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Starting A New Venture PPT PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

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Starting a New Venture

Your company name

Table of Contents
Company Overview / Elevator
01 09 Business Model 17 SWOT Analysis

02 Our Team 10 Revenue Streams 18 Product Comparison

03 The Problem 11 Revenue Model 19 Financial Projection

04 The Solution 12 Expense Model 20 Break-Even Analysis

Value Proposition - Product

05 13 Growth Strategy 21 Financing

06 Product Roadmap 14 Go-to-Market Strategy 22 Use of Funds

07 Milestones Achieved 15 Marketing Strategy 23 Shareholding Pattern

08 Traction 16 Competitive Landscape 24 Exit Strategy


Service Area

Overview Service 1

› Text
Service 2

› Text
Service 3

› Text
Service 4

› Text
Here Here Here Here

› Text › Text › Text › Text

Introduction Here Here Here Here

This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your › Text › Text › Text › Text
needs and capture your audience's attention. Here Here Here Here


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needs and capture your audience's attention.


This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your audience's attention.
Logo Logo Logo Logo

Elevator Pitch What’s the service/product?

This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it

(Option 1 Of 2) to your needs and capture your

audience's attention.

What’s the core problem you

are solving?
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it
to your needs and capture your
audience's attention.

What’s your big vision?

This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it
to your needs and capture your
audience's attention.
Elevator Pitch (Option 2 of 2)

01 02 03

What’s the core

What’s the What’s your big
problem you are
service/product? vision?
This slide is 100% This slide is 100% This slide is 100%
editable. Adapt it to your editable. Adapt it to your editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your needs and capture your needs and capture your
audience's attention. audience's attention. audience's attention.
Our Team

Name Name Name Name

Here Here Here Here
Designatio Designatio Designatio Designatio
n n n n

Primary Primary Primary Primary

Responsibilitie Responsibilitie Responsibilitie Responsibilitie
s s s s
This slide is 100% This slide is 100% This slide is 100% This slide is 100%
editable. Adapt it to your editable. Adapt it to your editable. Adapt it to your editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your needs and capture your needs and capture your needs and capture your
audience's attention. audience's attention. audience's attention. audience's attention.
The Problem

Problem 1
Example: price is an important concern for
customers purchasing online (for e-commerce
To better illustrate your problem,
as well as convey the problem
statement to someone who’s less
immersed in it than you, consider
adding some components in the
following way: 1. Customer Tries
Something; 2. Here’s the terrible

Problem 2
they are facing; 3. Existing
solutions are broken/Non-existent

Example: in UK, stress results in 105 MM lost

workdays each year (for health tech startup)

Problem 3
Example: 95% of companies make decision by either
guessing or using their gut. No one uses data
analytics tools. (For analytics startups)

Problem 4
Example: video files are too large to e-mail. (For
tech startups)

This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.

The Solution
(Option 1of 2)

01 Text Here
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needs and capture your audience's attention.

02 Text Here
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your audience's attention.

03 Text Here
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your audience's attention.
If the investor has no
clue what the product
does even after getting 04 Text Here
deep into a pitch; now
is the time for a short
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your
explanation or demo needs and capture your audience's attention.
The Solution (Option2 of 2)

Text Here
This slide is 100%
01 editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your
05 audience's attention.

Text Here
This slide is 100%
editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your Text Here
audience's attention. 02 This slide is 100%
editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your
audience's attention.

04 03
If the investor has no clue
what the product does even
Text Here after getting deep into a pitch;
now is the time for a short
Text Here
This slide is 100% explanation or demo This slide is 100%
editable. Adapt it to your editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your needs and capture your
audience's attention. audience's attention.

The Solution
(Option 2of 2)

01 Text Here
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your audience's attention.

02 Text Here
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your audience's attention.

03 Text Here
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your audience's attention.
If the investor has no clue
what the product does even
after getting deep into a
pitch; now is the time for a
04 Text Here
short explanation or demo
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your audience's attention.
Value Proposition – Product / Services (Option 1 of 2)

Product Customer

What are the
What your Risks of switching
product do to your product
drivers of Purchasing

What does it
feel like to use
your Product? Wants Fears
Features What are What are
the the rational
How does your hidden drivers of
product work? needs? Purchasing

What do
Company: currently
Product: Substitutes do instead?
Ideal Customer:

This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
Value Proposition – Product / Services (Option 2 of 2)

Text Here
Your Offering This slide is 100%
editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your
audience's attention.

