CGMP On Cosmetics
CGMP On Cosmetics
CGMP On Cosmetics
CGMP for Cosmetic Products
Pursuant to the provision of RA 3720- Food, Drugs,
and Devices and Cosmetics Act
• In-Process Control- checks and tests instituted and carried out in the course of the
manufacture of a cosmetic product including checks and test done to environment
and equipment in order to ensure the end product will comply with its
• PACKAGING- part of the production cycle applied to a bulk product to obtain the
finished product.
• PROCEDURES- description of the operations to be executed, including
the precautions to be implemented directly or indirectly related to the
manufacture of a finished product.
• PROCESSING- part of production cycle starting from weighing of raw
materials to finished product.
• PRODUCTION- all operations starting from preparation of a product,
from acquisition of starting materials through processing and
packaging, to its completion as a finished product.
• PRODUCT RECALL- process of withdrawing one or more batches or all
of a certain product from market distribution.
• QUALITY ASSURANCE- activity of providing evidence needed to
establish confidence that the quality function is being performed
• QUARANTINE- act of holding off a material for use, or a product of a packaging
or distribution by setting it apart or by system duly validated pending a decision
of its release or rejection.
• RAW MATERIAL- any substances going into or involved in the processing of a
finished product.
• RECOVERY- incorporation of all or part of previous batches to come up with the
required quality into another batch at a defined step of production.
• REJECTED- status of materials or products which are not permitted to be used for
processing, packaging or distribution.
• RELEASED OF PASSED- status of materials or products which are permitted to be
used for processing, packaging or distribution.
• REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE- sample representing the lot, the batch, or the total
amount of materials based on sampling plan.