Lecture 8: Ocean Carbonate Chemistry: Carbonate Reactions
Lecture 8: Ocean Carbonate Chemistry: Carbonate Reactions
Lecture 8: Ocean Carbonate Chemistry: Carbonate Reactions
Carbonate Reactions
Solutions – numerical
K versus K’
What can you measure?
1Pg = 1015g
CO2 + rocks = HCO3- + clays
River Flux
Gas Exchange Atm
BorgC BCaCO3
Biological Pump
pH of ocean
Sediment diagenesis
Weathering and River Flux
Atmospheric CO2 is converted to HCO3- in rivers and transported to the ocean
Weathering of CaCO3
CaCO3(s) + CO2(g) + H2O = Ca2+ + 2 HCO3-
1 2
Weathering of alumino-silicate minerals to clay minerals.
The sediment record of BorgC and BCaCO3 are used to unravel paleoproductivity.
HCl + H2O = H3O+ + Cl- Free H+ don’t exist in solution
H2O + H2O = H3O+ + OH-
H2CO3 + H2O = H3O+ + HCO3-
HCl = H+ + Cl-
Table of acids in seawater pK = -logK
H2CO3 = H+ + HCO3- K1
HCO3- = H+ + CO32- K2
H2O = H+ + OH- KW
There are both advantages and disadvantages of the infinite dilution and
ionic medium approaches.
Consider the following reaction:
HA = H+ + A-
K can be calculated from Gr
One K for all solutions
Need to express concentration as activity
using free ion activity coefficients (i) and %free (fi)
K = K' A / HA
Values of K and K’
S=0 S = 35
Constant Thermodynamic Constant (K) Apparent Seawater Constant (K')
KH 10-1.47 10-1.53
K1 10-6.35 10-6.00
K2 10-10.33 10-9.10
Kw 10-14.0 10-13.9
Example of calculating T from K and K’
The difference between K and K' can be illustrated by this simple example.
K = (H+)(A-) / (HA) = (H+)[A-]T,A- / [HA] T,HA
Rearrange to get:
K = (H+) [A-] T,A- = K' T,A-
The difference in magnitude of K and K' is the ratio of the total activity coefficients
of the base to the acid.
If you know both K and K' , you can learn something about the activity corrections.
For: H2CO3 = HCO3- + H+
K1 = (HCO3-)(H+) / (H2CO3)
K1 = [HCO3-]T,HCO3 (H+)
[H2CO3] T,H2CO3
K1 = [HCO3](H+) T,HCO3 = 10-6.3 from tables of Gr at 25C and 1 atm
[H2CO3] T,H2CO3
The value of K' has been determined for the same reaction. At S = 35, 25C and 1 atm
K1' = [HCO3-] (H+) = 10-6.0
If we set K1 = K1' T,HCO3 / T, H2CO3
-6.3 -6.0 -0.3 -1
K vs K’ Example, continued
We can compare this ratio with that obtained from the Garrels and Thompson
(1962) speciation model of surface seawater where:
Not too bad. Not too good. These two estimates differ by about 20%.
2. H2CO3* = H+ + HCO3-
K’1 = [HCO3-](H+) / [H2CO3*]
3. HCO3- = H+ + CO32-
K’2 = (H+)[CO32-] / [HCO3-]
4. H2O = H+ + OH-
K’w = (H+)(OH-)
( ) Activity = effective concentration
[ ] Concentration
Values of K’
H+ from pH = -log H+
at pH = 6; H+ = 10-6
Then we have to reverse one of the reactions. Its K will change sign as well!!
H2CO3 = H+ + HCO3- K = 10-6.0
H+ + CO32- = HCO3- K = 10+9.1
--------------------------------------------------------------------( HCO3 )2
H2CO3 + CO32- = 2HCO3- K = 103.1 ( H 2CO3 )(CO32 )
Graphical Approach
Algebraic Approach
Construct a Distribution Diagram for H2CO3 – Closed System
a. First specify the total CO2 (e.g. CT = 2.0 x 10-3 = 10-2.7 M)
b. Locate CT on the graph and draw a horizontal line for that value.
c. Locate the two system points on that line where pH = pK 1 and pH = pK2.
d. Make the crossover point, which is 0.3 log units less than C T
e. Sketch the lines for the species
The Proton Balance
The balance of species that have excess protons to species deficient in protons
relative to a stated reference level.
The proton conditions define three equivalance points on the graph (see circles)
and these are used to define 6 capacity factors for the solution.
You can titrate to each equivalence point from either the acid or base direction.
For Example:
For a pure solution of H2CO3:
CB + H+ = HCO3- + 2 CO32- + OH- + CA
Henry's Law:
We can express the gas concentration in terms of partial pressure using the
ideal gas law:
PV = nRT
so that [A(g)] is equal to the number of moles n divided by the volume
n/V = [A(g)] = PA / RT where PA is the partial pressure of A
Then K = [A(aq)] / PA / RT
or [A(aq)] = (K/RT) PA
[A(aq)] = KH PA units for K are mol kg-1 atm-1;
for PA are atm in mol kg-1
Henry's Law states that the solubility of a gas is proportional its overlying partial
Open System Distributions
Assume equilibrium with a constant composition gas phase with PCO2 = 10-3.5
H2CO3 = KH x PCO2
= 10-1.5 x 10-3.5
= 10-5.0
Carbonic Acid – 6 unknowns
Carbonic acid is the classic example of a diprotic acid
and it can have a gaseous form.
