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Draft: Centennial College Business Plan 2007-2008

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Business Plan
Mission and Vision

Our mission is to educate

students for career success

Our vision is to transform

lives and communities
through learning

Academic Framework

We support the career and personal development of our learners in every decision we
make. We value and support one another in a process of continuous learning and
We create a positive environment for effective learning within a context of global
citizenship and social justice. We value the diverse profiles of our learners. Our
curriculum, teaching and support services are characterized by knowledgeable and
enthusiastic teachers, teaching strategies that suit learners’ needs and an atmosphere
of dignity and mutual respect.
We strive for excellence. Scholarly debate and applied research contribute to the quality
and distinctiveness of our learning environment and advance our instructional and
curriculum expertise.
We encourage and engage in evidence-based deliberation with open minds in an
atmosphere of mutual respect. We consult with and consider carefully the views of
internal and external stakeholders who have an important perspective on an issue.
We are accountable to our learners, our communities and the general public for the
quality of the learning experiences we provide, for the resources we use and for the
manner in which we treat all people. We build evaluation into all of our work so that we
improve continuously.

Academic Framework
To advance our mission, Centennial College strives to adhere to the
following principles:
Commit to Student Success: We foster excellence in our students and
employees by providing an equitable foundation that values their
experiences and unique needs. We engage and support learners in
attaining clear, high standards so that they emerge from Centennial
College positioned for a successful career.
Commit to Access: We support broad access to a college education by
providing clear pathways and supports to meet the requirements of post-
secondary programs.
Pursue Excellence: We pursue excellence as a learning organization
through innovation, applied research, critical analysis, rigour and
Be Inclusive: We offer a distinctive, inclusive educational experience that
builds on a foundation of global citizenship, social justice and diversity.
Integrate Technology: We are guided by the needs of learners and the
learning organization in our use of technology.
Promote Communities of Learning: We are committed to creating
communities of learning through reflective practice, continuous
improvement and lifelong learning.
Encourage Partnerships: We encourage sustainable relationships that
enrich student learning, augment job readiness, and provide our
graduates with the knowledge and skills to succeed in work and society.
We seek a range of partners who are sensitive to socio-cultural needs,
support our institutional objectives and contribute to our community
development goals.

Statement of Diversity

Centennial College and its Board of Governors value

and embrace diversity, equity and inclusion as
fundamental to our mission to educate students for
career success within a context of global citizenship and
social justice.

Our commitment:
• A safe, secure, inclusive and accessible
environment for learning, teaching and working
• Curriculum and instruction that reflect diversity
and promote equity and inclusion
• Equitable and accessible opportunities for
student success
• Building knowledge and evaluating effectiveness
• Human resource management systems, policies
and practices that reflect diversity and promote
equity and inclusion
• Training and staff development in equity and
• Accessible and inclusive college communication
• Strategic engagement with diverse communities
• Relationships and partnerships that align with our
mission, vision and values
• Committing financial and human resources to
promote diversity, equity and inclusion

Core Businesses


Centennial College provides its students with high- Apprenticeship is a proven, industry-based learning
quality post-secondary education through relevant system that combines on-the-job experience with
and accessible programs. Centennial offers its technical training. Apprenticeship in Ontario is the
students the choice of one-year certificate, two- responsibility of the provincial government, which
year diploma, three-year diploma and four-year offers curricula in a variety of fields.
degree programs. Centennial is organized into Apprentices work with a qualified tradesperson until
eight separate schools: they pass the required exams and complete their
• School of Academic Studies, Access workplace training. Apprentices then earn a
Programs, English and General Education Certificate of Qualification that allows them to work
• School of Business on their own.
• School of Community and Health Studies Centennial College provides a variety of
• School of Communication, Media and Design apprenticeship training programs to Toronto
• School of Continuing Education communities in the fields of transportation and child
• School of Engineering Technology and and youth worker education. The college is also
Applied Sciences (SETAS) actively involved in delivering pre-apprenticeship
• School of Hospitality, Tourism and Culture training for students who need to upgrade their
• School of Transportation skills before they can enter an apprenticeship
Centennial welcomes a diverse mix of students program.
with varying academic backgrounds, including
recent graduates of high school programs, students
transferring from another college or university and
mature students.

