Lobbying: Prepared by Binju Karki M.SC - Nursing
Lobbying: Prepared by Binju Karki M.SC - Nursing
Lobbying: Prepared by Binju Karki M.SC - Nursing
Prepared by
Binju Karki
General objective: By the end of the class students will
be able to understand the complete about Lobbying.
Specific objective: By the end of the class student will be
able to:
•to introduce lobbying
•to define lobbying
•to define lobbylist
•to explain the type of lobbylist
•to explain preparing for lobbying campaign
•to describe preparing for an effective letter-writing campaign
•to explain do in lobbying
•to describe don’t in lobbying
Nurses can take an active role in the legislative
and political process to affect change. They may
become involved in influencing one specific
piece of legislation or regulation, or they can
become involved more universally and
systematically to influence health care legislation
on the whole.
•A lobbying is also known as Lobby. It is the act of
attempting to influence decisions made by officials in a
government most often legislator. Legislator are
members of regulatory agencies.
•A lobbying is the deliberate attempt to influence
political decisions through various forms of advocacy
directed at policy makers. On behalf of another person,
organization or group.
Lobbyist is an individual who attempts to
influence legislation on behalf of others, such as
professional organizations or industries.
Lobbyists are advocates. That means they
represent a particular side of an issue.
A person who compensation or
reimbursement from person; or
another group,
entity to lobby.
2) Develop a plan.