Study On Modbus/DNP3 Protocol: Topics Covered
Study On Modbus/DNP3 Protocol: Topics Covered
Study On Modbus/DNP3 Protocol: Topics Covered
Topics Covered:
How does Modbus/DNP3 protocol work?
What are the possible attacks to Modbus/DNP3 protocol?
What are the possible security solutions (prevent/detect/mitigate) against those attacks in the literature?
What are the challenges to address those security issues in legacy CPS?
What are the relevant commercial products that can be deployed to defend against those attacks?
What have you learnt from this study (a summary)?
1 How Modbus/DNP3 works?
3 Prevention/Detection/Mitigation
Man in the Middle Attack (MITM) Blackhole Attack (Packets Drop Attack)
Is considered to be a type of denial-of service attack
Sniffing Generated Traffic from the Slave and Master
in which all packets passed through the attacker are
nodes Sniffing or capturing the traffic passing between
discarded instead of passing through to reach their
the master and the slave nodes is handled by using
destination. In packets dropping attack, packets get
man-in-the-middle attacker node.
routinely and selectively dropped making it harder
to detect and to prevent.
Involves altering the content of a specific DNP3 In Denial of Service (DoS) attack is an attempt to make
payload using predefined filters. DNP3 packets get a network resource unavailable to its intended users,
captured and are modified by imposing changes to by temporarily or indefinitely interrupting or
the exchanged packets. Injection of a totally new suspending the services of a host connected to the
packet is also a possibility in this category. network.
DNP3 – Detection, Prevention and Mitigation of Attacks
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are high value targets for adversaries due
to the critical role they play in the enterprises today. The gains Cybercriminals compromise
associated with being able to compromise such system is huge. computers anywhere they can find
them causing negative side effects.
Hence the attackers are highly motivated to breach systems;
Legacy system though used for very critical functions but still have Disgruntled employees are major source of
old security protection mechanism. targeted computer attacks against control systems.
Major trend.
Issues & Many nations and state sponsored actors are a possible threat to control systems
with most military powers are looking into future attack technologies, including
Challenges cyber-attacks against the infrastructure of other nations.
Lack of security protection, or the corresponding security protocols deployed in legacy systems are
not corresponding with their criticality.
Some of the Products that help defending from Attacks
1 2 3 4 5
Network Traffic System Reverse
Log Review
Detection Artifact Engineering
Detection Tools
Review Analysis
ABB Cyber
CyberX Elastic CHIPSEC Binary
XSense Stack Ninja
FireEye IOC Darktrace Graylog CodeDNA Centrifuge
Editor/Finder ICS
Fortinet- Hopper
Radiflow Splunk® Volatility
Nozomi Disassembler