Importance of Psychology in Field of Literature
Importance of Psychology in Field of Literature
Importance of Psychology in Field of Literature
field of literature
Psychology And Literature
The poet the “possessed”, he is unlike other men, at once less and more;and the
unconscious out of which he speaks he is felt to be at once sub- rational and
According to Freud, author is originally a man who turns from reality because he
cannot come to terms with the demands for the renunciation of instinctual
satisfaction as it is first made,and who then in fantasy-life allows full play to this
erotica and ambitious wishes.
The poet or author is a day dreamer who is socially validated. Instead of altering
his characters, he perpetuates and publishes his fantasies.
Psychology of Creative processes
The creative processes should cover the entire sequence from the sub conscious
origins of a literary work to those last revisions which, with some writers are the
most genuinely creative part of the whole.
The author is a maker of poems; but the matter of his poems is the whole of his
percipient life. With the artist, in any medium, every impression is shaped by his
art; he accumulates no inchoate experience.
Psychology of Readers
For Freud, the unresolved conflicts that give rise to any neurosis is
the stuff of literature.
A work of literature, he believes is the external expression of the
author’s unconscious mind.
The literary work can be treated like a dream, applying
psycholoanalytic techniques to the text to uncover the author’s
hidden motivations and repressed desires.
This is a very useful tool for understanding literary works in which the characters
have obvious psychological issues.
Having insight into a writers psychological state can give readers a greater
understanding of their work.
Psychological literary criticism is easily applied to works that are highly
The author’s own childhood traumas, family life, sexual conflicts, fixations, and
such will be traceable within the behavior of the characters in the literary work.
All such characters are projections of the author’s psyche.