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Upon completion, you should be able to understand about
• Definition of automation and robotics.
• List the types of industrial automation and definition of fixed,
programmable and flexible automation.
• Explain history of robotics.
• Classify Robots.
• Mention the four common robot configurations.
• Explain three laws of robotics(Asimov).
• Explain Anatomy of Robot.
• Explain Robot motions.
• List the three degrees of freedom associated with arm and body
• Explain the several types of joints used in robots with necessary
• Mention about joint notion scheme.
• Mention the physical characteristics of robot to determine the
work volume.
• List various Robot specifications.
• List the various applications of robots.
Automation and Robotics
• Automation :- Automation is a technology that is concerned with the
use of mechanical, electronic and computer based system in the
operation and control of production. Examples of this technology
include transfer lines, mechanized assembly machines, feedback
control systems, numerically controlled machine tools and robots.
• Robotics:- An industrial robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional
manipulator designed to move materials ,parts, tools or special devices
through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety
of tasks.
List the types of industrial automation and definition of fixed,
programmable and flexible automation
There are three broad classes of industrial automation:-
1. Fixed Automation
2. Programmable Automation
3. Flexible Automation
Fixed Automation:- Fixed automation is used when the volume of production is very high
and it is therefore appropriate to design specialized equipment to process the products
very efficiently and at high production rates. A good example of fixed automation can be
found in the automobile industry, where highly integrated transfer lines consisting of
several dozen work stations are used to perform machining operations on engine and
transmission components. The risk encountered with fixed automation is that since the
initial investment cost high, if the volume of production turns out to be lower than
aniticipated, then the unit costs become greater than anticipated.
Relationship between fixed automation, programmed automation and
flexible automation as a function of production volume and production
• Programmable Automation:- Programmable Automaton s used when the
volume of production s relatively low and there are a variety of products to
be made. In this case, the production equipment is designed to be adaptable
to variations in product configuration. This adaptability feature is
accomplished by operating the equipment under the control of a program
instructions which has been prepared especially for the given products.
• Flexible Automation:- There is a third category between fixed automation
and programmable automation which is called “flexible automation” other
terms used for flexible automation include “flexible manufacturing systems”
and “computer integrated manufacturing systems”. The concept of flexible
automation has only developed into practice within the past 15 or 20 years.
Experience thus for with this type of automation suggests that it is most
suitable for the mid volume production range as shown in diagram.
As indicated by its position relative to the other two types flexible systems
posses some of the features of both fixed automation and programmable
automation. It must be programmed for different product configuration ,but
the varieties of configuration is usually more limited than for programmable
automation, which allows a certain amount of integration to occur in the
History of robotics
Date Development
Mid 1700’s Built several human sized mechanical dolls that played music.
1801 Invented a programmable machine for weaving threads or yarn into cloth.
1805 Invented a mechanical doll capable of drawing pictures.
1946 Developed a controller device that could record electrical signals magnetically and play them back to
operate a mechanical machine .
1951 Development work on tele operators for handling radio active materials.
1952 Pan programming language called APT(automatically programmed tooling) subsequently developed.

1954 Developed design for “Programmed article transfer”.

1959 First commercial robot introduced by planet corporation it was controlled by limit switches and cams.

1960 First “unimate” robot introduced, based on programmed ankle transfer. It used numerical controlled
principles for manipulator control and was a hydraulic drive robot.
1961 Unimate robot installed.
1966 Built and installed a spray painting robot.
1968 A mobile robot was developed. It was developed with variety of sensors, including a vision camera and touch
sensors and can move on the floor

1971 A small electrically powered robot arm is developed .

1973 First computer type robot programmed language developed for research WAVE.
1974 Introduced to all electric drive robot.
1974 Installed arc wedding operation for motorcycle frames.
1974 Introduced the t3 robot with computer control
1975 Robot used in assembly operation-one of the very first assembly applications of robotics.
1976 A device for part insertion in assembly is developed.
1978 Programmable universal for assembly robot is introduced.
1978 T3 robot adapted and programmed to perform drilling and routing operations on aircraft components.

1979 Several commercial SCARA robots introduced.

1980 The system is capable of picking parts in random orientations and positions out of a bin.
1981 A direct drive robot was developed . It used electric motors located at the manipulator joints without the usual
mechanical transmission used on most robots.
1982 Introduces the robot for assembly based on several years of in house development. It is a box frame robot,
using an arm consisting of three orthogonal slides.

