General Linear Transformations
General Linear Transformations
General Linear Transformations
Dilation: k > 1
Contraction: 0 < k < 1
Dilation and Contraction operators
Example 5
Orthogonal Projections
Suppose that W is a finite-dimensional subspace of an
inner product space V ; then the orthogonal
projection of V onto W is the transformation
defined by
T (v ) = projwv
that if
S = {w1, w2, …, wr}
is any orthogonal basis for W, then T (v ) is given by the formula
T (v ) = projwv = <v,w1>w1 + <v,w2>w2 +…+<v,wr>wr
The proof that T is a linear transformation follows from properties
of the inner product.
For example,
T (u+v) = <u+v, w1>w1 + <u+v, w2>w2 +… +<u+v, wr> wr
= <u, w1>w1 + <u, w2>w2 +… + <u, wr>wr
+ <v, w1>w1 + <v, w2>w2 +… + <v, wr>wr
= T (u) + T (v)
Simarly, T (ku) = kT (u)
Example 6
Computing an Orthogonal Projection
Let V = R3 have the Euclidean inner product. The vector w1 =
(1,0,0) and w2 = (0,1,0) from an orthogonal basis for the xy-
plane. If v = (x,y,z) is any vector in R3 , the orthogonal
projection of R3 onto the xy-plane is given by
T (v ) = <v, w1>w1 + <v, w2>w2
= x (1, 0, 0) + y (0, 1, 0)
= ( x, y, 0 )
Example 7
A Linear Transformation from a space V to Rn
x x
J (c f) = 0 cf (t )dt = c f (t )dt = cJ (f)
So J is a linear transformation.
Example 13
A Transformation That Is Not Linear
where u is a vector in U
Theorem 8.1.2
If T1 :U→V and T2 :V→W are linear
transformations, then (T2 。 T1 ):U→W is also
a linear transformation.
Proof. If u and v are vectors in U and c is a scalar, then it follows
from (2) and the linearity of T1 andT2 that
(T2 。 T1 )(u+v) = T2 (T1(u+v)) = T2 (T1(u)+T1 (v))
= T2 (T1(u)) + T2 (T1(v))
= (T2 。 T1 )(u) + (T2 。 T1 )(v)
(T2 。 T1 )(c u) = T2 (T1 (c u)) = T2 (cT1(u))
= cT2 (T1 (u)) = c (T2 。 T1 )(u)
R (T ): the range of T
The set of all vectors in W that are images
under T of at least one vector in V
Example 1
Kernel and Range of a Matrix Transformation
T (k v1) = kT (v1) = k 0 = 0
so that k v1 is in ker(T ).
Proof (b).
Let w1 and w2 be vectors in the range of T , and let k
be any scalar. There are vectors a1 and a2 in V such
that T (a1) = w1 and T(a2) = w2 . Let a = a1 + a2
and b = k a1 .
T (a) = T (a1 + a2) = T (a1) + T (a2) = w1 + w2
T (b) = T (k a1) = kT (a1) = k w1
nank (T): the rank of T
If T:V→W is a linear transformation,
then the dimension of tha range of T is
the rank of T .
1 2 0 4 5 3
3 7 2 0 1 4
2 5 2 4 6 1
4 9 2 4 4 7
rank (T ) + nullity (T ) = n
rank (T ) + nullity (T ) = 2 + 0 = 2
(a) T is one-to-one
(b) The kernel of T contains only zero vector;
that is , ker(T) = {0}
(c) Nullity (T) = 0
Theorem 8.3.2
If V is a finite-dimensional vector space and
T:V ->V is a linear operator then the following
are equivalent.
3 1 0 4 2 3
2 4 3 11 6 9
[T ]= ,then[T ]-1=
5 4 2 12 7 10
Example 7(Cont.)
x1 x1 4 2 3 x1
x 2 11 6 9 x 2
T –1 x 2 =[T –1]
x3 12 7 10 x3
4 x1 2 x 2 3x3
11x1 6 x 2 9 x3
12 x1 7 x 2 10 x 3