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NodeJS and MEAN

First what is MEAN
M = mongoDB -- lightly cover in this class
E = Express -- lightly cover in this class
A = Angular.js (client side) –will not cover
N=Node.js -- lightly cover in this class
FULL stack solution
What is node.js ?
Created 2009

Evented I/O for JavaScript

Server Side JavaScript

Runs on Google's V8 JavaScript Engine

Why Use Node.js ?
Node's goal is to provide an easy way to
build scalable network programs.
What is unique about Node.js?
1. JavaScript on server-side thus making
communication between client and server
will happen in same language
2. Servers normally thread based but Node.JS
is “Event” based. Node.JS serves each
request in a Evented loop that can handle
simultaneous requests.
What can you do with Node ?
It lets you Layered on top of the TCP library is
a HTTP and HTTPS client/server.

The JS executed by the V8 javascript engine

(the thing that makes Google Chrome so fast)

Node provides a JavaScript API to access the

network and file system.
What can’t do with Node?
Node is a platform for writing JavaScript
applications outside web browsers. This is
not the JavaScript we are familiar with in
web browsers. There is no DOM built into
Node, nor any other browser capability.

Node can’t run on GUI, but run on terminal

Threads VS Event-driven
Threads Asynchronous Event-driven

Lock application / request with only one thread, which

listener-workers threads repeatedly fetches an event
Using incoming-request model Using queue and then processes
multithreaded server might manually saves state and then
block the request which might goes on to process the next
involve multiple events event
Using context switching no contention and no context
Using multithreading Using asynchronous I/O
environments where listener facilities (callbacks, not
and workers threads are used poll/select or O_NONBLOCK)
frequently to take an incoming- environments
request lock
Why node.js use event-based?
normal process the webserver while processing the
request will have to wait for the IO operations and thus
blocking the next request to be processed.

Node.JS process each request as events, doesn’t wait

(non-blocking) for the IO operation to complete  it can
handle other request at the same time.
When the IO operation of first request is completed it will
call-back the server to complete the request.
Blocking vs Non-Blocking……
Example :: Read data from file and show data
● Read data from file
● Show data
● Do other tasks
var data = fs.readFileSync( “test.txt” );
console.log( data );
console.log( “Do other tasks” );
● Read data from file
When read data completed, show data
● Do other tasks

fs.readFile( “test.txt”, function( err, data ) {

Node.js VS Apache
1. It's faster
2. It can handle tons of concurrent requests

Platform Number of request per

PHP ( via Apache) 3187,27
Static ( via Apache ) 2966,51
Node.js 5569,30
Success Stories…..
Supports HTTP
When to use it ?
• Chat/Messaging
• Real-time Applications
• Intelligent Proxies
• High Concurrency Applications
• Communication Hubs
• Coordinators
Node.js for….
● Web application
● Websocket server
● Ad server
● Proxy server
● Streaming server
● Fast file upload client
● Any Real-time data apps
● Anything with high I/O
File package.json….. {
"name": "node-js-getting-started",
"version": "0.2.5",
"description": "A sample Node.js app using Express 4",
"engines": {
"node": "5.9.1"
Project information },
"main": "index.js",
• Name "scripts": {
"start": "node index.js"
• Version },
"dependencies": {
"body-parser": "^1.16.1",
• Dependencies "cookie-parser": "^1.4.3",
"cool-ascii-faces": "1.3.4",
• Licence "ejs": "2.4.1",
"express": "^4.13.3",
• Main file "express-session": "^1.15.1",
"mongodb": "^2.2.24",
Etc... "multer": "^1.3.0",
"pg": "4.x",
"pug": "^2.0.0-beta11"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/heroku/node-js-getting-started"
"keywords": [
"license": "MIT"
Node.js Modules….. MANY
● https://npmjs.org/
● # of modules = 1,21,943
Install a module…..inside your project directory

$npm install <module name>

Using module….. Inside your javascript code
var http = require(‘http’);
var fs = require(‘fs’);
var express = require(‘express’);
Hello World Example
STEP 1: create directory and call npm install and follow
>mkdir myapp
>cd myapp
 Use the npm init command to create a package.json file
for your application. For more information, see 
Specifics of npm’s package.json handling.
> $ npm init
prompts you for a number of things, such as the name and
version of your application. For now, you can simply hit
RETURN to accept the defaults
Hello World example
Create file index.js with the following code:
http.createServer(function (request, response) {
// Send the HTTP header
// HTTP Status: 200 : OK
// Content Type: text/plain
response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
// Send the response body as "Hello World“
response.end('Hello World\n'); }).listen(8081);

// Console will print the message

console.log('Server running at');
Hello World example –package.json –
describes application

"name": "helloworld",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "simple hello world app",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "L. Grewe",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"express": "^4.14.1"

Run your hello world application
Run the app with the following command:

$ node app.js

Then, load http://localhost:3000/ in a browser to see the

minimal and flexible Node.js web application
framework that provides a robust set of features for
web and mobile applications.
Express gives ease of functionality
Delivery of Static Files
“Middleware” – some ease in development
Form Processing
Simple forms of Authentication
Cookies and Session Manipulation
A lot of this you can do in NodeJS but, you may write more code to do it than
if you use the framework Express.

There are other alternatives than Express (the E in MEAN) like Sail, Meteor
Install express
 install Express (if you want it, most will)and any
other dependencies needed
Now install Express in the myapp directory and save it
in the dependencies list. For example:
>$ npm install express --save  
Express install
Will add files
to the node_modules

If this is the first

module you
have installed for
current application
IT will create the
directory first.
ALTERNATIVE to install -
npm install express-generator -g express helloapp
create : helloapp
create : helloapp/package.json
create : helloapp/app.js
create : helloapp/public
create : helloapp/public/images
create : helloapp/routes
create : helloapp/routes/index.js
create : helloapp/routes/users.js
create : helloapp/public/stylesheets
create : helloapp/public/stylesheets/style.css
create : helloapp/views create : helloapp/views/index.jade
create : helloapp/views/layout.jade
create : helloapp/views/error.jade
create : helloapp/bin
create : helloapp/bin/www
install dependencies:
$ cd helloapp && npm install
run the app:
$ DEBUG=helloapp:* npm start
create : helloapp/public/javascripts
Express – hello world code
index.js have the code

var express = require('express')

This says requires module express

var app = express()

Calls function express to initialize object app

app.get('/', function (req, res) {

App object has various methods like get
res.send('Hello World!') that responds to HTTP get request.
}) This code will be call the function specified when
a GET for the URI / is invoked
app.listen(3000, function () {
console.log('Example app Sets up the HTTP server for listening port 3000
listening on port 3000!')
NEXT ------
Go over class website to see how to use MongoDB
and more on Express!!!
Once you are done, you will understand the basics of MEAN (without the A)
and a start towards using NodeJS for web systems.

HOWEVER…..I might suggest next learning about Meteor – less callbacks, more
subscription model than using MEAN

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