Congenital Hydrocele
Congenital Hydrocele
Congenital Hydrocele
Dr. Jyoti Kiran HOD Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Associate Professor
PG - JR 3 Dr. STM Govt. Hospital, Haldwani
A hydrocele is a build up watery clear fluid around one or both testicles. When the hydrocele present in birth , it is referred to as a congenital
hydrocele. In most cases, congenital hydrocele occurs in newborn male babies. Testicles normally develop in the abdomen and descend from the
location to their normal position in the scortum. As the testicles descend, a lining of the abdomen, called process vaginalis ,also move with them. This
channel usually closes around birth in most of the cases. But, if it does not, then a small amount of fluid can go from the abdomen to the scortum
through this passage, causes hydrocele. Congenital hydrocele is a condition that is observed at birth. There are few risk factors associated with it i.e
breech presentation, premature or low birth weight baby and gestational progestin use.
Newborn presents with swelling of the scortum and groin.
Congenital hydrocele occurs at the time of birth , and presently there are no measure to prevent it occurrence. In most cases, congenital
hydrocele get resolved by the age of two years.
The condition has a very good prognosis with no long term complication being observed.