1983 A pilot projects for a flexible automated assembly line using wools.

1984 Several offline programming systems demonstrated at the robots.

1990’s Robot development diversified into walking robots at MIT, Honda etc….Rehabilitation robots for health care,
as well as robots for defense and space applications.

2000’s Micro and Nano robots using smart materials , unnamed Ariel vehicles and underwater robotics.
Classification of Robots
Robots can be classified into 2 broad categories.
• Based on Application :
1. Industrial robots
2. Tele robots
3. Explorer robots
4. Laboratory robots
5. Educational robots
6. Medical robots
• Based on Configuration:-
1. Polar configuration
2. Cylindrical configuration
3. Cartesian coordinate configuration
4. Jointed Arm configuration
Four Robot Configurations
• Polar configuration
The polar configuration uses a telescoping arm that can be raised or
lowered about a horizontal pivot is mounted on a rotating base. These
various joints provide the robot with the capability to move its arm with
in a spherical space, and hence the name “Spherical coordinate”robot is
sometimes applied to this type .
• Cylindrical configuration
The cylindrical configuration uses a vertical column and a slide that can
be moved up or down along the column. The robot arm is attached to the
slide so that it can be moved radically with respect to the column. By rotating
the column the robot is capable of achieving a work space that approximates
a cylinder.
• Cartesian coordinate configuration
The cartesian coordinate robot uses three perpendicular slides to construct
the x y and z axis. Other names are sometimes applied to this configuration
including x y z robot and rectilinear robot. By moving the three slides relative
to one another, the robot is capable of operating with a rectangular work
• Joint Arm configuration
The joint arm robot is made up of rotating joints this robots configuration is
also sometimes is called anthropomorphic as its anatomy is similar to human

Three Laws of Robotics

1. A robot may not injure a human being or through in action, allow a human to
be harmed.
2. A robot must obey orders given by humans except when that conflicts with
the first law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence unless that conflicts with the first law
or second law.
Anatomy of Robot
Robot anatomy Is concerned with the physical construction of the body, arm
and wrist of the machine, most robots used in plants today are mounted on a
base which is fastened to the floor. The body is attached to the base and the
end of the arm is the wrist.
The wrist consists of a number of components that allow
it to be oriented in a variety of positions. Relative movements between the
various components of the body arm, wrist are provided by a series of joints.
These joints movements usually involve either
rotating or sliding motions, the body, arm, and wrist assembly is sometimes
called the manipulator attached to the robot’s wrist is a hand or a tool called
the “End Effector” .
Industrial robots are designed to perform productive work such as pick and
place, welding, assembling, etc. The work is accomplished by enabling the
robot to move its body, arm, and positions. Attached to the wrist is the end
effector which is used by the robot to perform a specific work task. The
individual joint motions associated with the performance of a task are
referred by the term degrees of freedom , and a typical industrial robot is
equipped with four to six degrees of freedom. The opening and closing of
gripper is not considered as a degree of freedom. The robot motions are
accomplished by means of powered joints. Three joint are normally
associated with the action of the arm and body, two or three joints are
generally use to actuate the wrist.
Degrees of freedom associated with arm and body motions
The three degrees of freedom associated with the arm and body
motions are:
1. Vertical Transverse:-This involves the capability to move the
wrist up or down to provide the desired vertical attitude.
2. Radial Transverse:-This involves the extension or retraction
( in or out movement) of the arm from the vertical center of
the robot.
3. Rotational Transverse:- This is the rotation of the arm about
the vertical axis.
Several types of joints used in robots with diagrams

The joints used in the design of industrial robots typically involve a relative
motion of the adjoining links that is either linear or rotational. Linear joints
involve a sliding or translational motion of connecting links. The motion can
be achieved in a number of ways. There are at least three types of rotating or
revolute joints that can be distinguished in robot manipulators. The three
types [rotational, revolving, Twisting] and in each case the difference is that
rotation takes place about an axis perpendicular to the axis or parallel to the
axis between the two adjacent links. Sometimes the revolute joint is further
classified as pure rotational[R], Twisting[T], and revolving[R]. The Revolute
joint is mostly referred to as a type R joint ( R stands for revolute). Both the
prismatic joint and the revolute joint have one degree freedom each.
Combining a revolute joint prismatic joint we can get a cylindrical joint, that
has two degree of freedom [cylindrical figure], An another type of joint is not
very common in robots but very common in biological systems is the ball and
socket joint as shown in spherical joint. The joint has the largest range of
motion and has three degree of freedom.
Joint notion scheme

