Start-Up Businesses and Venture Capital: Corporate Financial Strategy
Start-Up Businesses and Venture Capital: Corporate Financial Strategy
Start-Up Businesses and Venture Capital: Corporate Financial Strategy
Learning objectives
Financial strategy for a start-up business
Stages in a start-up
Two ways of accounting for the risk
Real options
Venture capital and business angels
Example of corporate venturing
Deal terms will include…
Pre- and post-money
Pre- and post-money example
Anti-dilution clauses, used in a ‘down’ round
Liquidation preference reduces risk and boosts return
1. Explain how the life cycle model is applied to the start-up stage of a
2. Contrast the different ways that companies use to account for high
business risk.
3. Prepare or appraise a venture capital term sheet, and explain the
potential impact of some common investor protection clauses.
4. Distinguish the various different forms of early-stage financing and
comment on their strengths and weaknesses.
market testing
Prototype and
ion &
Chance to become
The length of each stage depends on the industry and business model
The number of successful entities decreases at each stage
Multi-stage projects
Timing flexibility
Alternative uses
Growth potential
Exit options
Corporate Financial Strategy
Deal terms will include
1. Company’s constitution
2. Shareholders’ agreement
a. Details of the investment and the terms attached to each of the securities – e.g.
votes, vetoes, covenants, rights on exit, conversion terms …
b. Drag along and tag along rights
c. Pre-emption rights
d. Board representation rights
3. Fees
4. Representations and warranties
5. Service contracts
6. Banking agreements
Pre- = Post-
money + Investment money
value value
Original VC investors bought ‘A’ shares at £100 per share. The ‘A’
shares will convert into ordinary shares on a disposal, on a 1:1 basis
Next stage investors will buy ‘B’ shares at £50 each
Because the ‘A‘ shares are being diluted, the holders of the ‘A’ shares
are issued with new free(ish) shares, to bring their overall cost down to
£50 per share. This dilutes the founder’s stake. Or, conversion terms
may alter to achieve same effect.
Example, where VC has put in £200,000 for 50% of the equity. Sales
proceeds for equity of £100k, £300k and £1m.
£100,000 £300,000 £1 million
proceeds proceeds proceeds
No liquid’n pref £50,000 £150,000 £500,000
1x LP £100,000 £250,000 £600,000
(£200k plus half of (£200k plus half of
£100k) £800k)
OR – the other shareholders may be credited with their own amounts paid for their
shares, in a catch-up exercise before the net proceeds are divided