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1 An Introduction To International Relation

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International Relations and Diplomacy

Introduction to International
Upendra BK
Presentation Layouts
•Concept, Nature and Scope
•Contemporary Definitions
•International Relations and Politics
•Characteristics of International
Concept, Nature and Scope
• International relations emerged as an independent
discipline in the twentieth century;
• Universities in West Europe and North America
started teaching of international relations after first
World War(1914-1919);
• It was an integral part of history in Russia till mid of
• It was recognized as a separate and independent
discipline in Asian and African countries after second
World War(1939-1945);
Concept, Nature and Scope

•International relation is assumed as a component of

history and political science at the post graduate level in
Nepal. The curriculum of graduate level(three years) has
asserted it since 1998;
•There are arguments for and against an independence
and interdependence of International Relations, however,
it is being taught as an independent discipline in Eastern
and Western Universities;
Concept, Nature and Scope

• Some scholars argue on independence of international relations where as

others argue it has to be associated with History, Political Science and
• Palmer and Perkins rightly say that International Relations has to be
studied as an autonomous and independent theory, research
methodology and subject matter;
• History explains to the development of phenomenon taken place in the
past with a view to quest for cause and effect. But International relations
performs studies and introspection on the past and present;
• Stenley Hoffmann has highlighted that the discipline of international
relations is concerned with factors and activities which external policies
and power of the basic units into which the world is divided;
Concept, Nature and Scope

• Relations between states and problems concerning them are accompanied

by the jurisdiction of international relations;
• As social, political, economic and territorial systems are attached to the
state, they have a number of interests and demands;
• The process of articulation and integration of interests create
misunderstanding and conflict between and among states; and
• Governments conduct international relations to bear responsibility of
states and international relations.
Contemporary Definitions of International
• ‘’International Politics is the interaction of individual nation states in terms
of their perceived national interests or goals’’.
Padleford and Lincoln
The definition gives a clear picture that individual nation states are subject to
international with a view to perform their national priorities which are
reflected on top pyramid of their national goals.
• ‘International Politics is a struggle for and use of power’
Hans J. Morgenthau
Three relevant matters i.e. national interest, conflict and power are pertained
to international politics. States are used to a struggle for and use of power
to balance their interests. It is evident by the definition aforesaid.
Contemporary Definitions of International
• ‘International Politics is an art of influencing, manipulating or controlling the
major to advance the purposes of some against the opposition of other.’
Quincy Wright
By the definition, it can be concluded that the process of influencing,
manipulating and controlling the behavior of major groups takes place in
international relations.

• ‘International Relations is concerned with factors and activities which affect

external policies and power of the basic units into which the world is divided’.
Stenley Hoffmann
It is clear that sovereign states are interrelated on mutual concerns of their
national goals. Even they can not survive being alienated from each other in
Contemporary Definitions of International
• ‘International Relations encompasses much more than the relations
among nation states and international organizations and groups. It
includes a great variety of transitional relationships at various levels,
above and below the level of nation states, still the actor in the
international communities’.
Palmer and Perkins
By pursuance of the definition, no doubt that international relation is not
confined to the boundary of relations among nation states and
international organizations and groups. It includes all the transitional
relations above and below the states.
Nature of International Relations

• Rapid change in science and technology has made the world lead to global
a village. Phenomenon taken place in any part of the glove are triggering
spill over effects and advantages to another parts of the glove;
• Establishment of UNO and other regional groupings has increased
interdependence among states;
• After dissolution of ex-USSR, the unipolar world is emerging. New
relationships have begun to establish and old relationships have been
• The Study of international relations has been culminated in the world due
to termination of USSR , military pacts and cold war, emergence of non-
aligned Movement and development of free market economy;
• Traditional tendency of limiting international relations into phenomenon
of diplomatic history and war;
Nature of International Relations

• Due to fundamentalism on nationalism and sovereignty, there has been

danger of caste, ethnic, lingual, religious and socio-cultural conflicts;
• The world is moving ahead through transitional phase. Possible state of
interaction and interdependence has been initiated. The balance of power
is yet to be established among states;
• Old players are playing new roles but their roles is ye to be effective and
• New players are on the stage. India and Pakistan have been nuclear
powers. China is the largest second world economy and militarily
powerful country. It is taken as one of emerging super powers; and
• The world Order of 19th century has been dismantled in the 20th century.
International Politics and Relations

• Both have abided by same objective of establishing peace and order in the
world managing international phenomenon. However, some differences
can be cited between them which are as follows;
• International politics is concerned with politics of international
communities. In the connection with this, emphasis is given on diplomacy
and relations among states.
• International relations deals political and non-political matters.
• IR is widening whereas IP is not.
• IR is descriptive whereas IP is analytical.
• IR is contract oriented whereas IP is power oriented.
• IR is static where as IP is developing.

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