Treasury & Risk Management: Post Graduate Diploma in Management (ePGDM)
Treasury & Risk Management: Post Graduate Diploma in Management (ePGDM)
Treasury & Risk Management: Post Graduate Diploma in Management (ePGDM)
Triparty Repo (earlier called CBLO – Collateralized Borrowing & Lending Obligation)
Collateralized Borrowing and Lending Obligation (CBLO), as the name implies, is a fully
collateralized and secured instrument for borrowing / lending money
It is a product conceived and developed by CCIL for facilitating deployment of surplus
funds in a collateralized environment
CBLO is a RBI approved money market instrument with maximum tenor of one year
Is an instrument backed by Gilts as collaterals deposited by the borrower with CCIL
Provides right and authority to the lender to receive money lent along with interest
on the settlement date
It is a discounted instrument traded on Yield-Time priority
Eligible securities are Central Government securities including Treasury Bills as
specified by CCIL from time to time
CBLO Membership :
granted to NDS Members and non-NDS Members
entities eligible for CBLO Membership are Nationalized Banks, Private Banks, Foreign
Banks, Co-operative Banks, FIs, Insurance Companies, Mutual Funds, Primary Dealers,
NBFCs, Corporates, Provident/ Pension Funds etc.
Capital Market is the financial market where the medium-term and long-term financial
needs of business and other undertakings are met by financial institutions and retail
investors which supply medium and long-term resources to borrowers
1) Important and efficient conduit to channel and mobilize funds to enterprises from both private
and public investors.
2) Provides an effective source of investment in the economy.
3) Plays a critical role in mobilizing savings for investment in productive assets, with a view to
enhancing a country’s long-term growth prospects, and thus acts as a major catalyst in
transforming its economy more efficient, innovative and competitive.
4) In addition to resource allocation, capital markets also provide a medium for risk management by
allowing the diversification of financial risk in the economy.
5) A well-functioning capital market improves dissemination of market information and thus plays a
major role in improving corporate governance practices and efficient market.
6) Plays a crucial role in supporting technological progress and economic development.
7) Among other things, liquid markets make it possible to obtain financing for capital intensive
projects with long gestation periods.
8) Capital markets make it possible for companies to give shares to their employees via ESOPs.
9) Capital markets provide a market for mergers and acquisitions via share swaps.
10) Capital markets provide an excellent route for disinvestments.
11) Venture Capital and Private Equity funds investing in unlisted companies get an exit option when
they get listed on the capital markets.
12) Existence of deep and broad capital market is absolutely crucial for the economic growth of our
country. An essential imperative for India has been to develop its capital market to provide
alternative sources of funding for companies and thus to achieve more effective mobilization of
investors’ savings.
Corporate Bonds
Equity Market
Venture Capital
Private Equity
Angel Funds