Core Businesses
Centennial College provides training for literacy, While Centennial’s primary objective is to
ESL, numeracy and other skills necessary to accommodate students from Ontario, the college
prepare learners for career education or to assist also has an international strategy whereby it seeks
them to enter or re-enter the workforce. global opportunities to enhance its reputation as a
Basic skills training focuses on goal-directed, leader in education around the world.
learner-centred literacy training that helps learners Centennial recognizes and values the unique
acquire the essential skills necessary to obtain contributions international students make to our
employment, enrol in further training or education diverse and multicultural community. The number
or achieve personal independence. of international students who have chosen to enrol
in Centennial programs has increased significantly
In addition, the college provides a variety of
in recent years, and interest from international
employment preparation services, including
students continues to grow.
employment resource centres for youth and adults,
job search workshops and one-on-one employment In addition to making significant cultural
advice. contributions, international students tuition provides
an important source of revenue for the college. The
college reinvests this revenue to provide overall
educational advancements and facility
Centennial also seeks opportunities to support its
internationalization strategy, which includes
partnering with international public and private
institutions to deliver applied education globally and
Core Businesses


Centennial College provides part-time programs In the corporate training area, we deliver to a wide
targeted to improve the skill levels of the workforce customer constituency, both domestically and
and prepare adult learners for the latest industry abroad. Our programs build on Centennial’s
requirements. reputation of delivering applied skills–based
Lifelong learning is essential in our rapidly programs to a diverse constituency.
changing world. The School of Continuing Our programs are taught by faculty with strong
Education offers the latest programs through connections to industry. We offer a range of
progressive, collaborative teaching techniques and learning solutions to respond to client demand.
real-world practical experiences.
The School of Continuing Education offers
programs in business, communication arts,
community and consumer services, engineering
technology, health sciences and transportation,
some leading to certificates and diplomas, others to
external certification/qualification.


Learning excellence
Signature Learning Experience
As part of our commitment to excellence, Centennial developed a Signature Learning Experience (SLE), designed to provide a
unique learning experience for our students and to distinguish Centennial College as a leading post-secondary institution. The
SLE will provide a holistic learning experience centred on diversity, social justice, environment and technology that will set
Centennial graduates apart and make them more employable and productive in the global work environment. A key component
of the SLE initiative is the exposure of Centennial students to a diverse environment that will enhance their educational
experience and provide opportunities for them to function productively in an international context.
To further the SLE objective, Centennial developed a general education course (GNED 500) containing SLE principles and
values. This course will be added to 5 programs in summer 2007, 21 programs in fall 2007 and an additional 42 programs in
winter 2008.
The promotion and support of diversity and social justice are central to the vision of the college; the SLE sets Centennial
College apart from the other community colleges because it helps students to reach their full potential. We believe that with our
collective ability to embrace change and leverage diversity through the SLE, Centennial College, as the oldest community
college in Ontario, will be a model for scholarly excellence, the promotion of social responsibility and the open exchange of
Related Strategies
Offer a unique learning experience that will distinguish Centennial graduates in the workplace in Ontario, Canada and the world;
Create a college environment that will support SLE and develop the college community on SLE principles

Key Activities Planned Accomplishments

• Develop the GNED 500 course for phased-in • GNED 500 implemented in 5 programs in summer 2007, 21
implementation in all college programs programs in fall 2007 and 42 programs in winter 2008
• Promote GNED 500 across the college • A full implementation plan created for the inclusion of GNED
• Review schools’ academic plans and provide feedback 500 in the remaining programs
about the integration of SLE throughout the curriculum • Two speaking events facilitated per year
• Implement a professional development program for all • E-portfolio recommendations made and presented to
employees to better understand equity and diversity stakeholders
• Contact other educational institutions to investigate e-
portfolio technology to be used in SLE 10
Learning excellence
Enhance academic quality and occupational relevance
Being aware of the importance of quality and relevance to our academic programs, we are committed to implementing a
comprehensive program review that will enhance academic standards to prepare highly skilled graduates for the workplace. Our
yearly and cyclical program reviews are designed to qualify learning outcomes and enhance students’ learning experience and
success. While the yearly review addresses immediate issues, the cyclical comprehensive review, which occurs in a five-year
circle, evaluates program performance in relation to stated target, goals and relevance using key performance indicators (KPI).
We believe that academic integrity and honesty are fundamental values of teaching and learning and will therefore develop
policies to ensure the continued adherence to these values by faculty, students, staff and administrators.
In recognition of the fact that continuous professional development is essential for both faculty and institutional effectiveness,
Centennial supports continued faculty growth through the self-reflective practice. This practice enhances the quality of
instruction, ensures occupational relevance of our programs and sustains a culture of collaboration, applied research,
scholarship and excellence. This year, more than two-thirds of faculty and almost half of contract faculty will engage in
professional development (PD) to enhance the body of knowledge in their respective fields.
Related Strategies
Obtain official certification of programs by professional and industry associations; Implement faculty evaluation and
administrative staff performance management; Enhance utilization of Program Advisory Committees

Key Activities Planned Accomplishments

• Continue cyclical, comprehensive program review of 15 • Improvements in KPI monitored and documented for the
identified programs programs that have completed the comprehensive review
• Develop a policy on academic integrity and honesty process
• Engage in PD to assist faculty in maintaining expertise in • Self-reflection completed by approximately two-thirds of full-
their profession as well as in teaching/learning, curriculum time and half of contract faculty, with goals identified for
development, cross-cultural awareness, and all diversity- continued development
related initiatives • Professional development availability for faculty increased
• Introduce new features into myCentennial student portal to • New myCentennial features in place in 2007
give more ability to users • Number of partnerships in SETAS with industry and
• Create database of industry partners and professional professional associations increased
associations in SETAS
Learning excellence
Enhance academic quality and occupational relevance

