Design of Gears
Design of Gears
Design of Gears
Gears are toothed cylindrical wheels used for •
transmitting mechanical power from one rotating
shaft to another. Several types of gears are commonly
used and are available as stock items from original
equipment suppliers worldwide. This chapter
introduces various types of gears and gear
transmission and details the design, specification, and
selection of spur gears, in particular, based on the
consideration of failure due to bending using the
Lewis equation
.Gears can be divided into several broad classifications
Spur gears are the least expensive of all types for parallel shaft •
applications. Their straight teeth allow running engagement or
disengagement using sliding shaft and clutch mechanisms.
Typical applications of spur gears include automatic motor
vehicle gearboxes, machine tool drives, conveyor systems,
electric motor gearboxes. The majority of power gears are
manufactured from hardened and case-hardened steel. Other
materials used include iron, brass, bronze, and polymers such
as polyamide (e.g. nylon)
Materials Selection
Useful Range of Gear ratios
Spur gear schematic showing principal
Circular pitch
Circular pitch: This is the distance from a point on one tooth to
the corresponding point on the adjacent tooth measured along
.the pitch circle
Tooth systems are standards that define the
geometric proportions of gear teeth. Table 8.3
lists the basic tooth dimensions for full depth
teeth with pressure angles of 20 and 25. Table
8.4 lists preferred values for the module, m, and
Table 8.5 lists the preferred standard gear teeth
numbers. The failure of gears can principally be
attributed to tooth breakage, and surface failure
Tooth Systems
Force Analysis
Figure 1 shows the forces involved
for two spur gears in
mesh. The force acting at the pressure angle can be
subdivided into two components: The tangential
component Ft and the radial component Fr. The radial
component serves no useful purpose. The tangential
component Ft transmits the load from one gear to the
other gear. If Wt is defined as the transmitted load, Wt =
Ft. The transmitted load is related to the power
transmitted through the gears by the following
where Wt = transmitted load (N), P = power (W), and V =
pitch line velocity (m/s).
Alternatively, the pitch line velocity can be defined by
The overall ratio =12,000/2650 = 4.528.
First stage ratio = = 2.128.
This could be achieved using a gear with 38 teeth and pinion with 18
(ratio = 38/18 = 2.11).
The gear materials listed in Tables 8.7-8.10 are 817M40 and 655M13
From Table 8.11, the 655M13 is the stronger steel, and this is
selected for this example prior to a more detailed consideration.
For 655M13 case hardened steel gears, the permissible stress =
.345 MPa
Note: m = 1.5 gives a face width greater than the catalog value of 20
mm, so try m = 2.
.m = 2 gives a face width less than the catalog value of 25 mm, so OK
.Calculations for gear 2: Y38 = 0.37727, n = 5594 rpm
where dP and dG are the pitch diameters of the pinion and gear,
:The velocity factor Kv for cut or milled profile gears is given by
.is the value of contact stress
.is elastic coefficient (Table 12)
.is the application factor (usually taken as =1)
.is the dynamic factor
.is the size factor (usually taken as =1)
.is the pitch diameter of the pinion
.is the load distribution factor (Table 13)
is a surface condition factor ( =1)
.is a geometry factor
.is the AGMA surface fatigue strength (table 17)
. is the life factor
.is the hardness factor
.is the temperature factor ( =1)
.is the reliability factor (table 15)