S Parameters
S Parameters
S Parameters
S Parameters 2
It describes the response of an N-port network to
signal(s) incident to any or all of the ports.
The first number in the subscript refers to the
responding port, while the second number refers
to the incident port.
Example: Sij
S Parameters 4
A network may have any number of ports.
•a resistor
Fig 1 – Simple representation of 2 port network
•a transmission line
S Parameters 5
S-parameters are measured by sending a single
frequency signal into the network and detecting
what waves exit from each port.
S Parameters 6
For a wave incident on Port 1,some part of this signal
reflects back out of that port and some portion of the signal
exits other ports.
S Parameters 7
•S11 refers to the signal reflected at Port 1 for the signal incident at Port 1.
Fig 4 – Two port network showing transmitted wave at the same port
S Parameters 8
•S21 refers to the signal exiting at Port 2 for the signal incident at Port 1.
S Parameters 9
•S12 refers to the signal exiting at Port 1 for the signal incident at Port 2.
Fig 6 – Two port network showing incident and transmitted wave at different port
S Parameters 10
Matrix algebraic representation of 2 port S-parameters:
Properties of S-Matrix:
• They are symmetrical. Sij = Sji
S Parameters 11
• S-matrix for an n-port network contains n2
coefficients (S-parameters)
S Parameters 12
Diagrammatic representation of 4 port Network:
S Parameters 13
•It has 4 ports.
•Signal flows only
•P1 P2
•P2 P3
Fig 7 – Four port Circulator
•P3 P4
•P4 P1
Where P is Port
S Parameters 14
Matrix algebraic representation of 4 port S-parameters:
S Parameters 16