This document discusses demand forecasting methods. It begins by defining demand and explaining the significance of forecasting for businesses. It then describes both qualitative and quantitative forecasting methods. Qualitative methods include judgemental forecasting using experienced individuals. Quantitative methods rely on numerical data and include techniques like naive models, moving averages, exponential smoothing, linear regression, trend models, and using dummy variables to account for seasonality. The document provides examples and explanations of how to apply these various demand forecasting techniques.
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This document discusses demand forecasting methods. It begins by defining demand and explaining the significance of forecasting for businesses. It then describes both qualitative and quantitative forecasting methods. Qualitative methods include judgemental forecasting using experienced individuals. Quantitative methods rely on numerical data and include techniques like naive models, moving averages, exponential smoothing, linear regression, trend models, and using dummy variables to account for seasonality. The document provides examples and explanations of how to apply these various demand forecasting techniques.
This document discusses demand forecasting methods. It begins by defining demand and explaining the significance of forecasting for businesses. It then describes both qualitative and quantitative forecasting methods. Qualitative methods include judgemental forecasting using experienced individuals. Quantitative methods rely on numerical data and include techniques like naive models, moving averages, exponential smoothing, linear regression, trend models, and using dummy variables to account for seasonality. The document provides examples and explanations of how to apply these various demand forecasting techniques.
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This document discusses demand forecasting methods. It begins by defining demand and explaining the significance of forecasting for businesses. It then describes both qualitative and quantitative forecasting methods. Qualitative methods include judgemental forecasting using experienced individuals. Quantitative methods rely on numerical data and include techniques like naive models, moving averages, exponential smoothing, linear regression, trend models, and using dummy variables to account for seasonality. The document provides examples and explanations of how to apply these various demand forecasting techniques.
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Demand Forecasting
Prof. A.N. Sah
What is demand Demand: In economics, demand refers to the amount of quantity demanded for a product at a particular price during a given period of time. Market Demand: Sum of individual demands. It refers to total volume that would be bought by a defined customer group in a defined geographical area during a given time period. Market Potential: Market potential refers to the upper limit of market demand. What is forecasting? Forecasting is defined as “Estimating in unknown situations. In the context of a company, it refers to the estimates of future sales of the company’s products. “A successful business manager is a forecaster first; purchasing, producing, marketing, pricing, and organizing all will follow it.” Significance of Forecasting for Business The area of business forecasting revolves around demand forecasting, for marketing and production for shorter horizons. Marketing department forecasts sales for new product lines to give strategic information about their sales later at maturity. It also forecasts sales for existing product lines to give feedback on whether the current sales techniques are working well or not. Such forecasts are called short range strategic forecasts which are done usually for 1 to 2 years. Cont.. Besides this, there is tactical and requirements forecasting that is done for a very short to short horizons of 1 week to 12 months with a typical horizons of 6 to 12 weeks. Actually, for producing short strategic and tactical forecasts, we make use of objective forecasting methods such as smoothing techniques, causal methods etc. Cont.. Finally, long range strategic forecasting, usually for a period comprising from 2 to 10 years is done. Some of the techniques used under this are surveys, panel of experts and the Delphi method. It is this strategic forecasting which tends to make or break companies. Cont… In the forecasting process, the identification of the problem is the most difficult part. It involves identifying the exact variable of interest, that is, to be forecasted which requires a deep understanding of the system. It raises some critical questions such as: how the forecasts will be used in the organization, who requires the forecasts and for what purpose, and how the whole forecasting exercise fits within the organization. Demand Forecasting Methods There is a wide variety of forecasting techniques availabe. They range from relatively informal qualitative methods to highly advanced quantitative methods of forecasting. It is important to note that advanced and sophisticated does not necessarily mean more accurate forecasts. Sometimes guess estimate by experienced people in the industry has a very high accuracy. However, forecasters use wide range of techniques, recognizing that some techniques might perform better than others depending upon nature of data.
