English V Intermediate 2: Programa de Inglés Transversal
English V Intermediate 2: Programa de Inglés Transversal
English V Intermediate 2: Programa de Inglés Transversal
Intermediate 2
Programa de Inglés
Unit 6:
“Money Matters”
Learning Objectives
• Understand the use of Reported speech through a video.
Grammar point from the video
She asked me to give her all the
Reported Speech
details….. (can you give me all the
details) When you want to report what
I told her that the boss was not someone has said it´s important to
single and that he had a family…. consider many things:
( the boss is not single) 1. Backshift
2. Time expressions changes.
I asked her if she was surprised… 3. Personal pronouns and
Are you surprised? possessives
4. Modals verbs
Let´s check the grammar point.
1. Do you think buying online is 7. When you shop online, are you
affordable? completely satisfied with the
2. Are you allowed to bargain purchase?
when shopping online? 8. Have you ever been short of
3. Would you buy your house cash and done some shopping
online? regardless?
4. Have you ever made a down 9. Do you think that wealthy
payment online? people shop online?
5. Should all the items have a long 10. Do you think is better to pay
time guarantee? the entire price for a car or would
6. When you purchase online do you rather pay in installments?
you read the products details.
Read each question with your students. Make sure they understand the vocabulary words. Have them work in
groups of 4. Share answers. Have each student report the answers the give ( choose a couple of students)
Do you want to shop
at Amazon Go?
Writing: Activity
Write a 70 word paragraph about a gossip situation in which you were involved.
A long time a go when I was at school I had a classmate that was really annoying.
She loved talking about other people behind their back. She started telling this story.
Tell what Tina said to you to a friend.
I like the English Teacher, I´m going to meet him after school.
I don´t know what to say , I really like him.
I´m not telling my parents that the teacher wants to go out
with me.
I have this beautiful dress I want to wear .
I have new makeup to look older.
I don´t want him to see I look young.
He says Don´t tell anyone. I´m telling you, but don’t tell
See you tomorrow.