The joint notation scheme permits the designation

of more or less than the three joints typical of the
basic configurations indicated in the table . It can
also be used to explore other possibilities for
configuring robots, beyond the four basic types.
Robot configuration ( arm and body) Symbol

Polar configuration TRL

Cylindrical configuration TLL, LTL, LVL

Cartesian coordinate robot LLL

Jointed arm configuration TRR, VVR

Robot configuration (wrist) Symbol

Two-axis wrist (Typical) :RT

Three-axis wrist (Typical) :TRT

Physical characteristics of robot to determine the
work volume
Work volume is the term refers to the space within which the robot can
manipulate its wrist end. The convention of using the wrist end to define the
robot’s work volume is adopted to avoid the complication of different sizes of
end effectors that might be attached to the robot’s wrist. The end effector is
an addition to the basic robot and should not be counted as part of the robot’s
working space.
The work volume is determined by the following physical characteristics of the
 The robot’s physical configuration (type of joints, structure of links).
 The sizes of the body, arm, and wrist components.
 The limits of the robot’s joint movements.
The influence of the physical configuration on the shape of the work volume is
shown in the figures. A polar robot has a work volume that is a partial sphere, a
cylindrical robot has a cylindrical work volume. A cartesian robot has a work
volume that is made of a rectangular shaped space. An anthromorpic robot has
a work volume made up of two or more spheres on the inside and one sphere
on the outside.
Various Robot Specifications
• Every industrial robot is defined by certain measurements, payload, and design features. RobotWorx lists robot
specifications to help customers determine which model is right for their application and facility.
• Axis Movement Specifications:  
• Axes - The individual segments of each robot manipulator are connected with mechanical joints - each
serves as an axis of movement. The most common industrial robots have six axes of movement. The
number and placement of axes determines the flexibility of each model. 
• Robot Motion Range - Much like the joints between bones, robot axes have limits to each movement.
Every axis has a specific scope of motion. On a typical specifications sheet, the degree of movement
shows up as positive or negative degree of movement from the center base position of each axis. 
• Robot Motion Speed - Each axis moves at a different speed. They are listed as degrees traveled per
second. Focus on this criterion when you need to match certain speed specifications for your
• Repeatability - Industrial robots are known for their accuracy. But this ability to return to an exact
location again and again,known as a robot's repeatability, can vary with each model. More precision-
driven applications will require tighter repeatability figures. Repeatability is listed as a millimeter of
alteration plus or minus from the point.
• Robot Specifications for Weight:
• Payload - The weight capacity of each robot manipulator is its payload. This is a critical specification
and includes the tooling weight as well. You can rule out a number of robots with this robot
specification category alone. 
• Robot Mass - Every robot has a specific weight or mass. This number only indicates how much the
robot manipulator weighs. It does not include the weight of the robot's controller. This specification
may not be quite as important unless you are trying to install your robot on a table or shelf.
• Specifications and Work Envelope:
• Vertical Reach - How high can the robot go? A robot's vertical reach specification refers to the height
of the robot when it extends upwards from the base. Use this to determine whether or not a model
is tall enough for your application and location.  
• Horizontal Reach - How far can a robot reach? The horizontal reach measures the distance of the
fully extended arm - from the base to the wrist. Some applications will require a wider work
envelope with a big reach, others are satisfied with a contained, short horizontal reach. 
• Structure - Robots are engineered with different structures. The most common by far is the vertical
articulated type, sometimes called a vertical jointed-arm robot. Other structure types include SCARA,
Cartesian, and parallel kinematic robots.
Applications of Robots
Robots are employed in a wide assortment of applications in industry. Simple toy
robot that can perform simple reprogrammable functions are already common
For the present, most industrial applications of robots can be divided into the
following categories:
1. Material-handling and machine-loading and unloading applications-
In these applications, the robot’s function is to move materials or parts from one
location in the work call to some other location.
2. Processing applications- This category includes spot welding, arc welding,
spray painting, and other operations in which the function of the robot is to
manipulate a tool to accomplish some manufacturing process in the work cell.
3. Assembly and inspection- These are two separate operations which we
include together in this category. Robotic assembly is a field in which the
industry is showing great interest because of its economic potential.
4. Advanced applications- Rehabilitation, outer space, defense, pets, security

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