03 01
Your Value
Text Here n Text Here
This slide is 100% This slide is 100%
editable. Adapt it to your
The What the editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your Marketplace Customer needs and capture your
audience's attention.
Offerings 02 Needs
audience's attention.
Product Roadmap

FY18 FY19

Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2

New Platforms Android iPad, iOS Native Mac App

We have categorized
product roadmap in to
four most common
categories just to give a
basic idea on
classification which can
be altered by you as per
your requirement.

New Integrations HubSpot Dropbox BOTS NetSuite

New Channels Messenger WhatsApp Exchange

Enterprise Ready SSO Teams Custom Rights Light Users Advanced Reporting

This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
Milestones Achieved

Launched 100,000 users USD 1

the API million

Jan Aug Oct

FY19 FY19 FY19

Apr Oct
FY19 FY19

Launched 10,000 users Adding few success

stories with the
Web App Integrated in investors will grab
their eyeballs and
50 Apps further support your

This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.

Any awards like Best
A growing pipeline that
Start-up, Best tech
will generate USD XX in
transforming company
next X year

We’re performing amazing

Growing fast, Generating
for these clients, look at
good revenues
these results

“Any coverage in articles/
Text ... Text ... Text ... Text ... Text ... Text ... Text ...
Business Model

How do you How do you acquire

monetize? customers?
This slide is 100% This slide is 100%
editable. Adapt it to your editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your needs and capture your
audience's attention. audience's attention.

This slide will be helpful in

making the investor
understand about how
your company works,
generates revenue and
structure of your business

Type of Business
Model How do you provide
(For e.g.: Freemium model your service?
with consistent 3% conversion
from free slide
paidis plans)
100% This slide is 100%
editable. Adapt it to your editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your needs and capture your
audience's attention. audience's attention.
Business Model (Example Slide)

User Acquisition Gather User information Intelligent Suggestions User switches = Referral fee

From: Includes: Based on: Fee types:

› Advertising › A/c types › History › Bank A/c
› Email › Spending pattern › Usage › Credit card
› Distribution partners › Credit history › Spending habits › Cell phone carrier
› Demographics & preferences › Current market deals/rates › ISP
› Loan

Company XX makes money when users make money

rather than relying on creating value through added

Future Potential: Advertising

High quality Premium Premium
expected user + + =
user data targeted ads targeted ads

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Supplier Commission
Now Anybody can open an A/c start
selling their product

Indirect sources such as

Later advertising, affiliates etc.
Selling products at profitable rates

Revenue streams
have been classified
in to 2 parts: present Selling in-house products
sources and future Later Selling products at profitable rates
sources and these
can be altered as per
your revenue model

Partner Commission
Revenue Streams Now Partner with other players in value
chain to increase business

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Expense Model (Option 1 Of 2)

Name top 3 expenses like Employee

1 Year Expense, IT expenses & License purchase
How long will new funding
Key Expenses needed to generate

1 month
How long is sales
Now: $5000 | After: cycle to get a client?
Monthly burn rate, now vs. after
Investors would like to
funding? understand how your
company would manage
the funding and
understand the key
expenses that you will
be making

$ 30
Cost to maintain a customer Name of company &
and build a recurring sales?
purpose it serves
Any unique strategic alliances?

$ 50
Average cost to
acquire a customer
Expense Model (Option 2 Of 2)
Investors would like to
understand how your
company would
manage the funding
and understand the key
expenses that you will
be making

Name of
Name top 3 expenses like 1 month company &
Employee Expense, IT expenses & How long is sales
License purchase expenses cycle to get a client? purpose it serves
Key Expenses needed to generate Any unique strategic
revenue? alliances?

$ 50 $ 30 Now: $5000 | 1 Year

Average cost to Cost to maintain a After: $50,000 How long will new
acquire a customer customer and build funding last?
Monthly burn rate,
a recurring sales?
now vs. after funding?