Qualitative Methods Qualitative forecasting technique is based on judgements about future. These are often called judgemental or nonextrapolative techniques. In this type of forecasting, dependence on numbers are not only small but they also lack rigourous specification of the underlying assumption. Judgemental forecasting is one of the important techniques of forecasting. In this method, an individual or small group of people prepare forecasts regarding likely future conditions. Cont… When used by experienced persons keeping in mind historical trends, current economic situations and other relevant factors, this method can produce good estimates. This method, however, tend to work best when environment changes very rapidly. When economic and political conditions are very stable, quantitative methods may yield very good estimates. However, when economic and political environment are in flux, quantitative methods may not capture important clues which have the ability to change the historical patterns in a country. Quantitative Methods Quantitative methods of forecasting rely on numerical data. Data is the bread and butter of quantitative methods. There are two general types of quantitative methods. First, the time series methods that consists of numerous techniques that use past trends to predict future conditions. Second, causal models that use the variables assumed to influence another variable. In general, quantitative methods perform better job than qualitative methods in predicting future. Finally, time series methods outperform causal models at least in near term. Time series methods of forecasting are discussed below: 1. Naïve Model A naive model simply assumes the value in previous period as the forecasted value in the current period. In other words, the value of a variable at time t is the same as the value at time t-1. This model is also called random walk model which is specified as follows: Y(t) =Y(t-1) Cont.. where Yt is the forecasted value at time t, and Yt-1 is the actual value at time t-1. A variant of naive model involves taking average of two prior values to generate forecast. Another variation of naive modelling involves incorporating trend that may be present in data. Data 1.xlsx 2.Moving Average Moving average is a very common time series technique of forecasting. It is very frequently used by technical analyst in predicting stock prices, interest rates, foreign exchange rates etc. In moving average old data points are excluded as new ones are added. As a consequence, the most recent information is utilized in obtaining each new moving average. Cont… The optimal time period to include in the computation of moving average depends on the degree of variation in the data. If there is high degree of random component present in the data then a longer period is used. Similarly, the presence of cyclicality and seasonality in the data also requires a longer period to smooth the data. In practice, trial and error method is used to arrive at the best fitting model that minimizes forecast error. Data2.xlsx 3. Exponential Smoothing Another popular time series forecasting technique is exponential smoothing. While moving average technique gives equal weight to each data points, exponential smoothing assigns exponentially declining weights as the observation get older. In other words, exponential smoothing technique gives relatively more weight to recent observations and less weight to older observation. Symbolically, exponential smoothing is expressed as follows: Ft+1=α.Xt+ (1-α) Ft Cont… where Ft+1= the forecast for the next time period (t+1) Ft= the forecast for the present time period (t) Xt = the actual value for the present time period α = a value between 0 and 1 referred to as the exponential smoothing constant. Cont… The value of α is determined by the forecaster. If α is chosen to be less than 0.5, less weight is placed on the actual value than on the forecast of that value. If α is chosen to be more than 0.5, more weight is placed on the actual value than on the forecast of that value A high smoothing coefficient could be more appropriate for new products or items for which the underlying demand is shifting (dynamic or unstable) Cont… An α of .7, .8 or .9 might be best for these conditions. If demand is very stable and believed to be representative of the future, the forecaster wants to select a low value of α to smooth out any sudden noise that might have occurred. Under these stable conditions, an appropriate smoothing coefficient might ne .1, .2 or 0.3. When demand is slightly unstable, smoothing coefficients of 0.4, 0.5 or 0.6 might provide the most accurate forecast. Data3.xlsx Linear Regression Regression analysis is a statistical tool for analyzing the nature of relationship between two variables. It is an important tool frequently used by economists to understand the relationship among two or more variables. When our interest lies in explaining one variable in terms of another variable i.e. y in terms of x, we use regression. Regression model studies the relationship between two variables when one is the dependent variable and the other is an independent variable. For example, an agriculture economist might be interested in explaining crop yield (y) with the help of amount of fertilizers (x) used; change in inflation (y) in terms of change in money supply (x). Data4.xlsx Linear Trend Model Trend refers to the general tendency of an economic variable over a long time. According to Simpson & Kafka, “ Trend also called secular or long term trend is the basic tendency of production, sales, income, employment, or the like to grow or decline over a period of time. The concept of trend does not include short –range oscillations but, rather, steady movements over a long time.” data5.xlsx Seasonality: Dummy Variable Seasonal variations in production and sales is a well known fact in business. Seasonality refers to regular and repetitive fluctuation in a time series which occurs periodically over a span of less than a year. The main cause of seasonal variations in time series data is the change in climate. For example, sales of wollen clothes generally increase in winter season. Besides this, customs and tradition also affect economic variables for instance sales of gold increase during marriage seasons. Cont… A variable which takes only two values such as 0 and 1 are called dummy variables. They are also called categorical, indicator or binary variables in literature. While 1 indicates the presence of an attribute, o indicates the absence of an attribute. data6.xlsx Thank You