BS PPT 1 Prof - Dr.krishna Kumar V Rao EPGDM AU Feb, To May 2020
BS PPT 1 Prof - Dr.krishna Kumar V Rao EPGDM AU Feb, To May 2020
BS PPT 1 Prof - Dr.krishna Kumar V Rao EPGDM AU Feb, To May 2020
EPGDM Program
Term III
Feb. to May 2020
Business Strategy
Module 1
Prof.Dr.Krishna Kumar V Rao
What is so special about these companies?
List No.1
In Computer Industry:
Apple and Digital Equipment Corp(DEC), which were
regarded as most successful, faced difficult time in 90s
whereas Compaq and Dell flourished. DEC does not even
exist now. Later Compaq was bought over by HP. Apple is on
Top once again.
Success and Failure of organisation
Strategic maneuvering
among global and
innovative companies
of economy
21st Century Competitive Landscape
Africa, Russia
Globalization increased economic interdependence among countries a
Recent Trends:
other Countries
Increasing tendency for inward looking- protectionism- by
• Price-Quality positioning
• Competition to create new know-how and establish first-mover
• Competition to protect or invade established product or geographic
• Assumptions of market stability replaced with notion of Instability
and change
Present Century Competitive Landscape
Disruptive technologies
Technologies that
Industrial Revolution.
Mass Production
Complicated Processes
Analog to Digital
Seamless integration of technologies, domains and
Global & Regional Trade Pacts
Almost free movement of factors of production across the globe
May be the 4th - emerging major discontinuity -
in the history of global business environment
Artificial Intelligence
Virtual Reality
Mobile Inter-connectivity – seamless inter-operability among
multiple gadgets – at home as well as outside in the ‘space’ –
Data is the game changer
And may be “outer space” as well
What subjects you had learnt so far -
in Trimesters I & II ?
What is it?
Is mainly Proactive
Until the 1940s, strategy was seen as primarily a matter for the
military - devising offensive and counter-offensive moves for
the purpose of defeating an enemy
Strategy Formulation
Strategy Implementation
Strategy Evaluation
Strategy Formulation Issues
The 90’s:
The focus was process centered
death experience” .
With plummeting revenues and profits, a reorganisation