Discussion Semiconductor
Discussion Semiconductor
Discussion Semiconductor
• 1. Compare energy gap between conductor, semiconductor and insulator.
Semiconductor material is a material that is semi-conductor because the energy gap formed by the structure of this material is smaller than the energy gap of the
insulating material but Insulator have a large energy gap between the conduction and valance band.
The electrical conductivity properties of semiconductors can be changed by adding a number of atoms of almost the same size, but with different valence electrons. This
change is called doping. When the temperature increase, in conductor, it causes metal ions to vibrate more, had interfere the transport of free electeons, therefore
through this resistance the conductivity decreases. Electrical conductivity of semiconductor will increase when temperature increase, as electrons are excited from the
valence band to the conduction band after being energized.
Compound semiconductors are semiconductors that are made from two or more elements.
Intrinsic semiconductors are pure semiconductors that are not doping or mixed with other atoms at extremely low temperatures, intrinsic semiconductors act as
insulators in high temperatures, intrinsic semiconductors act as conductors while In the extrinsic semi conductor, conduction can be performed after the addition of
foreign materials or foreign matter. Addition of the material to the pure semi-conductor will increase conductivity of the semiconductor
Ordinary semiconductors are made of materials that do not conduct (or carry) an electric current very well but are not highly resistant to doing so. A p-type
semiconductor has more holes than electrons. This allows the current to flow along the material from hole to hole but only in one direction.
• 6. Give examples of impurities for p-type semiconductor.
Yes because n-type semiconductors carry current mainly in the form of negatively-charged electrons. n-type dopants act as electron
donors. An extrinsic semiconductor which has been doped with electron donor atoms is called an n-type semiconductor
The electrical conductivity properties of semiconductors can be changed by adding a number of atoms of almost the same size, but with
different valence electrons. This change is called doping.
With low current, light produced are more than filament bulbs, Not easily damaged, while neon lights or filament lamps are fragile and
easily damaged. installation of lamps is longer because there are no filaments and addition of gas such as CO2 or pressure setting is not
needed. and the light produced is more focused in one direction so it is profitable.