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Module I

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Module I
Course Objective
 To make the students aware about the concepts and steps
involved in management research
 To help students to master in RM by undertaking research
projects and submit a research report
 To provide an insight in to the application of modern
analytical tools and techniques in Research

 Search for new knowledge

 Adding to the existing knowledge

Need of Research in Business

 For solving various operational and planning problems of
business and industry
 For Replacing intuitive business decisions by logical and
scientific decisions
Scope of Research in Business
 Market Analysis, Business budgeting
 Demand forecasting, After sales services
 Finding out Market potential
Research Methodology
 Science of studying how research is done scientifically
 Way to systematically solve the research problem
 The study of research methods

Research Technique
 Specific means, approach or tool whereby data is gathered and analyzed,
and inferences are drawn 
 Eg. recording of notes, Statistical compilations, Score card
 Audio visual Recording devices

Research Method
 Manner in which a particular project is undertaken
 Methods the researcher use in performing the research operations
 It comprises one or more research techniques
 Eg. survey method, Interview, Observation, Case study
Role of research in managerial decision
 Formulate the research problem
 Review the literature
 Formulate the hypotheses
 Developing the research design
 Data collection
 Data analysis
 Interpretation and report writing
Formulating the Research Problem

1. Decide on the general area of interest [State the problem in

broad general way]
2. Dissect the broad area into subareas
3. Select what is of most interest to you
4. Raise research questions
5. Formulate research objectives
6. Assess your objectives
7.Double check
Review of Literature
 Academic Journals [including E-Journals]
 Conference proceedings
 Government Reports
 Books
 Research Reports [Published and Unpublished]
 Websites
 In 1976, Miller propounded the irrelevancy theory of
capital structure. He pleaded in his presidential address to
Annual Meeting of American Finance Association held on
September 17, 1976 in Atlanta City, New Jersey that
capital structure decisions of firms with both corporate
and personal taxes are irrelevant (Miller 1977).
 In 1974, Myers and Pogue developed three theories-the
lenders chickens out first, the managers chickens out first,
and the shareholders chickens out first-of debt capacity
(Myers and Pogue 1974).
Formulate the hypotheses

 Hypothesis – A tentative assumption made to test its logical

 Hypothesis must be very specific
 Role of the hypothesis is to guide the researcher by
delimiting the area of research and to keep him on the right
Types of hypotheses
Null and Alternate hypotheses:
 Null hypothesis is the assumption that the researcher wants to test.
 Assumption contradicting null hypothesis is called the alternate hypothesis.
 E.g. There is no significant difference in the attitude of workers towards the
working environment (Null)
 There is significant difference in the attitude of workers towards the working
Hypotheses based on Empirical Uniformities
 Univariate and descriptive in nature
 states that some group of individuals, objects, events or incidents has certain
property or characteristic.
 E.g. Wage for an unskilled worker is Rs. 3000 p.m.)
Types of hypotheses
Hypotheses based on Association between Variables
 Bivariate and explanatory
 States that something is associated with some other thing
 E.g., there exists an association between academic performance
of students and educational background of parents.
Hypotheses based on Cause and Effect Relationship
 Bivariate and deterministic
 States that something is a determinant of some other thing
 E.g., working environment is a significant determinant of
employee performance
Research Design

 Conceptual structure [Frame work] within which research would

be conducted
 Involves sample design, observational design Statistical design
and operational design
Data Collection

 Observation
 Personal Interview
 Telephone Interview
 Mailing of Questionnaire
 Interview Schedules
 Focus Group Discussion
Analyzing the Data

 Editing – Improving the quality of data [Field editing and Central editing]
 Coding – transforming data into symbols
 Tabulation – Data are put in the form of tables
 Computation of statistics [Eg. Percentages, Correlation, mean ……]
 Drawing statistical inferences – arriving at conclusions based on the value
of statistics [Involves hypotheses testing, using tools such as Chi-square, t-
Test, z-Test etc.]
Interpretation and Report Writing
 Interpreting the statistical inferences and generalizing the results to the
 Preparing the research report in the prescribed format
Lay out of the Research Report

Research Report

Preliminary pages End matter

Main text

Title page, Date Introduction Bibliography

Table of Contents Main Report appendices
List of tables Summary of findings
List of Figures Conclusion

 Statement of the problem

 Significance of the Study
 Objectives
 Methodology
 Scope of the Study
 Limitations of the Study
Research Proposal

 An offer to produce or render a service to a potential buyer or sponsor

 Also called a work plan, outline, draft plan, statement of intent and prospectus
 The proposal tells us what, why how, where and to whom the research will be done
and also shows the benefit of doing the research
Purpose of Research proposal
 To present the management Problem to be researched and its importance
 To discuss the research efforts of others who have worked on related area
 To suggest the data necessary for solving the management issue and how the data
will be gathered, analysed and interpreted
Content of Research Proposal
 Executive Summary – Abstract/Summary of the Proposal

 Statement of the Research Problem – Clear definition of the Specific problem

 Research objectives – in the order of importance/from general to specific

 Literature Review – examines all the related data

 Significance of the Study – Explicit benefits that will accrue from the study

 Research Design – Technical aspects of the study

 Data Analysis – tools and methods used for analysisng the data
Content of Research Proposal
 Qualification of the Researcher – Professional research competence and

 Budget – Should be in the format the sponsor requests

 Schedule – Include major phases of the project, their timetables etc.

 Facilities and Special resources required

 Project management – A Master Plan to show the sponsor that the research
team is organised in such a way to do the project efficiently

 Bibliography

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