ch1 Physical World
ch1 Physical World
ch1 Physical World
phenomena*. Classical Physics deals mainly chemical process, etc., are problems of interest
with macroscopic phenomena and includes in thermodynamics.
subjects like Mechanics, Electrodynamics, The microscopic domain of physics deals with
Optics and Thermodynamics. Mechanics the constitution and structure of matter at the
founded on Newton’s laws of motion and the law minute scales of atoms and nuclei (and even
of gravitation is concerned with the motion (or
lower scales of length) and their interaction with
equilibrium) of particles, rigid and deformable
different probes such as electrons, photons and
bodies, and general systems of particles. The
propulsion of a rocket by a jet of ejecting gases, other elementary particles. Classical physics is
propagation of water waves or sound waves in inadequate to handle this domain and Quantum
air, the equilibrium of a bent rod under a load, Theory is currently accepted as the proper
etc., are problems of mechanics. Electrodynamics framework for explaining microscopic
deals with electric and magnetic phenomena phenomena. Overall, the edifice of physics is
associated with charged and magnetic bodies. beautiful and imposing and you will appreciate
Its basic laws were given by Coulomb, Oersted, it more as you pursue the subject.
Fig. 1.1 Theory and experiment go hand in hand in physics and help each other’s progress. The alpha scattering
experiments of Rutherford gave the nuclear model of the atom.
Ampere and Faraday, and encapsulated by You can now see that the scope of physics is
Maxwell in his famous set of equations. The truly vast. It covers a tremendous range of
motion of a current-carrying conductor in a magnitude of physical quantities like length,
magnetic field, the response of a circuit to an ac mass, time, energy, etc. At one end, it studies
voltage (signal), the working of an antenna, the phenomena at the very small scale of length
propagation of radio waves in the ionosphere, etc., -14
(10 m or even less) involving electrons, protons,
are problems of electrodynamics. Optics deals etc.; at the other end, it deals with astronomical
with the phenomena involving light. The working
phenomena at the scale of galaxies or even the
of telescopes and microscopes, colours exhibited
entire universe whose extent is of the order of
by thin films, etc., are topics in optics. 26
10 m. The two length scales differ by a factor of
Thermodynamics, in contrast to mechanics, does 40
not deal with the motion of bodies as a whole. 10 or even more. The range of time scales can
Rather, it deals with systems in macroscopic be obtained by dividing the length scales by the
equilibrium and is concerned with changes in speed of light : 10 s to 10 18 s. The range of
internal energy, temperature, entropy, etc., of the masses goes from, say, 10 kg (mass of an
system through external work and transfer of electron) to 10 kg (mass of known observable
heat. The efficiency of heat engines and universe). Terrestrial phenomena lie somewhere
refrigerators, the direction of a physical or in the middle of this range.
* Recently, the domain intermediate between the macroscopic and the microscopic (the so-called mesoscopic
physics), dealing with a few tens or hundreds of atoms, has emerged as an exciting field of research.
theory of objects falling to the earth under A most significant area to which physics has
gravity. and will contribute is the development of
alternative energy resources. The fossil fuels of
the planet are dwindling fast and there is an
The connection between physics, technology urgent need to discover new and affordable
and society can be seen in many examples. The sources of energy. Considerable progress has
discipline of thermodynamics arose from the already been made in this direction (for
need to understand and improve the working of example, in conversion of solar energy,
heat engines. The steam engine, as we know, geothermal energy, etc., into electricity), but
is inseparable from the Industrial Revolution in much more is still to be accomplished.
England in the eighteenth century, which had Table1.1 lists some of the great physicists,
great impact on the course of human their major contribution and the country of
civilisation. Sometimes technology gives rise to origin. You will appreciate from this table the
new physics; at other times physics generates multi-cultural, international character of the
new technology. An example of the latter is the scientific endeavour. Table 1.2 lists some
wireless communication technology that followed important technologies and the principles of
the discovery of the basic laws of electricity and physics they are based on. Obviously, these
magnetism in the nineteenth century. The tables are not exhaustive. We urge you to try to
applications of physics are not always easy to add many names and items to these tables with
foresee. As late as 1933, the great physicist the help of your teachers, good books and
Ernest Rutherford had dismissed the possibility websites on science. You will find that this
of tapping energy from atoms. But only a few exercise is very educative and also great fun.
years later, in 1938, Hahn and Meitner And, assuredly, it will never end. The progress
discovered the phenomenon of neutron-induced of science is unstoppable!
fission of uranium, which would serve as the Physics is the study of nature and natural
basis of nuclear power reactors and nuclear phenomena. Physicists try to discover the rules
weapons. Yet another important example of that are operating in nature, on the basis of
physics giving rise to technology is the silicon observations, experimentation and analysis.