It also can be expressed as open or closed to the atmosphere
(or a gas phase)
a) pH
pH is defined in terms of the activity of H+ or as pH = -log (H+)
b) Total CO2
CT = [H2CO3] + [HCO3-] + [CO32-]
c) Alkalinity
Alkalinity = [HCO3-] + 2[CO32-] + [OH-] - [H+] + [B(OH)4-] + any other bases present
The alkalinity is defined as the amount of acid necessary to titrate all the weak bases in
seawater (e.g. HCO3-, CO32-, B(OH)4-) to the alkalinity endpoint which occurs
where (H+) = (HCO3-) (see graph)
d) PCO2
The PCO2 in a sample is the PCO2 that a water would have if it were in
equilibrium with a gas phase
Carbonate System Calculations
pH and CT Alkalinity and PCO2
A useful shorthand is the alpha notation, where the Alk = HCO3 + 2 CO3 + OH - H
alpha () express the fraction each carbonate species For this problem neglect H and OH (a good assumption ),
is of the total DIC. These values are a function of then:
pH only for a given set of acidity constants. Thus: = CT 1 + 2 CT 2
H2CO3 = o CT = CT (1 + 22)
HCO3- = 1 CT We can use this equation if we have a closed system and
CO32- = 2 CT we know 2 of the 3 variables (Alk, CT or pH).
The derivations of the equations are as follows: For an open system we can express CT in terms of PCO2 as
o = H2CO3 / CT = H2CO3 / (H2CO3 + HCO3 + CO3) follows:
We know that H2CO3* = CT o ( you can also use this
= 1 / ( 1+ HCO3 / H2CO3 + CO3/H2CO3) equation if you know pH and PCO2)
= 1 / ( 1 + K1/H + K1K2/H2) But H2CO3 can be expressed in terms of the Henry's Law:
= H2 / ( H2 + HK1 + K1K2) KH PCO2 = CT o
The values for 1 and 2 can be derived in a similar So
manner. CT = KH PCO2 /o
1 = HK1 / (H2 + H K1 + K1K2) Now:
2 = K1K2 / ( H2 + H K1 + K1K2) Alk = (KH PCO2 / o ) ( 1 + 22)
For example: Alk = KH PCO2 ( (1 + 2 2 ) /o )
Assume pH = 8, CT = 10-3, pK1' = 6.0 and pK2' = 9.0 Alk = KH PCO2 ( HK1 + 2 K1K2 / H2 )
[H2CO3*] = 10-5 mol kg-1 Assume:
(note the answer is in concentration because we used Alk = 10-3
K') PCO2 = 10-3.5
[HCO3-] = 10-3 mol kg-1 pK1' = 6.0
[CO32-] = 10-4 mol kg-1 pK2' = 9.0
CaCO3 solubility calculations
(H+) = -K1' (Alk-CT) + [(K1')2 (Alk-CT)2 - 4 Alk K1' K2' (Alk - 2CT)] 1/2 / 2 Alk
So the question boils down to what controls alkalinity and total CO2.
The long term controls on alkalinity and DIC are the balance between the sources and sinks
and these are the weathering (sources) and burial (sinks) of silicate and carbonate rocks
and organic matter.
Example: Gas concentrations in equilibrium with the atmosphere
Atmosphere Composition
Gas Mole Fraction in Dry Air (fG) (where fG = moles gas i/total moles)
N2 0.78080
O2 0.20952
Ar 9.34 x 10-3
CO2 3.3 x 10-4
[HA] = CA H+ / K + H+
[A-] = CA K / K + H+
The master variable is pH – How do these species vary with pH?
Graphical Approach (log – log diagram)
There are three regions for these graphs ; pH = pK (system point) ; pH >> pK; pH << pK
K versus K’ - pros and cons
Oceanographers frequently use an equilibrium constant defined in terms of
concentrations. These are called apparent or operation equilibrium constants.
We use the symbol K' to distinguish them from K.
Formally they are equilibrium constants determined on the seawater activity scale.
Apparent equilibrium constants (K') are written in the same form as K
except that all species are written as concentrations.
The exception is H+ which is usually written as the activity (H+).
There are pros and cons for both the K and K' approaches.
K the pro is that we can calculate the K from Gr and one value of K
can be used for all problems in all solutions (one K fits all).
The cons are that to use K we need to obtain values for the free ion activity
coefficients (i) and the %free (fi) for each solution.
For K‘, the con is that there needs to have been experimental determination of this
constant for enough values of S, T and P that equations can be derived to calculate
K' for the S, T and P of interest. The pro is that when this has been done the values
of K' are usually more precise than the corresponding value of K. The other pro is
that we do not need values of i and fi when we use K'.