The use of technology in today’s classroom has necessitated a paradigm shift in instructional methods in order to meet the
demands of employers in an increasingly technological workplace. In keeping with this trend, Centennial encourages faculty to
integrate Web-based learning components such as Blackboard into the management of course materials.
The college supports faculty to engage in collaborative research activities to enhance instruction through applied research. In
pursuit of this objective, Centennial will institute an annual college-wide research symposium in spring 2008. In addition, we will
develop a research portal to provide an accommodating environment for faculty to enhance their research productivity.
In November 2006, the new School of Hospitality, Tourism and Culture was announced; it is designed to meet the growing
demands of the industry for quality graduates and to offer our students a variety of program choices in these fields. Our new
school will introduce Delphi, a computerized booking system currently used by 87% of the world’s accommodation industry.
New international institutional partnerships for Culture and Heritage Tourism programs will give our students much-needed
international exposure to remain competitive and relevant in the global workplace.
Related Strategies
Align curriculum renewal and development with industry trends; Expand field experience opportunities for students; Use
technology to enhance effectiveness of teaching and learning; Expand applied research to enrich teaching and learning;
Establish a permanent applied research capacity across the college

Key Activities Planned Accomplishments

• Increase the number of faculty actively using Blackboard • Blackboard used by 70% of faculty
for classroom learning environment and content delivery • First annual college-wide research symposium held in 2008
• Support faculty in applied research activities • Research portal to assist faculty in research policy, grant
• Expand external funding to support new applied research application process, research methodology and research
projects project management created
• Enhance industry and international connections in the • Delphi computerized booking system introduced and
School of Hospitality, Tourism and Culture included in the curriculum
• Volume of international partnership activity in the School of
Hospitality, Tourism and Culture increased

Learning excellence
Increase program choice and availability
The development of new programs to meet the emerging demands of the workplace remains a top priority of Centennial
College. In fall 2007, ten new programs will be launched. These include two pre-apprenticeship programs in the School of
Transportation – Truck and Coach Technician and Automotive Service Technician – that are designed to address the
occupational needs of the transportation industry.
With the rising demand for continuing education (CE) in the GTA and surrounding areas, we will seek opportunities to make
CE more accessible by evaluating possible CE locations in the GTA and by facilitating a flexible schedule in the delivery of
courses to attract internationally trained immigrants (ITI).
We are also committed to increasing distance learning opportunities in the CE programs while providing an enabling
environment for the timely completion of studies through CE. With the creation of opportunities to bridge programs this year,
we aim to provide avenues for students to continue their studies at Centennial to achieve their educational goals and
Related Strategies
Increase the breadth of apprenticeship training offerings; Increase the choice of joint programs and articulations with post-
secondary institutions and professional associations; Expand program offerings in high-demand, career-specific areas

Key Activities Planned Accomplishments

• Continue to develop new programs that meet industry • Launch of Bridging to Nursing, Advanced Care Paramedic,
demand and fit Centennial’s long-term vision and strategic Business Foundations, Biomedical Engineering Technology,
directions Software Engineering Technology, Health Informatics
• Seek to expand CE outreach by exploring off-site Technology, Integrated Energy Systems, Interactive Game
locations in the GTA Software Development, Wireless Communication
• Identify more pre-apprenticeship program opportunities Technology
• Deliver different modes of CE courses (daytime, intensive) • Launch of Truck and Coach Technician and Automotive
to meet needs of ITI students Service Technician pre-apprenticeship programs in School
of Transportation for fall 2007
• Develop bridging programs and pathways
• Number of ITI students who complete their studies at
Centennial increased

Learning excellence
Prepare Centennial students for global workplace
The new Canadian University of Dubai (CUD), which started as a pilot program in fall 2006, offers both diploma and university
degree programs and provides students with opportunities to earn transferable credits to Canadian and other North American
institutions through special articulation agreements. By teaching at CUD, Centennial faculty from the Toronto campuses gain
invaluable international experience and exposure to prepare students for the global workplace.
Centennial’s partnership with Vinayaka Missions University in India has led to the establishment of Vinayaka Centennial
Business School (VCBS). In 2007, VCBS will offer a joint MBA program; students will complete their first year at VCBS in the
first year of Vinayaka’s MBA program and their second year in Toronto in one of Centennial’s post-graduate programs. An
important aspect of this program is that students will gain three months of work experience in Canada in their field of study.
With the increasing use of technology in the classroom, Centennial will ensure the use of the latest instructional technology –
such as Web-enabled learning-management and Web conferencing systems – on its international campuses as a course
management tool and means of instruction.
Centennial remains committed to cross-cultural interaction and improving the cross-cultural capacity of its faculty, staff and
students as an integral component of its international curriculum.
Related Strategies
Increase opportunities for international students to study at Centennial and for Centennial students to study abroad; Develop
partnerships with international educational institutions to provide a full roster of programming; Utilize Centennial faculty
members and management in international projects to enhance their diversity awareness and to provide them with
professional development opportunities