This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
Growth Strategy

Marketing & Sales

Acquiring Customers
01 › Online marketing like SEO, SMM, deal
We have covered the of the day
most important › Refer a friend
components of the › Loyalty discounts
growth strategy which › Incentive for employees on increasing
differs from company
to company and can sales
be altered accordingly

Customer Service
Retaining Customers
02 › Dedicated customer service
› Customer Feedback System in

Product Development
Staying Competitive
03 › Consumer product advisory board
to drive consumer features
› Add Android App
› Add iOS App

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Go – to – Market Strategy

This slide varies but the

goal is the same: Show
you’re thinking about (or
have data or an unfair
advantage in)

Provocation Discovery Diagnostic Design
› What are we trying to › What are the potential › Where should we › What go to market › What is winning
Key accomplish? markets? compete and what must aooroach is optimal? worth?
Questio we deliver?

› Clarify desired outcomes/ › Identify market › Understanding the › Identify and assess › The best channel
Focus objectives attractiveness factors, and opportunity to create market channel options approach
‘as is’ situation deferential advantage

› Review market data › Identify define, & map › Asses addressable › Determine the optimal › Develop
› Validate project markets markets W/ offering & positioning for recommendation for go
approach › Determine buying attractiveness criteria target markets to market approach
› Design & schedule processes and choice › Determine company’s › Determine ideal channel › Market-channel
Inputs/ work plan drivers ability to compete in partner criteria positioning platform
› Organize core & attractive markets › Identify, assess and tested
Tasks steering teams › Identify key buying prioritize potential channel › Organizational
influencers & desired partners by targets markets alignment assessed
behavioral objectives

› Goal alignment/validation › Verify the nature of the › Determine how you will › Determine how you will › Identify how you will
Outcomes market opportunity ‘win’ ‘play’ (GTM model) measure results

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Marketing Strategy

Search Email
Engine Marketing

Website Design Analytics &


Blog Paid Advertising

Social Media
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Competitive Landscape
Don’t try to hard to force
a slide that winds up
meaningless in being
overly positive. Instead,
speak to how you’ll win
against the most relevant
two or three competitors

Direct Company Logo Company Logo Company Logo


Industry Industry Industry

Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3

Indirect Competitors
Company Logo Company Logo Company Logo

This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
Product Comparison

Company Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Feature 4 Feature 5 Feature 6

Company XX

Competitor A

Competitor B

Competitor C

Indirect Competitor A

Indirect Competitor B

Indirect Competitor C

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SWOT Analysis (Option 1 of 3)

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editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your
audience's attention.

This slide is 100%
editable. Adapt it to your

needs and capture your
audience's attention.

This slide is 100%

editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your Opportunities
audience's attention.
This slide is 100%
editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your
audience's attention.
SWOT Analysis (Option 1 of 3)

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
This slide is 100% This slide is 100% This slide is 100% This slide is 100%
editable. Adapt it to editable. Adapt it to editable. Adapt it to editable. Adapt it to
your needs and your needs and your needs and your needs and
capture your capture your capture your capture your
audience's attention. audience's attention. audience's attention. audience's attention.
SWOT Analysis (Option 2 of 3)

Strengths Weaknesses
S This slide is 100%
editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your
This slide is 100%
editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your
audience's attention. audience's attention.

Threats Opportunities
T This slide is 100%
editable. Adapt it to your
This slide is 100%
editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your needs and capture your
audience's attention. audience's attention.
SWOT Analysis (Option 3 of 3)

This slide is 100%

editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your
audience's attention.
This slide is 100%
editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your
audience's attention.

This slide is 100%

editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your
audience's attention.
This slide is 100%
editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your Weaknesses
audience's attention.


Financial Projections

FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23

Target Market (MM) 14 14.25 14.50 15 16 18

Users (MM) 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Net Revenue ($ MM) 650 700 750 800 850 900

Total Expenses ($ MM) 60 70 75 80 85 90

EBITDA ($ MM) 100 120 130 140 150 160

EBITDA margin 26% 28% 29% 21% 22% 23%

Financing Cost ($ MM) 10 15 20 25 30 35

PAT ($ MM) 50 55 60 65 70 75

PAT margin 10% 11% 12% 11% 10% 9%

This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
Break Even Analysis
Fixed Cost Variable Total Cost Sales Profit/(Loss)
Units of Output
($) Cost ($) ($) Revenue ($) ($)

100 5000 1000 6000 2000 (4000)

200 5000 2000 7000 4000 (3000)

300 5000 3000 8000 6000 (2000)

400 5000 4000 9000 8000 (1000)

500 5000 5000 10000 10000 -

600 5000 6000 11000 12000 1000

700 5000 7000 12000 14000 2000

This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.

How much Valuation of the

capital are you company
willing to raise?

