S.Y.Bsc Semester Iii Botany Paper I Unit: Iii Inflorescence
S.Y.Bsc Semester Iii Botany Paper I Unit: Iii Inflorescence
S.Y.Bsc Semester Iii Botany Paper I Unit: Iii Inflorescence
• Another example of a
plant that bears
solitary flowers is
Bloodred Geranium.
• Individual flowers
have pedicels.
• Pedicels can vary in peduncle
length from species to
• Lower flowers open
first. pedicel
• Indeterminate.
Raceme with shortened main axis
Raceme with shortened main axis
• Corymb: short main axis, lower flowers with
longer stalks than upper ones, so all flowers
are at same level, e.g. Cassia
• Umbel: flowers with more or less equal stalk,
flowers spread out from a common point.
Presence of bract forming involucre at the
base, e.g. Centella
Raceme with flattened main axis
• Capitulum (head): main axis flat, bearing mass
of small flowers (florets), with whorl of bract
at the base. Flowers – unisexual ray and
bisexual disc florets, e.g. Sunflower, cosmos,
Compound raceme
• Panicle: axis is branched, flowers are produced
on lateral branches, e.g. gulmohar
• Compound corymb: peduncle is branched and
each branch bear corymb like inflo. E.g. Ixora
• Compound umbel: shortened prim axis with
flowerson the branches, e.g. coriander
• Compound spadix: more than one spadix inflo.
Enclosed in bract
• Compound head: peduncle is branched, several
capitula in the same involucre,
Cymose infloresence
Main axis and lateral axis end in a flower, the growth
of the axis is definite. Terminal flower is older than
lateral flowers.
Types of cymose
Uniparous (monochasial) cyme: main axis is
terminated into flower with only one lateral
branch ends with flower
Helicoid: lateral axis develop successively on same
side forming helix, e.g. Hamelia
Scorpoid: lateral axis on alternate side forming zig-
zag structure, e.g. Heliotropium
Types of cymose inflorescence
• Biparous (dichasial): mature flower at the tip
of main axis, two lateral younger flowers, e.g.
clerodendron, jasmine
• Multiparous (polychasial): older flower at the
tip of axis, number of lateral flowers around,
like umbel,e.g. Ixora, Calotropis
• A highly branched
inflorescence consisting of
many, repeating units.
• Panicles can be made of
many spikes, racemes,
corymbs, or umbels.
• Indeterminate.
A panicle of racemes
• Individual flower
pedicels all originate
from the same spot on
the peduncle.
pedicel • Outer flowers open
• Indeterminate.
• Somewhat similar to the
• Individual flower pedicels are
attached to the peduncle at
different points.
• Often flat-topped.
• Outer flowers open first.
• Indeterminate.
pedicel peduncle
• Pyrus calleryana,
Callery Pear, is a
beautiful, spring-
flowering tree covered
with corymbs of white
Callery Pear
• In real life, cymes tend to
be flat or convex shaped.
• The inner flowers open
• Determinate.
• Cymes are often
compound as shown in
the illustration to the
compound cyme
Corymbs vs. Cymes
• Often these two types of inflorescences can look a
lot alike.
• Remember that corymbs are indeterminate, they
continue to elongate as the season progresses.
Cymes are determinate and do not continue to
elongate as the growing season progresses. Also, the
inner flowers of cymes open first.
Composite Head
disk flower
• A highly advanced
• Consists of separate ray
and disk flowers
ray flower
• Bracts may be green,
but can also be
Composite Head
• Helianthus annus,
Sunflower, produces a
large composite head.
• After pollination and
fertilization, each disk
flower becomes a
single-seeded fruit.
Composite Head
• Echinaceae purpurea,
Purple Coneflower (image
courtesy of Wildflower
• Composite head with
purple ray flowers and
brown disk flowers.
Purple Coneflower
Review Time!
What’s this?
• Umbel
What’s this?
• Raceme
What’s this?
• Corymb
What’s this?
• Composite Head
What’s this?
• Panicle
What’s this?
• Spike
What’s this?
• Cyme