Key Activities Planned Accomplishments

• Implement Blackboard and WebFrog applications in the • Six courses per semester offered in India via Blackboard
classroom in India and China • Learning events organized through our Centre for
• Continue to identify gaps in curriculum and enhance Organizational Learning and Training for faculty and staff to
learning strategies to better support international students explore impact of internationalization on curriculum
• Increase articulation agreements with post-secondary • Two additional articulation agreements with international
institutions in USA, Australia and India post-secondary institutions developed
• Redevelop Web presence for international students • International website with enhanced visuals and functionality

Access and student success
Provide opportunities for under-represented students
Centennial is committed to providing a college education to students who otherwise would not have the opportunity to
participate in higher education. Our objective is to make college education accessible and affordable for under-represented
students while providing the support mechanisms they need to complete their studies. In keeping with our vision of
“transforming lives and communities through education,” we recently broadened the definition of under-represented students to
include the following:
Aboriginal students; first generation (FG) students (students who are the first to attend higher education in their
family); students with disabilities; single-parent students; internationally trained immigrants; students from “at risk”
communities or low-income families; mature students
Centennial College does not have a significant Aboriginal student population at present. However we continuously explore
opportunities to expand our outreach to this community.
Building on our success from previous years, we will expand summer training for students from “at risk” communities.
Our first generation students pilot project is currently underway with an expanded scope, thanks to the additional funding from
the Ministry of Training, Colleges & Universities (MTCU). We will also be adding transition programs for students with learning
disabilities to help them achieve more success in their transition to college and work.
Related Strategies
Enhance community relations to support Centennial’s diverse population; Develop relationships with high schools to encourage
pathways for those students who might otherwise not enter post-secondary education

Key Activities Planned Accomplishments

• Develop the Aboriginal students action plan • Local Aboriginal communities consulted to develop
• Expand free summer training to students from the Malvern, strategies to support their needs
Kingston/Galloway and Scarborough Village communities • Youth program implemented in summer 2007, with at least
• Continue first generation students pilot project to identify, 100 participants
attract and support students who are the first generation of • A sustainable FG students strategy that includes
their families to attend post-secondary education community partnerships, outreach, responsive services and
• Develop early intervention strategies for students with on-going support
learning disabilities • Educational success of students with learning disabilities
tracked and documented based on self-disclosure
Access and student success
Provide opportunities for new immigrants
We will create an enabling environment for new immigrants enroled in Centennial programs by providing advice and counselling
to enhance their access to Canadian education. Given that a number of new immigrants admitted to our programs lack sufficient
English language skills, Centennial is committed to the development of occupation-specific ESL courses and programs to
improve retention and facilitate new immigrants’ timely graduation. Being aware of the benefit of such courses and programs to
the new immigrant student population, the college will actively seek external funding for such programs.
A major obstacle faced by internationally trained immigrants is the recognition of their credentials in Canada. To ease this
problem, we will have more articulation agreements with independent certification agencies to effect certification through CE
courses. Along the same lines, since new immigrants often lack the crucial Canadian experience needed to gain employment,
Centennial will ensure that new immigrants get more opportunities for co-op and campus employment to satisfy this need.
A key initiative to facilitate the success of new immigrants on campus is the implementation of the Fast Track to Technology
Occupations (FTTO) program, which is a collaborative effort between Centennial and Sheridan College that is supported
financially by the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration. The increasing proportion of new immigrants in our student
population makes this initiative an important tool for the academic success of new immigrants. Centennial also remains a lead
college in the Colleges Integrating Immigrants to Employment (CIITE) initiative.
Related Strategies
Provide advice and counselling to new Canadians entering Centennial; Support and promote transfer credit recognition;
Develop occupation-specific ESL courses and programs; Increase availability of co-op programs and on-campus employment to
help new immigrant students gain Canadian work experience

