By Tara Cavanaugh
and David Jagusch
ED 205 P
All About Poetry
History Allegory & Meta Authors
Epic Poetry phor Styles
Rhyme & Meter T.S. Eliot
Elizabethan Irony & Image Sonnet
Poetry Haiku Homer
Simile & Epic
Symbol Elizabeth Bishop
Modern Poetry Free Verse
Alliteration & Limerick Langston Hughes
Tone & Word Quatrain W.B. Yeats
Emily Dickinson
William Shakespeare
William Wordsworth
Works Cited
E.E. Cummings
Epic poetry
• Characteristics: usually found in preliterate
societies, this style of poetry was typically
passed down through oral traditions, until
someone eventually wrote them down- this is
why we can read them today. These poems
usually take the form of a long narrative, which
means it is usually a very long story told in the
first person (“I did this” instead of “he or she did
that”). These poems were written a long time
ago- The Odyssey, for example, is t thought to
have been written anywhere between 8 and 7
• The Odyssey by Homer
Elizabethan Poetry
• Most of our ideas about how poetry
should be written come from this era.
Elizabethan poetry was written in
through the17th and 19th
centuries.This poetry has a heavy
emphasis on many rules regarding
rhythm, rhyme, meter.
• Major themes of this poetry are:
discovery of the self, political
turbulence, and originality (later in the
• For examples of this poetry, please
see: William Shakespeare,
William Wordsworth
Modern Poetry
I never lost as much but twice,
And that was in the sod.
Twice have I stood a beggar
Before the door of God!
See also
Modern Poetry Angels- twice descending
Reimbursed my store-
Burglar! Banker! –Father!
I am poor once more!
Langston Hughes
Fragment from “THEME FOR ENGLISH B”
The instructor said, Go home and write
a page tonight.
And let that page come out of you---
Then, it will be true. I wonder if it's that simple?
I am twenty-two, colored, born in Winston-Salem.
I went to school there, then Durham, then here
to this college on the hill above Harlem.
I am the only colored student in my class.
The steps from the hill lead down into Harlem
through a park, then I cross St. Nicholas,
Eighth Avenue, Seventh, and I come to the Y,
the Harlem Branch Y, where I take the elevator
up to my room, sit down, and write this page: It's not easy to know
what is true for you or me • 1902-1967
at twenty-two, my age. But I guess I'm what
I feel and see and hear, Harlem, I hear you: • Is considered a “Harlem
hear you, hear me---we two---you, me, talk on this page. Renaissance” Poet- he was
(I hear New York too.) Me---who? an African American that was
one of the first of his race to
be a published and respected
see: Modern Poetry • His poetry has been set to
jazz music
And if you’re hankering for even more information about
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epic_of_Gilgamesh
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epic_poetry
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odyssey
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_poetry#The_Restoration_and_1
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Wordsworth
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Keats
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Shakespeare
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_poetry#The_20th_century
• Norton’s Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry, 3rd ed.
Volumes 1 and 2
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slam_poetry
An allegory tells a story that can be read symbolically.
Interpreting an allegory is complicated because you need to be
aware of what each symbol in the narrative refers to. Allegories
thus reinforces symbolic meaning.
Irony refers to a difference between the way something appears and what
is actually true. Irony allows us to say something but to mean something
else, whether we are being sarcastic, exaggerating, or understating. Irony
is generally more restrained than sarcasm, even though the effect might be
the same. The key to irony is often the tone, which is sometimes harder to
detect in poetry than in speech.
The word like signifies a direct comparison between two things that are
alike in a certain way. Usually one of the elements of a simile is concrete
and the other abstract. Sometimes similes force us to consider how the two
things being compared are dissimilar, but the relationship between two
dissimilar things can break down easily, so similes must be rendered
delicately and carefully.
Assonance occurs when the vowel sound within a word matches the same
sound in a nearby word, but the surrounding consonant sounds are different.
"Tune" and "June" are rhymes; "tune" and "food" are assonant. The function
of assonance is frequently the same as end rhyme or alliteration: All serve to
give a sense of continuity or fluidity to the verse.
The tone of a poem is roughly equivalent to the mood it creates in the
reader. Much depends on interpretation. A poem gives its readers clues
about how to feel about it. The tone may be based on a number of other
conventions that the poem uses, such as meter or repetition. Tone is not
in any way divorced from the other elements of poetry; it is directly
dependent on them.
Sonnet of Demeter--Italian Sonnet
Oh the pirate stars, they have no mercy!
Masquerading as hope they tell their lies; TIFF QuickTime™ and dec
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Only the young can hear their lullabies. are needed to see this pic
But I am barren and I am thirsty
Since she has gone. No hope is there for me.
I will roam and curse this earth and these skies--
Death from life which Zeus sovereign denies.
My heart's ill shall the whole world's illness be
Come on let us see
All the real flowers of this
Sorrowful world
TIFF QuickTime™
are needed to see this pictu
~Basho 1644-1694
An Epic is a long narrative poem celebrating the adventures
and achievements of a hero...epics deal with the traditions,
mythical or historical, of a nation.
Examples: Beowulf, The Iliad and the Odyssey, the Aeneid,
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Free Verse is an irregular form of poetry in which the content free of traditional rules of
versification, (freedom from fixed meter or rhyme).
In moving from line to line, the poet's main consideration is where to insert line breaks. Some
ways of doing this include breaking the line where there is a natural pause or at a point of
suspense for the reader.
“I celebrate myself,
And what I assume you shall assume, TIFFQuickTime™ and
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.” are needed to see this
~Walt Whitman, Song of Myself
A Limerick is a rhymed humorous, and or nonsense poem
of five lines. With a rhyming scheme of: a-a-b-b-a.
I love ta see the morning sun
that's how I tell the days begun.
Birds all singing a happy song
it tis the place where I belong.
QuickTime™ and a
Far from school without the nun TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
A poem in which all the lines have the same end rhyme.
I was sitting in my chair
wanting to become a millionaire
It won't happen I'm well aware
but I still think its very unfair TIFF QuickTime™
I have even said a little prayer
are needed to see t
but I don't have that special flair
And my bodies in great despair
I think I look more like a pear
But at least I still have my hair
and a table to play solitaire
A poem consisting of four lines of verse with a specific
rhyming scheme.
#3) aabb
#4) aaba, bbcb, ccdc, dddd -- chain rhyme