BRICS Summit's: 1 BRIC Summit 2 Bric Summit 3 Brics Summit 4 Brics Summit 5 Brics Summit 6 Brics Summit
BRICS Summit's: 1 BRIC Summit 2 Bric Summit 3 Brics Summit 4 Brics Summit 5 Brics Summit 6 Brics Summit
BRICS Summit's: 1 BRIC Summit 2 Bric Summit 3 Brics Summit 4 Brics Summit 5 Brics Summit 6 Brics Summit
1st BRIC summit 2nd BRIC 3rd BRICS 4th BRICS 5th BRICS 6th BRICS
summit summit summit summit summit
Precede 2nd BRIC summit 3rd BRICS 4th BRICS 5th BRICS 6th BRICS 7th BRICS
summit summit summit summit summit
Start Date 16 June 2009 16 April 2010 14 April 2011 28 March 26 March 15 July 2014
2012 2013
Start Date 9 July 2015 16 October 3 September 25 July 2018 13 21 July 2020
2016 2017 November
Host Country Russia India China South Africa Brazil Russia
• By 2030, it will exceed that of the USA and European countries combined reaching
37% of the global economy.
• The BRICS countries represent 19% of global exports, 16% of global imports, 19% of
incoming and almost the same amount of outgoing direct investment.
• The relative success in developing & coordinating new standards of finance regulation
is linked to BRICS.
Gross Domestic Product of the BRIC countries
from 2009 to 2021