Key Activities Planned Accomplishments

• Implement the FTTO program • FFTO accreditation pilot phase and phase 1 completed for
• Participate in CIITE transfer credit project 13 SETAS programs in 2007
• Implement provincially funded pilot bridging program for ITI • Fast track/bridging programs launched in fall 2007 for:
• Increase the number of articulation agreements with – Automotive Service Technician Pre-apprenticeship
outside certification bodies to allow new Canadians to – Truck and Coach Technician Pre-apprenticeship
obtain industry-recognized certification through CE – Massage Therapy Bridging
courses • Number of new Canadians taking CE
courses/diplomas/certifications increased
Access and student success
Improve student success
The annual and comprehensive reviews of programs are not only geared toward assessing program quality and relevance but
also toward improving student success and retention.
To improve retention and student success, Centennial is committed to providing assistance to students to help them adjust to
the requirements of a college education and to persist to completion. Two such initiatives are the implementation of the Web-
based language learning technology, which is specifically designed to assist ESL students to excel academically, and the
development of an exit/withdrawal survey, which is aimed at improving retention. Additionally, we are committed to exploring
new, effective models of student orientation programs that can form the basis for a successful college experience for new
As a measure of institutional success, Centennial seeks continuous improvement in its KPI results in all areas of student and
graduate satisfaction.
Related Strategies
Improve effectiveness of English language skills assessment and provide students with adequate support; Increase program
admission, transfer and graduation options; Introduce early intervention programs; Develop study methods and practices that
address the special needs of our diverse students; Strengthen curriculum for improved workplace preparation of students

Key Activities Planned Accomplishments

• Implement Web-based language learning technology for • Web-based language learning tool and Web-based language
ESL learners and introduce a new Web-based language assessment tools launched in 2007–08
assessment tool • Comprehensive review of English and general education
• Undertake a comprehensive review of English and general curriculum completed
education courses across the college • Student success and retention within the college enhanced
• Develop a withdrawal/exit interview process and related • Transfer credit database created to assist in the admission
tools to identify factors affecting retention and retention of students
• Continue the enhancement of the transfer credit process • Student and graduate satisfaction increased
• Research best practices in the design of student • College-wide student success committee formed to create
orientation programs and develop a new college-wide strategies and best practices for student engagement and
student success plan success

Access and student success
Help relieve financial strain on students
With a significant number of our students coming from low-income families, we are committed to provide financial support for
our students so they can afford a college education. To this end, we will continue to support FG students on campus through
bursary awards. In 2005–06 school year, 10 students were awarded $2,500 each toward their tuition. Additionally, we are
engaged in a unique project to identify FG students in two Scarborough-area secondary schools with a view to supporting their
admission to Centennial and providing bursary and academic support programs.
For the 2007–08 fiscal year, we have earmarked approximately $2.5 million for financial assistance to our students and have
also provided easy online access to the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP).
We continue to develop new bursaries and scholarships to meet the specific needs of our students and to support new

Related Strategies
Maximize external bursary and scholarship opportunities to students; Develop bursaries that meet the special needs of our
diverse students; Enhance effectiveness of financial aid processes to ensure timely distribution of resources

Key Activities Planned Accomplishments

• Provide bursary support for youth from at risk communities • $2,500 tuition bursaries offered to students in their first year
program graduates wishing to enter Centennial programs • Access to student funding improved
• Implement FG student bursaries to help them afford
• New bursaries for School of Community and Health Studies
college education
students offered by fall 2007
• Enhance online capabilities for the distribution of all
• Scholarships and bursary programs for new students
• Enhance fundraising and donor communications through
key annual signature events such as golf tournament,
awards evening
• Support the MTCU’s student access guarantee

Student college experience
Enhance student experience
Students’ college experience begins with their application to Centennial College; therefore, effective communications with and
orientation of new students remain central to students’ academic success. This involves the comprehensive orientation of
students to the opportunities and services available on campus and the timely resolution of scheduling and transfer credit
With the increased role of technology in post-secondary education, Centennial will make the myCentennial student portal more
creative and appealing with new, user-friendly features that allow for students’ creativity and ingenuity.
The Academic Information Systems (AIS) module, which has been instrumental in the free flow of information, will be improved
to include more functions through a version upgrade. Specifically, the payment options and the alternate offer function will give
students more flexibility in the use of the system. A full communications plan was launched with the introduction of AIS, and this
plan will be enhanced this year.
Centennial will continue to expand its services to students, faculty and staff with increased efficiency in admission and
registration, in responding to inquiries and in service delivery.
Related Strategies
Continuously re-engineer business processes to introduce new services and improve service quality; Provide range of service
options accommodating the needs of our diverse students; Enhance facilities, programs and opportunities in support of social
and academic integration of our students; Enhance supplementary student services; Use technology to increase service access
options and availability

