1 An Introduction To International Relation
1 An Introduction To International Relation
1 An Introduction To International Relation
Introduction to International
Upendra BK
Presentation Layouts
•Concept, Nature and Scope
•Contemporary Definitions
•International Relations and Politics
•Characteristics of International
Concept, Nature and Scope
• International relations emerged as an independent
discipline in the twentieth century;
• Universities in West Europe and North America
started teaching of international relations after first
World War(1914-1919);
• It was an integral part of history in Russia till mid of
• It was recognized as a separate and independent
discipline in Asian and African countries after second
World War(1939-1945);
Concept, Nature and Scope
• Rapid change in science and technology has made the world lead to global
a village. Phenomenon taken place in any part of the glove are triggering
spill over effects and advantages to another parts of the glove;
• Establishment of UNO and other regional groupings has increased
interdependence among states;
• After dissolution of ex-USSR, the unipolar world is emerging. New
relationships have begun to establish and old relationships have been
• The Study of international relations has been culminated in the world due
to termination of USSR , military pacts and cold war, emergence of non-
aligned Movement and development of free market economy;
• Traditional tendency of limiting international relations into phenomenon
of diplomatic history and war;
Nature of International Relations
• Both have abided by same objective of establishing peace and order in the
world managing international phenomenon. However, some differences
can be cited between them which are as follows;
• International politics is concerned with politics of international
communities. In the connection with this, emphasis is given on diplomacy
and relations among states.
• International relations deals political and non-political matters.
• IR is widening whereas IP is not.
• IR is descriptive whereas IP is analytical.
• IR is contract oriented whereas IP is power oriented.
• IR is static where as IP is developing.