Yoga & Health: National Institute of Technology Raipur
Yoga & Health: National Institute of Technology Raipur
Yoga & Health: National Institute of Technology Raipur
Made By:-
Chandra Kant Dwivedi Under the guidance:
Department of Biotechnology Mrs. Manju Shukla
The main goals of “Yoga in Daily Life” are Physical Health, Mental
Health, Social Health, Spiritual Health, Self-Realization or
realization of the Divine within us.
• Nadishodhan
• Anulome-Vilome
• Surya bhedar
• Bhastrika
• Shitali
• Sitkari
• Bhramari used for students
Anuloma-viloma Pranayama
(Alternate Nostril Breathing)
The Anuloma means
'towards' and Viloma
means 'reverse'. In this
pranayama nostrils are
alternatiely used in reverse
order for each inhalation
and exhalation. This
pranayama is also called
Let us perform Anuloma-Viloma Pranayama by following the
steps given below:
1. Keep the body erect and place the hands on the respective knees.
2. Raise the right hand and place the right thumb on the right nostril
and close it.
3. Inhale slowly through the left nostril.
4. Release the pressure of thumb on right nostril. Now close the left
nostril by the ring finger and the little finger and exhale slowly
through the right nostril. Now inhale slowly through the right nostril.
5. Close the right nostril with thumb and exhale slowly through the left
nostril. This is one round of Anuloma Viloma pranayama. Repeat it 5
Benefits :
• It calms down the mind.
• It improves concentration.
• It provides sufficient oxygenated blood to the body.
• It helps to regulate blood pressure.
• It reduces anxiety.
• It is beneficial in many diseases such as asthma, high or low blood
pressure, insomnia, chronic pain, endocrine imbalances, heart-
problems, hyperactivity, etc.
• It improves appetite.
• It destroys phlegm.
• It is beneficial in case of asthma.
• It increases the exchange of oxygen and carbon-dioxide into and out
of blood stream.
Limitation :