Key Activities Planned Accomplishments

• Research best practices and develop a new college-wide • New student orientation model recommended and
orientation model implemented
• Introduce new features into myCentennial, including the • New myCentennial features in place in September 2007
ability for users to create groups and personalize the look • Banner 7 upgrade and knowledge transfer implemented by
and feel March 2008
• Upgrade Banner 7 with additional system functionality • AIS payment options and instructions to students expanded
• Review and revise payment options in AIS • Customer service improved, number of lost calls decreased
• Expand the capabilities of alternate offer function in AIS and line-ups shortened
• Develop a plan for renewal of the enrolment services call
centre operations 19
Organizational strength
Strengthen partnerships
As one of the leading post-secondary institutions in the GTA, Centennial participates in a variety of partnerships to provide
opportunities for its students, faculty and staff. At the student level, we continue to seek new opportunities to provide practical
experience through co-op programs with area employers. Our strong partnership with MTCU, Colleges Ontario and industry
also provides faculty, staff and the administration with opportunities to engage in collaborative research, to obtain funding and to
enhance student learning and students’ experience.
Centennial has participated in vocational/technical pathways projects through the Specialist High Skills Majors initiative and dual
credit pilot programs. We plan to implement a similar pathways project with York Region District School Board in May 2007.
This year, Centennial is partnering with Scarborough-area secondary schools to identify FG students in grades 10 to 12 with a
view to encouraging them and their parents to consider post-secondary education at Centennial, making them aware of
opportunities for financial support through bursary awards and of specially tailored mentoring and tutorship programs.
Centennial is partnered with nine other colleges in the Colleges Ontario Industry Innovation Network to increase college-
industry collaborations for innovation and technology transfer.
Related Strategies
Continue to work in partnership with community organizations on program development and delivery

Key Activities Planned Accomplishments

• Continue to play a leading role in the existing and new • Community outreach improved through provincially and
higher education programs, including youth at risk initiative, federally funded projects and programs
FG students pilot, CIITE, FTTO, Literacy and Basic Skills • Pathways project with York region school boards
Program implemented for 175 alternative education students in
• Expand active participation in vocational/technical pathways grades 9 to 12
projects • Awareness of Centennial College increased and
• Guide the development, implementation and evaluation of relationships with feeder schools deepened
relationship-building activities and conversion plans with top • Alumni success better promoted in college and community
feeder high schools publications and media
• Organize recognition events for donors, prospective donors • Applied research activities with industry and community
and partners partners increased
• Alumni mentorship program developed and new alumni
• Enhance relationship with our alumni
newsletter expanded
Organizational strength
Develop an inclusive workplace
It is our objective to provide an environment that is enabling, inclusive and supportive for our students, faculty and staff. We are
also committed to respecting and protecting the fundamental rights of each member of the community; Centennial does not
tolerate discrimination on the basis of either race, colour, religion, ethnicity or national origin.
With an equitable hiring process and outreach initiatives, we hope to attract diverse candidates for the vacant faculty and staff
positions to support our diversity initiatives. We aspire to be a model of excellence for attracting and leveraging global staff
diversity that truly reflects the character of our community.
In an effort to consolidate the gains already made in this area, Centennial will develop and conduct workshops and establish a
code of expectations for employees that expresses the values of our academic framework and statement of diversity. One of
the major components of a strong diversity initiative is the development of a sound and viable policy that reflects the central
mission and objectives of the college. This year, we will redesign and update our policies on diversity as an affirmation of our
commitment to embracing a caring and just community.

Related Strategies
Create an inclusive learning and working environment that welcomes and supports differences; Develop a capacity to work
collaboratively with all members of the college community; Enhance our workforce to value and reflect the diverse communities
we serve; Use feedback mechanisms such as employee engagement survey (EES) for continuous improvement initiatives

Key Activities Planned Accomplishments

• Provide due diligence strategies and training to all staff on • A healthy and safe learning, teaching and working
the prevention of workplace discrimination, harassment environment for the Centennial community
policy, emergency preparedness, violence prevention • More effective policy implementation to support equity and
• Create central coordinating point for policies and inclusion in Centennial College.
procedures in the Office of Policies, Pathways and Grants • Four to six core leadership competencies that will be used
• Develop a code of expectations for all employees to for recruitment, training and development purposes
communicate the behaviours we expect to be • Career planning workshops in fall 2007
demonstrated by all employees • Employment opportunities workshops to increase the
• Design and deliver workshops on employment diversity of faculty hiring pool and Program Advisory
opportunities at Centennial College Committee membership
Organizational strength
Increase organizational capability through people development
Centennial College encourages its faculty and staff to continuously challenge themselves through professional development
and self-reflective practice and to engage in research and professional activities that enhance the body of knowledge in their
respective areas of expertise. To this end, we plan to invite deans, chairs and coordinators to develop a process that will be
useful not only in the recruitment of faculty but also in the training of diverse faculty members and in ensuring that faculty have
the opportunity for development.
An integral part of this effort is the concurrent development of a philosophy and guiding principle to support faculty and staff as
they seek professional enhancement to augment their capabilities. As part of its resolve to improve organizational efficiency,
Centennial will develop an overarching professional development policy and process to ensure continued growth and
productivity of faculty and staff.
Centennial will initiate two business planning workshops in fall 2007 for deans, chairs and directors to ensure a quality process
and a final product that reflects the overall business priorities of the college.
Related Strategies
Develop leadership competencies to serve as the cornerstone of the leadership development program; Keep faculty and
employees up to date on new technology and systems by providing training opportunities such as Web-based training and self-
assessment tools; Provide programs and learning opportunities to foster and improve professional development

