Tatalaksana Stroke Vertebrobasilar
Tatalaksana Stroke Vertebrobasilar
Tatalaksana Stroke Vertebrobasilar
Oleh Sri Sutarni
Divisi Neuro – Otologi
Dept Neurologi FK-KMK UGM/
RSUP Dr. Sardjito, Yogyakarta
◦ Stroke Vertebro Basilar (SVB) mempunyai manifestasi klinis mirip Stroke pada umumnya
◦ Insidensinya mencapai 30% dari kasus Stroke iskhemik
◦ Insufisiensi Vertebrobasilar terjadi karena adanya hambatan aliran darah, perdarahan,
emboli di bagian belakang Otak TIA, SVB
◦ 70 - 80% topik di Medula, Pons, Midbrain, Serebelum, Thalamus & Korteks Oksipital
◦ Stenosis arteria Vertebralis dapat perubahan tensi & posisi kepala Vertigo, pada
25% kasus Stroke
1. Stenosis, rotasi arteria Vertebralis tekanan darah turun
mendadak, berulang SVB
Definition of Dizziness:
A sensation of spinning around and losing one”s balance, ranging from lightheadedness,
unsteadiness to vertigo
Multipel risk factors:
Cardiolovascular, Neurology,
Visual,Ear Nose & Throat: Vestibulair, Physiology
Thirty percent of more than 65 years old ever Vertigo
The third number to treat by General Practitionair
Internal Factor
External Factor
1. Benign Paroksismal Positional Vertigo (BPPV):
The Most Case Disturbance of Activity
Inner Ear Deviation cause by Movement of the Head
when wake up, Sleep & Sit
4. Topik di Batang otang Multipel Kranial disturbans: Perioral
numbness, Drop attack, lateralisasi dapat (+) atau (-), Lightheadiness,
Dizziness, Vertigo Disartria, Diplopia, Dysphagia
Age dependent: Deteorioration for Central & Peripheral Vestibular System Cell mechanism of
Aging is decrease cause by degeneration process the mechanism is unclear
Theory about genetic predisposition & cummulative effect of oxydative stress
Postural stability: Integrity somatosensoric, Visual & Vestibular inputs Musculosceletal system
1.Position of the Head:
Slow movemen of the Head
Head Position is higher compare the Body
Decrease movemen to see the Upper Position of the Head
Vestibulair excercise for Dizziness: Dix Hallpike maneuver
2. Central vertigo
Gait training
rehabilitation excercise
3. Causalis Therapy