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Global Interstate System

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BSA 1-4
OBJECTI Global Interstate System
VES Global Governance in the 21st Century

Effects of Globalization to Governments

03 Several Challenges to the Government:
Traditional Challenges
Challenges from National/ Identity
Global Economics
Global Social Movements

Relevance of the State amid Globalization

Institutions that Govern International
05 United Nations, NAFTA, NATO
Global Interstate

- Institution that creates warfare and sets economic policies for a

- A political unit that has authority over its own affair.
Global Governance in the 21st Century
Factors behind the Emergence
of Global Governance:
1. Declining power of nation-
2. Vast flows of all sorts of things
that run into and often right
through the borders of nation-
3. Mass migration of people and
their entry, often illegally, into
various nation-states.
4. Involves horrendous events
within nation-states that the
states themselves either foment
and carry out, or are unable to
5. Global problems that single
nation-state cannot hope to
tackle on their own.
Effects of Globalization to
One of the key aspects of state
sovereignty is the government.
- Group of people who have ultimate
authority to act on behalf of a state.
Several Challenges to the Government and ultimately, to state autonomy:
Global Economics
- Global economy demands the
Traditional Challenge
states to conform to the rules of
-External Intervention:
free-market capitalism.
Invasion by other countries.
- Neoliberal economics: Focuses
-Internal political challenges
. on free trade and dismantling trade

Global Social Movements

-Most of the time, they are not seen
Challenges from National or
as a threat but they definitely
Identity Movements
challenge state sovereignty.
- Global Movements such as
- Are transnational movements which
Al-Qaeda and ISIS
occurs across countries and across
The Relevance of the State amid
Permanent Population
Globalization Territory
- Does not refer to a nomadic
State- is a distinctive political -Has clear
people that move from one
community with its own set of rules boundaries
place to another in an
and practices and that is more or less - Controlled by the
indefinite time.
separate from other communities. third element
- Strengthened by the
It has four elements: people,  
second element.
territory, government and sovereignty
Nation Nation-state
Sovereignty - Refers to a - A territorially
- The state is a people rather bounded
Government formally than any kind sovereign
- Regulates constituted sover of formal institution that
regulations eign political territorial governs
structure boundaries or individuals
among its encompassing institutions sharing a
own people people, territory collective history,
history and
with other and its identity.
states. institutions.  
Institutions That Govern International Relations

There are several international

organizations that governments of
countries around the world and
individuals participate in.
. .The international
United Nations
court of justice

Peace Treaties and Military Alliances: The UN and NATO

The term “United Nations” was coined by former

U.S President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1942.

The UN also has what is known

as the Security Council

According to UN (2011), peace and security are maintained “ by

working to prevent conflict; helping parties in conflict make peace;
peacekeeping and creating the conditions to allow peace to hold and
It has a program called UNICEF or United
Nations Children’s Emergency Fund and
their primary goal is to help children
around the world.

Finally, the UN promotes and

protects human rights.
NATO was created after the Second
World War, mostly during the
beginning of the cold war.

The UN also has the International

Court of Justice (ICJ), usually
referred to as the World Court. NATO is a defensive treaty or a
military alliance between United
It is located in the Netherlands in a
States, Canada and 25 European
town called The Hague. countries.
Organization (NGOs)

Another example of an
International organization that was
developed out of war is the Red
Cross (Red Crescent in Muslim

NGOs are not tied to any country.

This allow them to operate freely
throughout the world.
Global Economic Associations: The WTO and NAFTA

 The WTO is made up of 164 countries

around the world and was created with
the goal of increasing free trade.
 Another famous economic organization is
NAFTA. This is an economic treaty between the
United States, Canada and Mexico in which the
three countries trade freely without taxing each
Globalization and Globalism

Globalization is the process of Globalism refers to the network of

interaction and integration connections that transcend
among people, companies, and distances of different countries in
governments worldwide the world.
This technological
paradigm, associated Globalization allowed the expansion
with computer science of information, access to modern
and modern technologies is not a universal matter
telecommunication, that is available to every person
that replace around the world.
industrialism is called
These are technology, The creation of the world’s first container ship in 1956
the media, and the and the expansion of airfreight greatly hastened the
internet transport of goods all around the world. But a notable
example of Technological advancement is the founding
of Federal Express ( FedEx) in the 1970’s.
Global Citizenship
Global citizenship is all about
encouraging young people to
develop the knowledge, skills and
values they need to engage with the The idea of global
world. And it's about the belief that citizenship demands the
we can all make a difference. creation of rights and

The World Social Forum (WSF) is centered on

addressing the lack of democracy in economic
and political affairs.
Thank you

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