Key Activities Planned Accomplishments

• Review and update professional development policies and • New professional development policy completed and
processes communicated to the college
• Develop a program for leadership development for those in • Coordinated program of leadership development introduced
leadership roles, based on the Centennial leadership by offering two specific learning events related to
competencies competency development
• Design and develop a leadership retreat on equity and • Equity and inclusion retreat held in fall 2007
inclusion • At least two professional development workshops and
• Organize business plan writing workshops seminars conducted
• Develop workshops, seminars, online tutorials, college- • Two business plan writing workshops conducted in fall 2007
wide scholarly activities symposium • College-wide scholarly activities symposium held in spring
Organizational strength
Improve accountability within the college
Centennial College contracted a consulting firm to support the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) initiatives from last year. Four BSC
committees were established to map four key business processes to identify opportunities for enhancement. During the final
stage of this process, each committee developed several measurement indicators to feed Centennial’s Balanced Scorecard.
With the full implementation of the Balanced Scorecard at all levels, we aim to assess performance at the various levels of the
college, including the schools and departments, in 2007.
The Earned Revenue Based Budgeting (ERBB) model was implemented in 2006. This system enhances accountability because
it is based on a budgeting model that distributes the college’s operating revenues to academic programs according to the
revenues each program has generated. The utility of this model stems from its ability to increase budget transparency,
predictability, functionality and accountability.
The evaluation of performance management plans in relation to their integration with the budgetary goals and business and
strategy plans will strengthen accountability and ensure the implementation of the strategic goals and objectives vital to effective
operation and management.

Related Strategies
Implement a Centennial College Balanced Scorecard; Introduce a business process review aimed at continuous improvement;
Ensure integration of strategic goals and business plan and budget objectives with employee performance agreements; Assign
accountability at the senior management, school and program cluster level

Key Activities Planned Accomplishments

• Develop college-level and departmental-level Balanced • Centennial Balanced Scorecard completed
Scorecard measurements based on BSC committee results • Two additional processes reviewed in Learning and
• Continue to review two key processes every year to identify Resource Centre and Human Resources departments
areas for improvement • Performance management plans evaluated to confirm
• Set, monitor and evaluate performance management plans integration of strategic plan, school business plan and
based on connection to college strategies and plans budget goals
• Complete the consultations with all stakeholder groups • Attendance/disability management policies and procedures
regarding attendance management and sick leave policies and medical accommodation policy implemented
and procedures

Organizational strength
Ensure strong recognition of Centennial College
A strong recognition often results in higher enrolment and funding opportunities. Therefore, Centennial will intensify its efforts to
develop strategies and communication plans that target specific market segments, with a view to achieving higher enrolment
and generating more revenues to support student success and quality of service. Furthermore, the college will use its improved
website to disseminate information about its programs and services and as an effective marketing tool to recruit students,
faculty and staff and attract partnerships and collaborations with outside agencies.
A major component to ensuring strong recognition is the continued exposure of the college to under-represented groups and
the general community through planned visitation events. Through these visits and contacts, Centennial will have a unique
opportunity to showcase its programs and facilities to prospective students and build meaningful partnerships with school
counsellors, parents and prospective students.

Related Strategies
Build and leverage equity and recognition of the Centennial College brand; Develop specific communication plans targeting our
priority market segments; Use the college website as an effective information and enrolment tool; Further develop and
implement recognition programs

Key Activities Planned Accomplishments

• Maintain competitive edge on website capabilities and  Our positioning, "The future of learning," and our vision,
functionality by building in industry best practices "Transforming lives and communities through learning,"
• Review and update school websites to reflect current depicted in our actions and our interactions with the
programs and materials community
• Develop marketing initiatives to support all schools  Centennial College’s recognition enhanced with guidance
• Continue on-campus visits/events with TDSB and expand counsellors, students, parents and all key influencers
to York Region and First Nations community organizations  Recognition of schools’ brands increased
• Develop and implement prospective student conversion • On-campus events held in May 2007, November 2007 and
program using email and web links March 2008
• Launch new advertising campaign • Communications plans developed and implemented