‘chip’ that triggered the computer revolution in Physics deals with certain basic rules/laws
the last three decades of the twentieth century. governing the natural world. What is the nature
Table 1.1 Some physicists from different countries of the world and their major contributions
of physical laws? We shall now discuss the ideas about it. The correct notion of force was
nature of fundamental forces and the laws that arrived at by Isaac Newton in his famous laws of
govern the diverse phenomena of the physical motion. He also gave an explicit form for the force
world. for gravitational attraction between two bodies.
We shall learn these matters in subsequent
We all have an intuitive notion of force. In our In the macroscopic world, besides the
experience, force is needed to push, carry or gravitational force, we encounter several kinds
throw objects, deform or break them. We also of forces: muscular force, contact forces between
experience the impact of forces on us, like when bodies, friction (which is also a contact force
a moving object hits us or we are in a merry-go- parallel to the surfaces in contact), the forces
round. Going from this intuitive notion to the exerted by compressed or elongated springs and
proper scientific concept of force is not a trivial taut strings and ropes (tension), the force of
matter. Early thinkers like Aristotle had wrong buoyancy and viscous force when solids are in
*Sections 1.4 and 1.5 contain several ideas that you may not grasp fully in your first reading. However, we
advise you to read them carefully to develop a feel for some basic aspects of physics. These are some of the
areas which continue to occupy the physicists today.
contact with fluids, the force due to pressure of to the net attraction/repulsion between the
a fluid, the force due to surface tension of a liquid, neighbouring atoms of the spring when the
and so on. There are also forces involving charged spring is elongated/compressed. This net
and magnetic bodies. In the microscopic domain attraction/repulsion can be traced to the
again, we have electric and magnetic forces, (unbalanced) sum of electric forces between the
nuclear forces involving protons and neutrons, charged constituents of the atoms.
interatomic and intermolecular forces, etc. We In principle, this means that the laws for
shall get familiar with some of these forces in later ‘derived’ forces (such as spring force, friction)
parts of this course. are not independent of the laws of fundamental
A great insight of the twentieth century forces in nature. The origin of these derived
physics is that these different forces occurring forces is, however, very complex.
in different contexts actually arise from only a At the present stage of our understanding,
small number of fundamental forces in nature. we know of four fundamental forces in nature,
For example, the elastic spring force arises due which are described in brief here :
1.4.1 Gravitational Force electric force between two protons, for example,
The gravitational force is the force of mutual is 10 times the gravitational force between
attraction between any two objects by virtue of them, for any fixed distance.
their masses. It is a universal force. Every object Matter, as we know, consists of elementary
experiences this force due to every other object charged constituents like electrons and
in the universe. All objects on the earth, for protons. Since the electromagnetic force is so
example, experience the force of gravity due to much stronger than the gravitational force, it
the earth. In particular, gravity governs the dominates all phenomena at atomic and
motion of the moon and artificial satellites around molecular scales. (The other two forces, as we
the earth, motion of the earth and planets shall see, operate only at nuclear scales.) Thus
around the sun, and, of course, the motion of it is mainly the electromagnetic force that
bodies falling to the earth. It plays a key role in governs the structure of atoms and molecules,
the large-scale phenomena of the universe, such the dynamics of chemical reactions and the
as formation and evolution of stars, galaxies and mechanical, thermal and other properties of
galactic clusters. materials. It underlies the macroscopic forces
1.4.2 Electromagnetic Force like ‘tension’, ‘friction’, ‘normal force’, ‘spring
force’, etc.
Electromagnetic force is the force between
Gravity is always attractive, while
charged particles. In the simpler case when
charges are at rest, the force is given by electromagnetic force can be attractive or
Coulomb’s law : attractive for unlike charges and repulsive. Another way of putting it is that mass
repulsive for like charges. Charges in motion comes only in one variety (there is no negative
produce magnetic effects and a magnetic field mass), but charge comes in two varieties :
gives rise to a force on a moving charge. Electric positive and negative charge. This is what
and magnetic effects are, in general, makes all the difference. Matter is mostly
inseparable – hence the name electromagnetic electrically neutral (net charge is zero). Thus,
force. Like the gravitational force, electric force is largely zero and gravitational
electromagnetic force acts over large distances force dominates terrestrial phenomena. Electric
and does not need any intervening medium. It force manifests itself in atmosphere where the
is enormously strong compared to gravity. The atoms are ionised and that leads to lightning.
