 = λ/dhkl ,
R dhkl = L λ,
where λL is known as the camera constant and (like L) varies with the lens settings
in the microscope. The units of the camera constant are typically expressed in
units of mm-nm or cm-nm or m-nm, where R is the distance measured on the
screen or photographic plate (e.g., mm or cm or m) and dhkl (e.g., nm) is the
interatomic spacing of the planes (hkl).
The camera constant is a function of the lens settings. It is these lens settings that
actually control the optical system’s magnification, and the electron energy
determines the value of the wavelength.
The accuracy of the calculated dhkl is limited by uncertainty in the diffraction spot
positions and of the camera constant. The diffraction spots are often diffuse, and
hence the determination of the center position is an approximation. The camera
constant is used to determine a known standard sample for a given electron
energy setting. The resulting diffraction pattern is indexed, and the calculated
For diffraction in electron microscope:
The single crystal electron
diffraction pattern is a
1/ series of spots equivalent
Ewald sphere
to a magnified view of a
Camera planar section through the
Length reciprocal lattice normal to
the incident beam.
hkl sphere
a b c
a. Single crystalcrystal
a. Single Fe (BCC)Fe thin
thin film-[001]
b.a. Polycrystalline
Polycrystallinethin film
thin ofof
film PdPd 2Si
c. Amorphous thin film of Pd2Si. The diffuse
b. Amorphous thin film of Pd2Si. The diffuse
halo is indicative of scattering from an
halo is indicative
amorphous material.of scattering from an
amorphous material.
Comparison of SAED and XRD
1) Illumination system: produces required radiation and directs it onto the specimen.
Consists of a source, which emits the radiation, and a condenser lens, which focuses
the illuminating beam (allowing variations of intensity to be made) on the specimen.
3) Imaging system: Lenses which together produce the final magnified image of the
specimen. Consists of i) an objective lens which focuses the beam after it passes
through the specimen and forms an intermediate image of the specimen and ii) the
projector lens(es) which magnifies a portion of the intermediate image to form the
final image.
4) Image recording system: Converts the radiation into a permanent image (typically
on a photographic emulsion) that can be viewed.
b. Differences
1) Optical lenses are generally made of glass with fixed focal lengths whereas magnetic lenses are
constructed with ferromagnetic materials and windings of copper wire producing a focal length which
can be changed by varying the current through the coil.
2) Magnification in the LM is generally changed by switching between different power objective lenses
mounted on a rotating turret above the specimen. It can also be changed if oculars (eyepieces) of
different power are used. In the TEM the magnification (focal length) of the objective remains fixed
while the focal length of the projector lens is changed to vary magnification.
3) The LM has a small depth of field, thus different focal levels can be seen in the specimen. The large
(relative) depth of field in the TEM means that the entire (thin) specimen is in focus simultaneously.
5) TEMs are generally constructed with the radiation source at the top of the instrument: the source is
generally situated at the bottom of LMs.
6) TEM is operated at high vacuum (since the mean free path of electrons in air is very small) so most
specimens (biological) must be dehydrated (i.e. dead !!).
8) TEMs can achieve higher magnification and better resolution than LMs.