Organizational strength
Increase use of information analysis and planning in decision making
The Corporate Planning Office webpage has been improved with the addition of two features: a KPI reports section and a
program review section. Additionally, academic information has been added in the program indicators database to provide
support to the program review process.
The outcomes of the key performance indicator survey and the employee engagement survey have enabled the college to make
informed decisions in the past and will continue to play a crucial role in the decision making process. The college will evaluate
the results of the fall 2006 EES and prepare a list of recommendations to direct action for an improved workplace. Additionally,
the KPI survey remains a vital instrument in measuring institutional- and school-level satisfaction; the college intends to utilize the
outcome of the next KPI survey to augment student satisfaction.
By December 2007, Centennial will have implemented version 7 of the Banner system and approved a recommendation on a
new reporting solution.
We are about to complete a strategic space plan that will help us to manage our enrolment growth through better utilization of
our existing space and addition of new space where and when necessary.
An area Centennial will seek to improve this year is the enrolment management for CE and apprenticeship programs, which will
provide a viable basis for structured planning and budgetary projections.
Related Strategies
Improve reporting capability by enriching report content and responding more quickly to the need for information; Create a central
repository for college information; Use program costing for resource allocation and efficiency; Manage integrated planning cycle
for strategic, business, academic and enrolment plans; Evaluate results and report annually

Key Activities Planned Accomplishments

• Evaluate EES and KPI survey results to direct action for • Recommendations and action plans for EES and KPI
improvement surveys established
• Recommend a more effective reporting solution and • Banner reporting capability enhanced with the
implement it following the upgrade to Banner version 7 implementation of the new reporting solution
• Develop a quarterly executive summary report that indicates • Quarterly executive summary report completed by December
college performance and integrate it with the BSC 2007
• Develop enrolment projection model for continuing • 2008–09 continuing education and apprenticeship enrolment
education and apprenticeship programs budget targets prepared according to the new model
Resource development and financial stability
Create additional revenue
With additional revenues needed to maintain high academic standards and improve services, Centennial College continues to
seek avenues to generate revenues through international education, contract training, ancillary continuing education and
partnerships in Canada and overseas. International education has been a major source of growth for Centennial. The
international student population has increased significantly in the last four years, and we expect more increases in the coming
years. We plan to increase our presence in several Asian countries, including Korea and Japan, and explore new opportunities
in Africa, Russia and South America.
As the demand for online education continues to grow, we plan to have three new online programs by March 2008 and increase
extended learning activities in 2007–08. Additionally, we will develop online post-diploma and specialized programs to attract
new students and increase enrolment.
We will merge our international education, continuing education and corporate training activities under one leadership in order
to share best practices and expand our business development success in international education to other areas.
Our Advancement Office will be renewed with a specific focus on supporting key college projects.
Related Strategies
Create additional revenue by increasing apprenticeship activity, international education, ancillary continuing education and
corporate training; Seek out external funding sources for relevant applied research grants

Key Activities Planned Accomplishments

• Strengthen international presence in Asia • International enrolment and revenues increased
• Explore relationships in new markets: Russia, Nigeria, • International student pool diversified by exploring new
Brazil and Mexico markets
• Develop and introduce relevant courses in all areas of CE • CE revenue increased for 2007
• Offer daytime CE courses in summer semester • Space utilization increased during the summer time with CE
• Identify educational outputs from applied research and and contract training activities
scholarly activities that can generate revenue through • Two applied research projects enter commercialization
marketable CE and corporate training activities process
• Renew college advancement function • Revenue from fundraising activities increased to support key
college projects
Resource development and financial stability
Achieve an annual balanced budget
We engage in sound financial practices through effective management of resources and efficient delivery of programs and
services. In line with this commitment, Centennial has managed to achieve balanced budgets over the last five years.
A crucial component of the balanced budget objective is the generation of new revenues to meet the challenges of achieving a
balanced budget for the 2007–08 fiscal year. Additional revenues are expected from increased student enrolment on both the
domestic and international fronts.
Aware of the importance of capital projects in the continued pursuit of excellence, the college has allocated $8 million to capital
expenditures. Of this amount, $2.4 million is dedicated to projects that will enhance academic quality, relevance and student
success. Because of the urgent need to remain competitive technologically, an additional $3.6 million has been allocated to
support technology infrastructure, hardware and software, including the version upgrade of our Banner enterprise system. A
further $1.8 million is allocated to physical facilities maintenance and renewal. The remaining $0.2 million will be spent on
safety/security and accessibility projects.
The objective of achieving a balanced budget remains pivotal in all budgetary decisions, and Centennial is committed to sparing
no effort in reaching this goal. Further commentary on 2007–08 budget is provided in the 2007–08 budget report document.
Related Strategies
Ensure efficient, timely and transparent budgeting and reporting processes; Continue to invest in people, library resources,
teaching laboratories, hardware and software to ensure that teaching facilities remain current; Provide a strategic investment
fund in annual budgets

Key Activities Planned Accomplishments

• Continue to improve the budgeting process with • Operating and capital budgets concluded in timely manner to
contribution from budget holders allow for effective implementation
• Continue to implement Earned Revenue Based Budgeting • Resource allocations made according to the strategic
model and new capital space allocation methodology priorities of the college
• Create a technology replacement plan in line with the new • Technology replacement plan completed by fall 2007
academic technology strategy • Financial contribution from continuing education courses
• Increase class utilization in continuing education courses improved


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