theories and domains. Newton unified terrestrial 1.5 NATURE OF PHYSICAL LAWS
and celestial domains under a common law of Physicists explore the universe. Their
gravitation. The experimental discoveries of investigations, based on scientific processes,
Oersted and Faraday showed that electric and range from particles that are smaller than
magnetic phenomena are in general atoms in size to stars that are very far away. In
inseparable. Maxwell unified electromagnetism addition to finding the facts by observation and
and optics with the discovery that light is an experimentation, physicists attempt to discover
electromagnetic wave. Einstein attempted to the laws that summarise (often as mathematical
unify gravity and electromagnetism but could equations) these facts.
not succeed in this venture. But this did not In any physical phenomenon governed by
deter physicists from zealously pursuing the different forces, several quantities may change
goal of unification of forces. with time. A remarkable fact is that some special
Recent decades have seen much progress on physical quantities, however, remain constant
this front. The electromagnetic and the weak in time. They are the conserved quantities of
nuclear force have now been unified and are nature. Understanding these conservation
seen as aspects of a single ‘electro-weak’ force. principles is very important to describe the
What this unification actually means cannot observed phenomena quantitatively.
be explained here. Attempts have been (and are For motion under an external conservative
being) made to unify the electro-weak and the force, the total mechanical energy i.e. the sum
strong force and even to unify the gravitational of kinetic and potential energy of a body is a
force with the rest of the fundamental forces. constant. The familiar example is the free fall of
Many of these ideas are still speculative and an object under gravity. Both the kinetic energy
inconclusive. Table 1.4 summarises some of the of the object and its potential energy change
milestones in the progress towards unification continuously with time, but the sum remains
of forces in nature. fixed. If the object is released from rest, the initial
Table 1.4 Progress in unification of different forces/domains in nature
potential energy is completely converted into the the other end, all kinds of violent phenomena
kinetic energy of the object just before it hits occur in the universe all the time. Yet the total
the ground. This law restricted for a conservative energy of the universe (the most ideal isolated
force should not be confused with the general system possible !) is believed to remain
law of conservation of energy of an isolated unchanged.
system (which is the basis of the First Law of Until the advent of Einstein’s theory of
Thermodynamics). relativity, the law of conservation of mass was
The concept of energy is central to physics regarded as another basic conservation law of
and the expressions for energy can be written nature, since matter was thought to be
for every physical system. When all forms of indestructible. It was (and still is) an important
energy e.g., heat, mechanical energy, electrical principle used, for example, in the analysis of
energy etc., are counted, it turns out that energy chemical reactions. A chemical reaction is
is conserved. The general law of conservation of basically a rearrangement of atoms among
energy is true for all forces and for any kind of different molecules. If the total binding energy
transformation between different forms of of the reacting molecules is less than the total
energy. In the falling object example, if you binding energy of the product molecules, the
include the effect of air resistance during the difference appears as heat and the reaction is
fall and see the situation after the object hits exothermic. The opposite is true for energy
the ground and stays there, the total absorbing (endothermic) reactions. However,
mechanical energy is obviously not conserved. since the atoms are merely rearranged but not
The general law of energy conservation, however, destroyed, the total mass of the reactants is the
is still applicable. The initial potential energy same as the total mass of the products in a
of the stone gets transformed into other forms chemical reaction. The changes in the binding
of energy : heat and sound. (Ultimately, sound energy are too small to be measured as changes
after it is absorbed becomes heat.) The total in mass.
energy of the system (stone plus the According to Einstein’s theory, mass m is
surroundings) remains unchanged. equivalent to energy E given by the relation
The law of conservation of energy is thought E = mc , where c is speed of light in vacuum.
to be valid across all domains of nature, from In a nuclear process mass gets converted to
the microscopic to the macroscopic. It is energy (or vice-versa). This is the energy which
routinely applied in the analysis of atomic, is released in a nuclear power generation and
nuclear and elementary particle processes. At nuclear explosions.
* See Chapter 7
1. Physics deals with the study of the basic laws of nature and their manifestation in
different phenomena. The basic laws of physics are universal and apply in widely different
contexts and conditions.
2. The scope of physics is wide, covering a tremendous range of magnitude of physical
3. Physics and technology are related to each other. Sometimes technology gives rise to
new physics; at other times physics generates new technology. Both have direct impact
on society.
