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Site Selection

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Site Selection

Selection of site for any building is very important

and experts job and should be done very carefully by
an experienced engineer
Site selection involves consideration in five heads
1.Physical Considerations 2. health consideration
3. Community facilities 4. Transportation facilities
5. Economy
Following are some of the important factors which
should be considered while selecting site
• The site should be in fully developed area or in the area which
has potential of development.

• The site should command a good view of landscape such a

hill, river, lake, etc.

• There should be good transport facilities such as railway, bus

service, for going to office, college, market, etc.

• Civic services such as water supply, drainage sewers, electric

lines, telephone lines, etc. should be very near to the selected
site so as to obtain their services with no extra cost.
• Soil at site should not be of made up type as far as possible. The
buildings constructed over such soils normally undergo
differential settlement and sometimes become the cause of
collapse. Cracks in buildings in such conditions, are quite

• The selected site should be large enough; both to ensure the

building abundant light and air to prevent any over dominance
by the neighboring buildings.

• The ground water table at the site should not be very high.

• Nearness of schools, hospitals, market, etc. are considered good

for residential site but these facilities do not carry any
significance in the selection site for other public buildings.
• Good foundation soil should be available at responsible depth.
This aspect saves quite a bit in the cost of the building.
• Residential house site should be located away from the busy
commercial roads.

• Residential site should not be located near workshops,

factories, because such locations are subjected to continuous

• Orientation of the site also has some bearing on its selection.

Site should be such in our country that early morning sun and
late evening sun is accepted in the building in summer and
maximum sun light is available in most of winter.
• The ground water table should not be very high

• Residential house site should be located away from the busy

commercial roads

• The shape of plot or site should not be very irregular , instead

of rectangle if it is slightly irregular, it looks more artistic. But
if it has too many acute corners and irregular boundaries , its
area and cost proportionally increase without giving any
advantage of space.

Building bye-laws
• bpd\New Doc 2017-10-13.pdf
Functional planning design aspect of
residential and public building

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