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Advanced Matlab Course-Experts Vision

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 You can read and write multiple file types in
 Excel sheets
 .txt files
 .dat files
 .csv files
 And many more
Reading Excel sheets
 Reading xls sheet…. text and Reads
raw(all) data
just the
 [num,txt,raw] = xlsread('lec5.xlsx') data
 My_num_matrix=xlsread('sample_file.xls');
Customize what
you want to
 Or by ‘import’ option import and in
which format

 Saving the procedure in a script or a function

Writing Excel sheets
 Xlswrite(‘myfile.xls’, mymatrix)
Reading .dat files
 load('myfile.dat')
Writing .dat files
 dlmwrite('myfile.dat', my_matrix);
Reading .txt file
 Open a file and associate a file identifier with it
 Read it.
 Close it.

 fileID = fopen('my_test_file.txt');
 C = textscan(fileID,'%s %s %f32 %d8 %u %f %f
%s %f');
 fclose(fileID);
Writing text files
 Open a file (if it doesn’t already exist, it will be created) and
associate a file identifier with it.
 Write it.
 Close it.

 my_rand_nos = 100*rand(8,1);
 my_string='Sarah';
 file_ID = fopen('lecture 555 text.txt','w');
 fprintf(file_ID, '%s%f', my_rand_nos, my_string);
 fclose(file_ID);
Format of data fields
Format of data fields

 Heterogeneous data of different types and sizes…

how to store it?
 If you want to refer to them by name, use
 Suppose you want to store different attributes of
student data, such as name, percentage, and roll
 These different attributes are called ‘fields’.
 ‘.’ dot notation to store values to them.
 Fields can be any kind of data -even another
Method 1
 student.percentage=91;
 student.roll=23;
 student.name='Kate';

 See workspace now

Method 2
 You can also specify all the field names at once.
 ‘struct’ command.
 Introduce in pairs
 Field name and its corresponding value make a
complete pair

 student=struct('name', 'Kate', 'percentage', 91, 'roll',

23 )
 A structure is one entity with a number of sub


Concatenation of structures
 Just like combining matrices
 student1=struct('name', 'Kate', 'percentage', 91,
'roll', 23 )
 student2=struct('name', 'Sam', 'percentage', 89,
'roll', 33 )
 both_students=[student1 student2]
Updating/ modifying values
 both_students(2).roll=90;
To access a particular field of array elements

 both_students.name
 both_students.roll
 both_students.percentage
 2 patients
 Names
 Ages
 If you have heterogeneous data of different sizes
and types, but you would like to access it all as an
array then use ‘cell’ arrays.
 It can have multiple rows and columns just like a
normal matrix- only difference is that the elements
of that matrix can be of many different types and
 Use curly brackets to construct a cell array.
Method 1
 Specify elements one by one…

 mycell{1}='Hogwards';
 mycell{2}=[1 2 3];
 mycell{3}=false;
Method 2
 Specify all elements at once.

 mycell={'Hogwarts', [1 2 3], false }

 Xls sheets are imported as cell arrays for most

 To store lists of text data.
Visualization of a cell structure
 Suppose this is a cell structure of size 2x3
 Just like a matrix- but heterogeneous elements are
the present.
‘Hogwarts’ [1 2 3] false

[1 2 3 4
2356 81 ‘books’
5 3 6 2]
Code 1
 c{1, 1}='hogwarts';
 c{1, 2}=[1 2];
 c{1, 3}=false;
 c{2, 1}=[1 2 3 4
 2356
 5 3 6 2];
 c{2, 2}=81;
 c{2, 3}='books';
Code 2

 mycell={'Hogwarts', [1 2], false; [1 2 3 4; 2 3 5 6;

5 3 6 2], 81, 'buks'};
How to access data
 The 1st element of mycell
How to access data

 Mycell{row, column}to access the data

 Mycell(row, column)to access the particular cell

Which should you use? Cells or structures?

 Ask yourself would you prefer to refer to your variable

elements by number(s) or by name. Then use cell array in
former case and struct array in later. 
 Structure arrays contain data in fields that you access by
 E.g student records are usually stored in a structure array.
 Cell arrays contain data in cells that you access by
numeric indexing
 E.g storing lists of text strings and storing heterogeneous
data from spreadsheets.
Concatenating of strings
Strcat (‘My name is ’ ‘Kevin’)

Strcat(‘myfile’, num2str(4), ‘.txt’)

Three dimensional data
 3D Matrices
3D cells
Data Fitting
 If I tell you that
 x =[ 0 1.3963 2.7925 4.1888 5.5851 6.9813
8.3776 9.7738 11.1701 12.5664]
 Y=[0 0.9848 0.3420 -0.8660 -0.6428 0.6428
0.8660 -0.3420 -0.9848 -0.0000]

 And ask you to give me an n degree equation that

best describes my data………?
 Fit_y=A1 + A2 * x + A3 * x^2 +……+ An * x^(n-1)
Polyfit function
 coefficients = polyfit(x,y,n);

 Where n is the degree of the equation.

 For a 4th degree equation:
 p = polyfit(x,y,4);

 Fitted_Y=A + B*x + C*x^2 + D*x^3

 Where A, B, C and D are the 4 coefficients.
Polyval function

 fittedY =A + B*x + C*x^2 + D*x^3

 This equation can be calculated automatically by
this command:
 fittedY = polyval(coefficients, x);
Matlab Code
 x =[ 0 1.3963 2.7925 4.1888 5.5851 6.9813
8.3776 9.7738 11.1701 12.5664];
 y=[0 0.9848 0.3420 -0.8660 -0.6428 0.6428
0.8660 -0.3420 -0.9848 -0.0000];

 coefficients = polyfit(x,y,7);
 plot(x, y, 'g');
 hold on;
 fittedY = polyval(coefficients, x);
 plot(x, fittedY, 'r')
If n= 5 coefficients
original y
fitted y




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
If n=7 coefficients
original y
0.8 fitted y








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

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