Chain Surveying
Chain Surveying
Chain Surveying
1. Metric Chain
2. Steel band
3. Engineer’s Chain
4. Gunter’s Chain
5. Revenue Chain
Chain Types
Metric Chains
• Tallies are fixed every 5m and small brass rings are generally
provided at every meter length .
• 20m chain is divided into 100 links each of 0.2m and tallies are
provided at every 10 links or 2m
• 30m chain is divided into 150 links, each of 0.2m and tallies are
provided at every 25 links or 5m.
Chain Types
Steel band
Engineer’s Chain
• 100ft long and divided into 100 links (each links of 1ft).
Revenue Chain
• Metallic Tape
• Steel Tape
• Invar Tape
Measuring tapes
Cloth or Linen Tape Metallic Tape
Instruments for Marking Stations or used in Chaining
Plumb Bob
A typical plumb bob is shown in Figure In measuring horizontal distances
along sloping ground plumb bobs are used to transfer the position to
ground. They are also used to check the verticality of ranging poles.