$5mm $10mm

Investment Terms
Preferred Equity (convertible in to common) @ X pre-money valuation
Convertible note @ $X valuation cap; 1.5 X premium

This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
Use of Funds

Product Development 12% New Hires

This slide is 100% editable. Adapt This slide is 100% editable. Adapt
Be thoughtful about this
it to your needs and capture your it to your needs and capture your
slide, since that’s how
audience's attention. audience's attention.
VCs think about

40% finances. And definitely

don’t try to project
anything beyond two
years. It’s just not


Marketing Operational Cost

This slide is 100% editable. Adapt This slide is 100% editable. Adapt
it to your needs and capture your it to your needs and capture your
audience's attention.
18% audience's attention.

Relevant Example

› Sales & Marketing, Hire key employees, › Build out/further develop technology, File › Achieve key milestones: 1st client?
Founder Salaries patents Breakeven time? 3x Revenue growth?
Shareholding Pattern
Shareholding Pattern

Before Funding Shareholder After Funding

Total Shares Name
Total Shares

85 56% Name 1 45 36%

41 27% Name 2 47 37%

15 10% Name 3 09 7%

5 3% Name 4 12 10%

12 8% Name 5 13 10%

100 100
158 Total 126
% %
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.

Acquisition: most likely exit options for companies:

› Name potential companies (any unique relationship with
› Name type/category of companies that could acquire you?
› Why would they acquire you? How do you fir in their
› Why won’t they try to built it themselves?

Financial buyer: will your company generate

excess cash flow that could make it attractive to
financial buyers to generate a return?

IPO: least likely exit for a company, but a

probability. Preferred strategy only when no buyer
could afford the valuation of your company.

Exit Strategy
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
Client Testimonials

Name Here Name Here

Designation Designation

This slide is 100% This slide is 100%

editable. Adapt it to your editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your needs and capture your
audience's attention. audience's attention.
Contact Details

Office 1 Office 2

Name 1 Address with Address with

Email Id Contact Details Contact Details
Contact Detail

Name 2 Address with Address with

Email Id Contact Details Contact Details
Contact Detail

Name 3 Address with Address with

Email Id Contact Details Contact Details
Contact Detail

This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
Starting a New Venture Icon Slide
Starting a New Venture Icon Slide Continued…

Additional Slides
Scatter Bubble Chart

Product Product
01 02


$50.00 [Y VALUE] 15%

1 20%
$30.00 1
In price

$20.00 40%

1 46%
$10.00 1
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

This graph/chart is linked to excel, and changes automatically based on data. Just left click on it and select “Edit Data”.
Column Chart

Product 01 Product 02


Expenditure In ($ Billions)


2 2
1.5 3.4
2.4 2.8
1 1.6 1.9 2
0.8 1
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

This graph/chart is linked to excel, and changes automatically based on data. Just left click on it and select “Edit Data”.

This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your audience's attention.

This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your audience's attention.

This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your audience's attention.

This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your audience's attention.

User Of Fakebook User Of

85% Fakebook 15%

This slide is 100%

editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your This slide is 100%
audience's attention. editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your
audience's attention.

2016 2017 2018 2019

70% 30%
Web designer Graphic Designer

This slide is 100% This slide is 100%

Our Great Team

editable. Adapt it to your editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your needs and capture your
audience's attention. audience's attention.

$150 $250 $350

Minimum Medium Maximum

This slide is 100% This slide is 100% This slide is 100%
editable. Adapt it to your editable. Adapt it to your editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your needs and capture your needs and capture your
audience's attention. audience's attention. audience's attention.

This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it
to your needs and capture your
audience's attention.

This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it
to your needs and capture your
audience's attention.

Our Goal Success

This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it
to your needs and capture your
audience's attention.


If you want to be
world, you follow your passion,
not a paycheck.” -Jen Welter

Bulb or
› This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your audience's attention.

› This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your

needs and capture your audience's attention.

› This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your

needs and capture your audience's attention.

› This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your

needs and capture your audience's attention.

40 60

30 70

› This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your audience's attention.
20 80

› This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your

needs and capture your audience's attention.
› This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your audience's attention.
0 100

› This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your audience's attention.


USA Population CANADA Population

90% 50%

50% 80%

This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and
capture your audience's attention. capture your audience's attention.

# Street number, city, state
Contact Numbers
Email Address

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