4. There are four fundamental forces in nature that govern the diverse phenomena of the
macroscopic and the microscopic world. These are the ‘gravitational force’, the
‘electromagnetic force’, the ‘strong nuclear force’, and the ‘weak nuclear force’. Unification
of different forces/domains in nature is a basic quest in physics.
5. The physical quantities that remain unchanged in a process are called conserved
quantities. Some of the general conservation laws in nature include the laws of
conservation of mass, energy, linear momentum, angular momentum, charge, parity,
etc. Some conservation laws are true for one fundamental force but not for the other.
6. Conservation laws have a deep connection with symmetries of nature. Symmetries of
space and time, and other types of symmetries play a central role in modern theories of
fundamental forces in nature.
(b) After the sea tragedy, fishermen in that area, in a gesture of honour to their
dead hero, let free any crab shell caught by them which accidentally had a shape
resembling the face of a Samurai. Consequently, the particular shape of the
crab shell survived longer and therefore in course of time the shape was genetically
propagated. This is an example of evolution by artificial selection.
[Note : This interesting illustration taken from Carl Sagan’s ‘The Cosmos’ highlights
the fact that often strange and inexplicable facts which on the first sight appear
‘supernatural’ actually turn out to have simple scientific explanations. Try to think
out other examples of this kind].
1.7 The industrial revolution in England and Western Europe more than two centuries
ago was triggered by some key scientific and technological advances. What were these
advances ?
1.8 It is often said that the world is witnessing now a second industrial revolution, which
will transform the society as radically as did the first. List some key contemporary areas
of science and technology, which are responsible for this revolution.
1.9 Write in about 1000 words a fiction piece based on your speculation on the science
and technology of the twenty-second century.
1.10 Attempt to formulate your ‘moral’ views on the practice of science. Imagine yourself
stumbling upon a discovery, which has great academic interest but is certain to have
nothing but dangerous consequences for the human society. How, if at all, will you
resolve your dilemma ?
1.11 Science, like any knowledge, can be put to good or bad use, depending on the user.
Given below are some of the applications of science. Formulate your views on whether
the particular application is good, bad or something that cannot be so clearly
categorised :
(a) Mass vaccination against small pox to curb and finally eradicate this disease
from the population. (This has already been successfully done in India).
(b) Television for eradication of illiteracy and for mass communication of news and
(c) Prenatal sex determination
(d) Computers for increase in work efficiency
(e) Putting artificial satellites into orbits around the Earth
(f ) Development of nuclear weapons
(g) Development of new and powerful techniques of chemical and biological warfare).
(h) Purification of water for drinking
(i) Plastic surgery
(j ) Cloning
1.12 India has had a long and unbroken tradition of great scholarship — in mathematics,
astronomy, linguistics, logic and ethics. Yet, in parallel with this, several superstitious
and obscurantistic attitudes and practices flourished in our society and unfortunately
continue even today — among many educated people too. How will you use your
knowledge of science to develop strategies to counter these attitudes ?
1.13 Though the law gives women equal status in India, many people hold unscientific
views on a woman’s innate nature, capacity and intelligence, and in practice give
them a secondary status and role. Demolish this view using scientific arguments, and
by quoting examples of great women in science and other spheres; and persuade yourself
and others that, given equal opportunity, women are on par with men.
1.14 “It is more important to have beauty in the equations of physics than to have them
agree with experiments”. The great British physicist P. A. M. Dirac held this view.
Criticize this statement. Look out for some equations and results in this book which
strike you as beautiful.
1.15 Though the statement quoted above may be disputed, most physicists do have a feeling
that the great laws of physics are at once simple and beautiful. Some of the notable
physicists, besides Dirac, who have articulated this feeling, are : Einstein, Bohr,
Heisenberg, Chandrasekhar and Feynman. You are urged to make special efforts to get
access to the general books and writings by these and other great masters of physics.
(See the Bibliography at the end of this book.) Their writings are truly inspiring !
1.16 Textbooks on science may give you a wrong impression that studying science is dry
and all too serious and that scientists are absent-minded introverts who never laugh
or grin. This image of science and scientists is patently false. Scientists, like any
other group of humans, have their share of humorists, and many have led their lives
with a great sense of fun and adventure, even as they seriously pursued their scientific
work. Two great physicists of this genre are Gamow and Feynman. You will enjoy
reading their books listed in the Bibliography.