Slowness of movement
Rigidity (stiffness)
Shuffling walk
Muffled speech
Early symptoms of PD are subtle and occur
gradually. In some people the disease
progresses more quickly than in others. Slow
progressively moving disease.
Parkinson disease affects both men and women in
almost equal numbers. It shows no social, ethnic,
economic or geographic boundaries. In the United
States, it is estimated that 60,000 new cases are
diagnosed each year, joining the 1.5 million
Americans who currently have Parkinson disease.
While the condition usually develops after the age of
65, 15% of those diagnosed are under 50.
Genetics – 15 – 25% of people with Parkinson's
report having a relative with the disease . The vast
majority of Parkinson's cases are not directly
inherited, but researchers have discovered several
genes that can cause the disease in a small number
of families.
Environmental Factors - Epidemiological research
has identified several factors that may be linked to
PD, including rural living, well water, herbicide use
and exposure to pesticides.
There is though no evidence to prove there is
environmental factors that cause Parkinsons.
Carbidopa/Levodopa-may cause- low blood
pressure, nausea, confusion, dry mouth, dizziness.
Carbidopa/Levodopa-(controlled release) may
cause-low blood pressure, nausea, confusion, dry
mouth, dizziness.
Carbidopa/Levodopa- Entacapone-may cause-
nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dizziness,
harmless discoloration of urine, saliva and/or sweat.
Along with these medications you can take
Dopamine- which is a drug that stimulates the parts
of the human brain that receive dopamine.
Vitamin E- has been suggested to lower the
risk of PD risk.
Health Food- papaya and blueberries have
been suggested to slow nerve cell death.
Support Groups
Physical, Speech and Occupational Therapy
Clinical Trials
Choosing a doctor is very important for a
person with parkinson’s since they may work
with a doctor for many years.
A person should feel comfortable
communicating with their neurologist.
A person should have an open line of
communication with their neurologist.
Support groups can provide a caring
environment for asking questions about
People who attend support groups can share
stories, form friendships and trade advice
with people who have experienced similar
Many people find online support groups
To find a support group a person can call or
email the Parkinsons Disease Foundation.
A poor appetite and inadequate food intake
affect many people who have parkinsons.
A person who has parkinsons should
maintain a full diet that contains all the daily
nutritional requirements.
Extra fresh fruits and vegetables can help
prevent constipation’
Drinking plenty of fluids can help prevent
These types of therapies can help parkinsons
patients control their symptons and make
their daily life easier.
Physical therapy may increase muscle
Speech therapy can help increase voice
volume and assist with word pronunciations.
Occupational therapy give people alternative
methods of doing tasks that they can no
longer perform with ease.
Clinical trials help researchers answer specific
questions about the safety and efficacy of
new treatments by studying its effects on
Clinical trials are essential and necessary
components of the scientific research
Without clinical trials and research there
would not be a possibility of finding a cure in
the future.
Richard Sidman et all of the Harvard Institutes of
Medicine in Boston injected African green monkeys
with a chemical that damages neurons that make
dopamine. (Much like the effects of Parkinson’s.)
Later these monkeys were injected with neural stem